Appendix 4. FAA Form 7233-4 - International Flight Plan a. The FAA will accept a flight plan in international format for IFR, VFR, SFRA, and DVFR flights. File the flight plan electronically vi Flight Service Station (FSS), FAA contracted flight plan filing service, or other commercial flight plan filing service. Depending on the filing service chosen, the method of entering data may be different but the information required is generally the same. b. The international flight plan format is mandatory for: 1. Any flight plan filed through a FSS or FAA contracted flight plan filing service; with the exception of Department of Defense flight plans and civilian stereo route flight plans, which can still be filed using the format prescribed in FAA Form 7233-1. NOTE- DoD Form DD-175 and FAA Form 7233-1 are considered to follow the same format. 2. Any flight that will depart U.S. domestic airspace. For DoD flight plan purposes, offshore Warning Areas may use FAA Form 7233-1 or military equivalent. 3. Any flight requesting routing that requires Performance Based Navigation. 4. Any flight requesting services that require filing of capabilities only supported in the international flight plan format. c. Flight Plan Contents 1. A flight plan will include information shown below: (a) Flight Specific Information (TBL 4-1) (b) Aircraft Specific Information (TBL 4-19) (c) Flight Routing Information (TBL 4-20) (d) Flight Specific Supplementary Information (Item 19) 2. The tables indicate where the information is located in the international flight plan format, the information required for U.S. domestic flights, and the location of equivalent information in the domestic flight plan format. 3. International flights, including those that temporarily leave domestic U.S. airspace and return, require all applicable information in the international flight plan. Additional information can be found in ICAO Doc. 4444 (Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Air Traffic Management), and ICAO Doc. 7030 (Regional Supplemental Procedures) as well as the Aeronautical Information Publications (AIPs), Aeronautical Information Circulars (AICs), and NOTAMs of applicable other countries. FAA Form 7233-4 - International Flight Plan Appendix 4-1