background image EXAMPLE - "No clouds below one two thousand." "Clear below one two thousand." (c) A sensor for determining ceiling and sky cover is not included in some AWOS. In these systems, ceiling and sky cover are not announced. "SKY CONDITION MISSING" is announced only if the system is configured with a ceilometer and the ceiling and sky cover information is not available. 5. Remarks. If remarks are included in the observation, the word "REMARKS" is announced following the altimeter setting. (a) Automated "Remarks." (1) Density Altitude. (2) Variable Visibility. (3) Variable Wind Direction. (b) Manual Input Remarks. Manual input remarks are prefaced with the phras e "OBSERVER WEATHER." As a general rule the manual remarks are limited to: (1) Type and intensity of precipitation. (2) Thunderstorms and direction; and (3) Obstructions to vision when the visibility is 3 miles or less. EXAMPLE - "Remarks ... density altitude, two thousand five hundred ... visibility variable between one and two ... wind direction variable between two four zero and three one zero ...observed weather ... thunde rstorm moderate rain showers and fog ... thunderstorm overhead." (c) If an automated parameter is "missing" and no manual input for that parameter is available, the parameter is announced as "MISSING." For example, a report with the dew point "missing" and no manual input available, would be announced as follows: EXAMPLE - "Ceiling one thousand overcast ... visibility three ... precipitation ... temperature three zero, dew point missing ... wind calm ... altimeter three zero zero one." (d) "REMARKS" are announced in the following order of priority: (1) Automated "REMARKS." [a] Density Altitude. [b] Variable Visibility. [c] Variable Wind Direction. (2) Manual Input "REMARKS." [a] Sky Condition. [b] Visibility. [c] Weather and Obstructions to Vision. [d] Temperature. [e] Dew Point. [f] Wind; and [g] Altimeter Setting. EXAMPLE - "Remarks ... density altitude, two thousand five hundred ... visibility variable between one and two ... wind direction variable - - Meteorology