background image CAUTION - The phraseology "Climb via SID" requires compliance with all altitude and/or speed restrictions depicted on the procedure. (c) Instructs pilots to "resume published speed" when aircraft are cleared vi charted instrument flight procedure that contains published speed restrictions. (d) Advises aircraft to "delete speed restrictions" when ATC assigned or published speed restrictions on a charted procedure are no longer required. (e) Clears pilots for approach without restating previously issued speed adjustments. REFERENCE - Pilot/Controller Glossary Term - Resume Normal Speed. Pilot/Controller Glossary Term - Resume Published Speed. Gives due consideration to aircraft capabilities to reduce speed while descending. Does not assign speed adjustments to aircraft at or above FL 390 without pilot consent. - - 10. Traffic Advisories (Traffic Information) a. Pilot. Acknowledges receipt of traffic advisories. Informs controller if traffic in sight. Advises ATC if a vector to avoid traffic is desired. Does not expect to receive radar traffic advisories on all traffic. Some aircraft may not appear on the radar display. Be aware that the controller may be occupied with higher priority duties and unable to issue traffic information for a variety of reasons. Advises controller if service is not desired. b. Controller. Issues radar traffic to the maximum extent consistent with higher priority duties except in Class A airspace. Provides vectors to assist aircraft to avoid observed traffic when requested by the pilot. Issues traffic information to aircraft in the Class B, Class C, and Class D surface areas for sequencing purposes. Controllers are required to issue traffic advisories to each aircraft o perating on intersecting or nonintersecting converging runways where projected flight paths will cross. - - 11. Visual Approach a. Pilot. If a visual approach is not desired, advises ATC. Complies with controller's instructions for vectors toward the airport of intended landing or to a visual position behind a preceding aircraft. The pilot must, at all times, have either the airport or the preceding aircraft in sight. After being cleared for a visual approach, proceed to the airport in a normal manner or follow the preceding aircraft. Remain clear of clouds while conducting a visual approach. If the pilot accepts a visual approach clearance to visually follow a preceding aircraft, you are required to establish a safe landing interval behind the aircraft you were instructed to follow. You are responsible for wake turbulence separation. - - Pilot/Controller Roles and Responsibilities