background image re-issued the "climb via" clearance the interim altitude is canceled aircraft will continue climb to FL230 while complying with published restrictions. (An aircraft was issued the Bbear Two departure, "climb via SID" in the IFR departure clearance. An interim altitude of 16,000 was issued instead of the published top altitude of FL 190). After departure, ATC is able to issue a top altitude of FL300 and still requires compliance with the published SID restrictions. The clearance will be: "Climb via SID except maintain flight level three zero zero." NOTE - In Example 7, the aircraft will track laterally and vertically on the Bbear Two departure and initially climb to 16,000; Once re-issued the "climb via" clearance the interim altitude is canceled and the aircraft will continue climb to FL300 while complying with published restrictions. (An aircraft was issued the Bizee Two departure, "climb via SID." After departure, ATC vectors the aircraft off of the SID, and then issues a direct routing to rejoin the SID at Rockr waypoint which does not have a published altitude restriction. ATC wants the aircraft to cross at or above 10,000). The clearance will read: "Proceed direct Rockr, cross Rockr at or above one-zero thousand, climb via the Bizee Two departure." NOTE - In Example 8, the aircraft will join the Bizee Two SID at Rockr at or above 10,000 and then comply with the published lateral path and any published speed or altitude restrictions while climbing to the SID top altitude. (An aircraft was issued the Suzan Two departure, "climb via SID" in the IFR departure clearance. After departure ATC vectors the aircraft off of the SID, and then clears the aircraft to rejoin the SID at Dvine waypoint, which has a published crossing restriction). The clearance will read: "Proceed direct Dvine, Climb via the Suzan Two departure." NOTE - In Example 9, the aircraft will join the Suzan Two departure at Dvine, at the published altitude, and then comply with the published lateral path and any published speed or altitude restrictions. Pilots cleared for vertical navigation using the phraseology "climb via" must inform ATC, upon initial contact, of the altitude leaving and any assigned restrictions not published on the procedure. EXAMPLE - (Cactus 711 is cleared to climb via the Laura Two departure. The Laura Two has a top altitude of FL190): "Cactus Seven Eleven leaving two thousand, climbing via the Laura Two departure." (Cactus 711 is cleared to climb via the Laura Two departure, but ATC changed the top altitude to16,000): "Cactus Seven Eleven leaving two thousand for one-six thousand, climbing via the Laura Two departure." If prior to or after takeoff an altitude restriction is issued by ATC, all previously issued "ATC" altitude restrictions are canceled including those published on a SID. Pilots must still comply with all speed restrictions and lateral path requirements published on the SID unless canceled by ATC. EXAMPLE - Prior to takeoff or after departure ATC issues an altitude change clearance to an aircraft cleared to climb vi SID but ATC no longer requires compliance with published altitude restrictions: "Climb and maintain flight level two four zero." NOTE - The published SID altitude restrictions are canceled; The aircraft should comply with the SID lateral path and begin an unrestricted climb to FL240. Compliance with published speed restrictions is still required unless specifically deleted by ATC. Altitude restrictions published on an ODP are necessary for obstacle clearance and/or design constraints. Crossing altitudes and speed restrictions on ODPs cannot be canceled or amended by ATC. i. PBN Departure Procedures All public PBN SIDs and graphic ODPs are normally designed using RNAV 1, RNP 1, or A - RNP NavSpecs. These procedures generally start with an initial track or heading leg near the departure end of runway (DER). In addition, these procedures require system performance currently met by GPS or DME/DME/IRU PBN systems that satisfy the criteria discussed in the latest AC 90 - 100, U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation - - Departure Procedures