background image number of helicopters that can be expected. An attempt should be made to contact other helicopters on 123.025 to pass on to them pertinent LZ information and the ground unit's frequency. Subsequent helicopters arriving on scene should establish communications on 123.025 at least 10 NMs from the LZ. After establishing contact on 123.025, they should contact the ground unit for additional information. All helicopters should monitor 123.025 at all times. (a) If the landing zone is not established by the ground unit when the first helicopter arrives, then the first helicopter should establish altitude and orbit location requirements fo r the other arriving helicopters. Recommended altitude separation between helicopters is 500 feet (weather and airspace permitting). Helicopters can orbit on cardinal headings from the scene coordinates. (See [1]FIG [2]- [3]2 [4]- [5]9.) (b) Upon landing in the LZ, the first helicopter should update the other helicopters on the LZ conditions, i.e., space, hazards and terrain. (c) Before initiating any helicopter movement to leave the LZ, all operators should attempt to contact other helicopters on 123.025, and state their position and route of flight intentions for departing the LZ. 2. Hospital Operations. Because many hospitals require landing permission and have established procedures (frequencies to monitor, primary and secondary routes for approaches and departures, and orbiting areas if the heliport is occupied) pilots should always receive a brief ing from the appropriate facility (communication center, flight following, etc.) before proceeding to the hospital. (a) In the event of multiple helicopters coming into the hospital heliport, the helicopter nearest to the heliport should contact other inbound helicopters on 123.025 and establish intentions. Follow the guidelines established in the LZ operations. (b) To facilitate approach times, the pilot - in - command of the helicopter occupying the hospital heliport should advise any other operators whether the patient will be off loaded with the rotor blades turning or stopped, and the approximate time to do so. (c) Before making any helicopter movement to leave the hospital heliport, all operators should attempt to contact other helicopters on 123.025 and state their position and route of flight intentions for departing the heliport. Special Operations - - References 1. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/697/aim-697.html#0 2. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/697/aim-697.html#0 3. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/697/aim-697.html#0 4. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/697/aim-697.html#0 5. file:///media/stevei/plnkx/aspirations/go-faraim/work/src/faraim/faa/aim/697/aim-697.html#0