background image NOTE - ATC does not use the word "independent" when advertising these operations on the ATIS. EXAMPLE - Simultaneous ILS PRM Runway 33 left and ILS PRM Runway 33 right approaches in use. (a) The pilot may request to conduct a different type of PRM approach to the same runway other than the one that is presently being used; for example, RNAV instead of ILS. However, pilots must always obtain ATC approval to conduct a different type of approach. Also, in the event of the loss of ground - based NAVAIDS, the ATIS may advertise other types of PRM approaches to the affected runway or runways. (b) The Attention All Users Page (AAUP) will address procedures for conducting PRM approaches. b. Requirements and Procedures. Besides system requirements and pilot proc edures as identified in subparagraph a1 above, all pilots must have completed special training before accepting a clearance to conduct a PRM approach. Pilot Training Requirement. Pilots must complete special pilot training, as outlined below, before accepting a clearance for a simultaneous close parallel PRM approach. (a) For operations under 14 CFR Parts 121, 129, and 135, pilots must comply with FAA - approved company training as identified in their Operations Specifications. Training includes the requirement for pilots to view the FAA training slide presentation, "Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) Pilot Procedures." Refer to [1] or search key words "FAA PRM" for additional information and to view or download the slide presentation. (b) For operations under Part 91: (1) Pilots operating transport category aircraft must be familiar with PRM operations as contained in this section of the AIM. In addition, pilots operating transport category aircraft must view the slide presentation, "Precision Runway Monitor [2](PRM) Pilot Procedures." Refer to prm/ or search key words "FAA PRM" for additional information and to view or download the slide presentation. (2) Pilots not operating transport category aircraft must be familiar with PRM and SOIA operations as contained in this section of the AIM. The FAA strongly recommends that pilots not involved in transport category aircraft operations view the FAA training slide presentation, "Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) Pilot Procedures." [3]Refer to or search key words "FAA PRM" for additional information and to view or download the slide presentation. NOTE - Depending on weather conditions, traffic volume, and the specific combination of runways being utilized for arrival operations, a runway may be used for different types of simultaneous operations, including closely spaced dependent or independent approaches. Use PRM procedures only when the ATIS advertises their use. For other types of simultaneous approaches,[4] see paragraphs 5 [5]- [6]4 [7]- [8]14 and 5 [9]- [10]4 [11]- [12]15. c. ATC Directed Breakout. An ATC directed "breakout" is defined as a vector off the final approach course of a threatened aircraft in response to another aircraft penetrating the NTZ. d. Dual Communications. The aircraft flying the PRM approach must have the capability of enabling the pilot/s to listen to two communications frequencies simultaneously. To avoid blocked transmissions, each runway will have two frequencies, a primary and a PRM monitor frequency. The tower controller will transmit on both frequencies. The monitor controller's transmissions, if needed, will override both frequencies. Pilots will ONLY transmit on the tower controller's frequency, but will listen to both frequencies. Select the PRM monitor frequency audio only when instructed by ATC to contact the tower. The volume levels should be set about the same on both radios so that the pilots will be able to hear transmissions on the PRM frequency if the tower is blocked. Site - specific procedures take precedence over the general information presented in this paragraph. Refer to the AAUP for applicable procedures at specific airports. e. Radar Services. During turn on to parallel final approach, aircraft will be provided 3 miles radar separation or a minimum of 1,000 feet vertical separation. The assigned altitude must be mainta ined until intercepting the Arrival Procedures - - References 1. 2. 3. 4. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/443/aim-443.html#0 5. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/443/aim-443.html#0 6. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/443/aim-443.html#0 7. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/443/aim-443.html#0 8. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/443/aim-443.html#0 9. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/443/aim-443.html#0 10. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/443/aim-443.html#0 11. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/443/aim-443.html#0 12. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/443/aim-443.html#0