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Operate radar beacon transponder/ADS

B on Code 1200 in the Mode A/3, or other 

appropriate VFR code, with altitude reporting enabled. 



21.  Airport Reservation Operations and Special Traffic Management Programs 

This section describes procedures for obtaining required airport reservations at airports designated by the FAA 

and for airports operating under Special Traffic Management Programs. 

a.  Slot Controlled Airports. 


The FAA may adopt rules to require advance reservations for unscheduled operations at certain airports. 

In addition to the information in the rules adopted by the FAA, a listing of the airports and relevant information 

will be maintained on the FAA website


The FAA has established an Airport Reservation Office (ARO) to receive and process reservations for 

unscheduled flights at the slot controlled airports. The ARO uses the Enhanced Computer Voice Reservation 

System (e

CVRS) to allocate reservations. Reservations will be available beginning 72 hours in advance of the 

operation at the slot controlled airport. Standby lists are not maintained. Flights with declared emergencies do 

not require reservations. Refer to the website for the current listing of slot controlled airports, limitations, and 

reservation procedures. 


For more detailed information on operations and reservation procedures at a Slot Controlled Airport, 

please see 14 CFR Part 93, Subpart K – High Density Traffic Airports. 

b.  Special Traffic Management Programs (STMP). 


Special programs may be established when a location requires special traffic handling to accommodate 

above normal traffic demand (for example, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, SUN ’n FUN Aerospace Expo) or reduced 

airport capacity (for example, airport runway/taxiway closures for airport construction). The special programs 

may remain in effect until the problem has been resolved or until local traffic management procedures can handle 

the volume and a need for special handling no longer exists. 


If an STMP is used to accommodate a special event, a domestic notice will be issued relaying the website 

address: Domestic notice information includes: what airports are included in the STMP, 

the dates and times reservations are required, the time limits for reservation requests, the point of contact for 

reservations, and any other instructions. 

c.  Making Reservations. 

Detailed information and User Instruction Guides for using the Web reservation 

systems are available on the websites for the slot controlled airports (e

CVRS),; and 

STMPs (e




Users may contact the ARO at (540) 422

4246 if they have a problem with their reservation. 



22.  Requests for Waivers and Authorizations from Title 14, Code of Federal 

Regulations (14 CFR) 


Requests for a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (FAA Form 7711

2), or requests for renewal of a 

waiver or authorization, may be accepted by any FAA facility and will be forwarded, if necessary, to the 

appropriate office having waiver authority. 


The grant of a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization from 14 CFR constitutes relief from specific 

regulations, to the degree and for the period of time specified in the certificate, and does not waive any state law 

or local ordinance. Should the proposed operations conflict with any state law or local ordinance, or require 

permission of local authorities or property owners, it is the applicant’s responsibility to resolve the matter. The 

holder of a waiver is responsible for compliance with the terms of the waiver and its provisions. 


A waiver may be canceled at any time by the Administrator, the person authorized to grant the waiver, or 

the representative designated to monitor a specific operation. In such case either written notice of cancellation, 

or written confirmation of a verbal cancellation will be provided to the holder. 

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