background image Section 5. UAS Pilot Testing, Certification and Responsibilities - - 1. UAS Pilot Certification and Requirements for Part 107 and Recreational Flyers a. General: Part 107 Operations. Any person who operates a civil sUAS in the NAS, for any operation that is not for recreational/pleasure purposes, must have a UAS pilot's certificate (also called the "Part 107 Certificate") with a Small Unmanned Aircraft System Rating. Recreational Flyer Operations. A person who is flying a UAS for recreational/pleasure purposes in the NAS must have taken and passed TRUST, as required by 14 USC 44809. b. Eligibility for Testing: Part 107 operations. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age and be able to speak and understand English. For further information on Part 107 testing see the FAA's website, Become a Drone Pilot. Recreational Flyer Operations. There are no minimum age or other eligibility requirements for a recreational UAS pilot to take TRUST. c. Initial Testing for Certification: Part 107 Operations: (a) Current 14 CFR Part 61 certificate holder (Online Training). A person who holds a Part 61 manned pilot certificate (other than a Student pilot certificate), and who has a current flight review, as per 14 CFR Section 61.56, may complete Online Training that is offered by the FAA to obtain their 14 CFR Part 107, in lieu of taking the Initial Knowledge Test. However, a Part 61 certificate holder may also take the sUAS Initial Aeronautical Knowledge Test for certification. (b) Non 14 CFR Part 61 certificate holder, or 14 CFR Part 61 certificate holder lacking currency (Initial Aeronautical Knowledge Test). A person who does not hold a 14 CFR Part 61 manned pilot certificate and/or they do not have a current flight review must take the Initial Aeronautical Knowledge Test at an FAA designated Knowledge Testing Center to obtain their sUAS Certificate. Recreational Flyer Operations. Any person who flies a UAS for recreational use under 49 USC 44809 must take and pass TRUST. See the FAA website, The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST). NOTE - A current 14 CFR Part 107 sUAS certificate holder may fly recreationally under that part, but must adhere entirely to 14 CFR Part 107 rules and requirements. If a Part 107 sUAS certificate holder wishes to fly under 49 USC 44809, they must take and pass TRUST. NOTE - The FAA's website, The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST), may be viewed at: [1] d. Recurrent Training (Testing) Requirements: Part 107 operations: (a) To exercise the privileges of a sUAS certificate that was issued under 14 CFR Part 107, a person must maintain currency. Therefore, the FAA requires that a person take a recurrent course within 24 months from the month the Initial Aeronautical Knowledge Test was passed, or the Online Training was completed. (b) Recurrent training (online training) is found at the FAA's Become a Drone Pilot website. NOTE - The FAA's Become a Drone Pilot website may be viewed at: [2] UAS Pilot Testing, Certification and Responsibilities - - References 1. 2.