background image RCLL . Runway Centerline Light REDL . Runway Edge Light RLLS . Runway Lead - in Light System RMK . Remark RTS Return to Service RTZL . Runway Touchdown Zone Light(s) RVR Runway Visual Range RWY . Runway RX . Receive/Receiver S . South or southern latitude SA . Sand SAT Saturday SB Southbound SE Southeast SEC Seconds SFC Surface SN . Snow SR Sunrise SS Sunset SSR Secondary surveillance radar SSW South - southwest STD Standard SUN Sunday SW . Southwest SWB Southwest bound TAR Terminal area surveillance radar TAX Taxing or taxiing TDZ Touchdown Zone TEMPO . Temporary or temporarily TFC Traffic THR Threshold THU Thursday TKOF . Takeoff TODA . Take - off Distance Available TORA . Take - off Run Available TRG Training TUE Tuesday TWR Aerodrome Control Tower TWY . Taxiway TX . Taxilane U/S . Unserviceable UAS Unmanned Aircraft System UNL Unlimited UNREL . Unreliable VIS . Visibility VOR VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range VORTAC VOR and TACAN (collocated) VOT VOR Test Facility W West or western longitude WB . Westbound WDI Wind Direction Indicator WED . Wednesday WI . Within WID Width or wide WIP Work in progress WNW . West - northwest WS . Wind shear WSW . West - southwest - - 4. Operational Information System (OIS) a. The FAA's Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) maintains a website with near real - time National Airspace System (NAS) status information. NAS operators are encouraged to access the website at [1] prior to filing their flight plan. b. The website consolidates information from advisories. An advisory is a message that is disseminated electronically by the ATCSCC that contains information pertinent to the NAS. Advisories are normally issued for the following items: (a) Ground Stops. (b) Ground Delay Programs. (c) Route Information. (d) Plan of Operations. (e) Facility Outages and Scheduled Facility Outages. (f) Volcanic Ash Activity Bulletins. (g) Special Traffic Management Programs. This list is not all - inclusive. Any time there is information that may be beneficial to a large number of people, an advisory may be sent. Additionally, there may be times when an advisory is not sent due to workload or the short length of time of the activity. Preflight - - References 1.