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but are not limited to: toxic gas leaks or spills, flammable agents, or fumes which if fanned by rotor or propeller 

wash could endanger persons or property on the surface, or if entered by an aircraft could endanger persons or 

property in the air; imminent volcano eruptions which could endanger airborne aircraft and occupants; nuclear 

accident or incident; and hijackings. Situations which warrant the restrictions associated with 14 CFR 

Section 91.137(a)(2) include: forest fires which are being fought by releasing fire retardants from aircraft; and 

aircraft relief activities following a disaster (earthquake, tidal wave, flood, etc.). 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(3) 

restrictions are established for events and incidents that would attract an unsafe congestion of sightseeing aircraft. 


The amount of airspace needed to protect persons and property or provide a safe environment for 

rescue/relief aircraft operations is normally limited to within 2,000 feet above the surface and within a 



mile radius. Incidents occurring within Class B, Class C, or Class D airspace will normally be 

handled through existing procedures and should not require the issuance of a temporary flight restrictions 

NOTAM. Temporary flight restrictions affecting airspace outside of the U.S. and its territories and possessions 

are issued with verbiage excluding that airspace outside of the 12

mile coastal limits. 


The FSS nearest the incident site is normally the “coordination facility.” When FAA communications 

assistance is required, the designated FSS will function as the primary communications facility for coordination 

between emergency control authorities and affected aircraft. The ARTCC may act as liaison for the emergency 

control authorities if adequate communications cannot be established between the designated FSS and the relief 

organization. For example, the coordination facility may relay authorizations from the on-scene emergency 

response official in cases where news media aircraft operations are approved at the altitudes used by relief 



ATC may authorize operations in a temporary flight restrictions area under its own authority only when 

flight restrictions are established under 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(2) and (a)(3). The appropriate ARTCC/airport 

traffic control tower manager will, however, ensure that such authorized flights do not hamper activities or 

interfere with the event for which restrictions were implemented. However, ATC will not authorize local IFR 

flights into the temporary flight restrictions area. 


To preclude misunderstanding, the implementing NOTAM will contain specific and formatted information. 

The facility establishing a temporary flight restrictions area will format a NOTAM beginning with the phrase 

“FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS” followed by: the location of the temporary flight restrictions area; the effective 

period; the area defined in statute miles; the altitudes affected; the FAA coordination facility and commercial 

telephone number; the reason for the temporary flight restrictions; the agency directing any relief activities and 

its commercial telephone number; and other information considered appropriate by the issuing authority. 




14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(1): 

The following NOTAM prohibits all aircraft operations except those specified in the NOTAM. 
Flight restrictions Matthews, Virginia, effective immediately until 9610211200. Pursuant to 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(1) 
temporary flight restrictions are in effect. Rescue operations in progress. Only relief aircraft operations under the direction 
of the Department of Defense are authorized in the airspace at and below 5,000 feet MSL within a 2


mile radius 

of Laser AFB, Matthews, Virginia. Commander, Laser AFB, in charge (897) 946

5543 (122.4). Steenson FSS 

(792) 555

6141 (123.1) is the FAA coordination facility. 


14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(2): 

The following NOTAM permits flight operations in accordance with 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(2). The on-site emergency 
response official to authorize media aircraft operations below the altitudes used by the relief aircraft. Flight restrictions 25 
miles east of Bransome, Idaho, effective immediately until 9601202359 UTC. Pursuant to 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(2) 
temporary flight restrictions are in effect within a 4


mile radius of the intersection of county roads 564 and 315 

at and below 3,500 feet MSL to provide a safe environment for fire fighting aircraft operations. Davis County sheriff’s 
department (792) 555

8122 (122.9) is in charge of on-scene emergency response activities. Glivings FSS (792) 555


(122.2) is the FAA coordination facility. 


14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(3): 

The following NOTAM prohibits sightseeing aircraft operations. 
Flight restrictions Brown, Tennessee, due to olympic activity. Effective 9606181100 UTC until 9607190200 UTC





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