(b) Flight rules must indicate IFR (I) or VFR (V). (c) For composite flight plans, submit separate flight plans for the IFR and VFR portions of the flight. Specify in Item 15 the point or points where change of flight rules is planned. The IFR plan will be routed to ATC, and the VFR plan will be routed to a Flight Service for Search and Rescue services. NOTE- The pilot is responsible for opening and closing the VFR flight plan. ATC does not have knowledge of a VFR flight plan"s status. 3. Type of Flight (Item 8b) (a) The type of flight is optional for flights remaining wholly within U.S. domestic airspace. (b) Indicate the type of flight as follows: G - General Aviation S - Scheduled Air Service N - Non-Scheduled Air Transport Operation M - Military X - other than any of the defined categories above 4. Equipment and Capabilities (Item 10, Item 18 NAV/, COM/, DAT/, SUR/) (a) Equipment and capabilities that can be filed in a flight plan include: Navigation capabilities in Item 10a, Item 18 PBN/, and Item 18 NAV/ Voice communication capabilities in Item 10nd Item 18 COM/ Data communication capabilities in Item 10nd Item 18 DAT/ Approach capabilities in Item 10nd Item 18 NAV/ Surveillance capabilities in Item 10b and Item 18 SUR/ (b) Codes allowed in Item 10re shown in Table 4-2. Codes allowed in Item 10b are shown in TBL 4-3. Codes recognized in Item 18 NAV/, COM/, DAT/, and SUR/ are shown in TBL 4-4. Note that other service providers may define additional allowable (and required) codes for use in Item 18 NAV/, COM/, DAT/, or SUR/. Codes to designate PBN capability are described in TBL 4-5. Radio communication, navigation and approach aid equipment and capabilities ENTER one letter as follows: if no COM/NAV/approach aid equipment for the route to be flown is carried, or the equipment is unserviceable, if standard COM/NAV/approach aid equipment for the route to be flown is carried and serviceable (see Note 1), OR AND/OR ENTER one or more of the following letters from TBL 4-2 to indicate the serviceable COM/NAV/ approach aid equipment and capabilities available. FAA Form 7233-4 - International Flight Plan Appendix 4-3