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landing. The advantages of this procedure as a training aid are that it enables an instructor or examiner to obtain 

the reaction of a trainee or examinee under changing conditions, the pilot would not have to discontinue an 

approach in the middle of the procedure due to student error or pilot proficiency requirements, and finally it 

allows more flexibility and economy in training programs. This procedure will only be used at those locations 

with an operational control tower and will be subject to ATC approval. 



24.  Use of Aircraft Lights 


Aircraft position lights are required to be lighted on aircraft operated on the surface and in flight from sunset 

to sunrise. In addition, aircraft equipped with an anti

collision light system are required to operate that light 

system during all types of operations (day and night). However, during any adverse meteorological conditions, 

the pilot


command may determine that the anti

collision lights should be turned off when their light output 

would constitute a hazard to safety (14 CFR Section 91.209). Supplementary strobe lights should be turned off 

on the ground when they adversely affect ground personnel or other pilots, and in flight when there are adverse 

reflection from clouds. 


An aircraft anti

collision light system can use one or more rotating beacons and/or strobe lights, be colored 

either red or white, and have different (higher than minimum) intensities when compared to other aircraft. Many 

aircraft have both a rotating beacon and a strobe light system. 


The FAA has a voluntary pilot safety program, Operation Lights On, to enhance the 





Pilots are encouraged to turn on their landing lights during takeoff; i.e., either after takeoff clearance has been 

received or when beginning takeoff roll. Pilots are further encouraged to turn on their landing lights when 

operating below 10,000 feet, day or night, especially when operating within 10 miles of any airport, or in 

conditions of reduced visibility and in areas where flocks of birds may be expected, i.e., coastal areas, lake areas, 

around refuse dumps, etc. Although turning on aircraft lights does enhance the 




 concept, pilots 

should not become complacent about keeping a sharp lookout for other aircraft. Not all aircraft are equipped with 

lights and some pilots may not have their lights turned on. Aircraft manufacturer’s recommendations for 

operation of landing lights and electrical systems should be observed. 


Prop and jet blast forces generated by large aircraft have overturned or damaged several smaller aircraft 

taxiing behind them. To avoid similar results, and in the interest of preventing upsets and injuries to ground 

personnel from such forces, the FAA recommends that air carriers and commercial operators turn on their 

rotating beacons anytime their aircraft engines are in operation. General aviation pilots using rotating beacon 

equipped aircraft are also encouraged to participate in this program which is designed to alert others to the 

potential hazard. Since this is a voluntary program, exercise caution and do not rely solely on the rotating beacon 

as an indication that aircraft engines are in operation. 


Prior to commencing taxi, it is recommended to turn on navigation, position, anti-collision, and logo lights 

(if equipped). To signal intent to other pilots, consider turning on the taxi light when the aircraft is moving or 

intending to move on the ground, and turning it off when stopped or yielding to other ground traffic. Strobe lights 

should not be illuminated during taxi if they will adversely affect the vision of other pilots or ground personnel. 


At the discretion of the pilot-in-command, all exterior lights should be illuminated when taxiing on or across 

any runway. This increases the conspicuousness of the aircraft to controllers and other pilots approaching to land, 

taxiing, or crossing the runway. Pilots should comply with any equipment operating limitations and consider the 

effects of landing and strobe lights on other aircraft in their vicinity. 


When entering the departure runway for takeoff or to “line up and wait,” all lights, except for landing lights, 

should be illuminated to make the aircraft conspicuous to ATC and other aircraft on approach. Landing lights 

should be turned on when takeoff clearance is received or when commencing takeoff roll at an airport without 

an operating control tower. 



25.  Flight Inspection/‘Flight Check’ Aircraft in Terminal Areas 


Flight check

 is a call sign used to alert pilots and air traffic controllers when a FAA aircraft is engaged in 

flight inspection/certification of NAVAIDs and flight procedures. Flight check aircraft fly preplanned high/low 

Airport Operations