background image - - 16. Simultaneous Close Parallel PRM Approaches and Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approaches (SOIA) FIG 5 - - PRM Approaches Simultaneous Close Parallel a. System. PRM is an acronym for the high update rate Precision Runway Monitor surveillance system which is required to monitor the No Transgression Zone (NTZ) for specific parallel runway separations used to conduct simultaneous close parallel approaches. PRM is also published in the title as part of the approach name for IAPs used to conduct Simultaneous Close Parallel approaches. "PRM" alerts pilots that specific airborne equipment, training, and procedures are applicable. Because Simultaneous Close Parallel PRM approaches are independent, the NTZ and normal operating zone (NOZ) airspace between the final approach courses is monitored by two monitor controllers, one for each approach course. The NTZ monitoring system (final monitor aid) consists of a high resolution ATC radar display with automated tracking software which provides monitor controllers with aircraft identification, position, speed, and a ten - second projected position, as well as visual and aural NTZ penetration alerts. A PRM high update rate surveillance sensor is a component of this system only for specific runway spacing. Additional procedures for simultaneous independent approaches are described in par agraph [1]5 [2]- [3]4 [4]- [5]15, Simultaneous Independent ILS/RNAV/GLS Approaches. Simultaneous Close Parallel PRM approaches, whether conducted utilizing a high update rate PRM surveillance sensor or not, must meet all of the following requirements: pilot training,PRM in the approach title,NTZ monitoring utilizing a final monitor aid, radar display, publication of an AAUP, and use of a secondary PRM communications frequency. PRM approaches are depicted on a separate IAP titled (Procedure type) PRM Rwy XXX (Simultaneous Close Parallel or Close Parallel). Arrival Procedures - - References 1. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/442/aim-442.html#0 2. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/442/aim-442.html#0 3. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/442/aim-442.html#0 4. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/442/aim-442.html#0 5. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/442/aim-442.html#0