background image Include CPDLC codes in Item 10a only if the flight is capable of en route/oceanic CPDLC, the codes are not required for DCL. Include Z in Item 10a to indicate there is information provided in Item 18 DAT/. Include the clearance delivery methods of which the flight is capable, and order of preference in Item 18 DAT/. (See AIM 5 - - 2) 0m VOICE - deliver clearance via Voice 0m PDC - deliver clearance via PDC 0m FANS - deliver clearance via FANS 1/A 0m FANSP - deliver clearance via FANS 1/A+ EXAMPLE - DAT/1FANS2PDC DAT/1FANSP2VOICE Operating in Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) Airspace (Item 10a). When planning to fly in RVSM airspace (FL 290 up to and including FL 410) then file as indicated below. (a) If capable and approved for RVSM operations, per AIM 4 - - 1, Applicability and RVSM Mandate (Date/Time and Area), file a W in Item 10a. Include the aircraft registration mark in Item 18 REG/, which is used to post - operationally monitor the safety of RVSM operations. Do not file a "W" in Item 10a if the aircraft is capable of RVSM operations, but is not approved to operate in RVSM airspace. If RVSM capability is lost after the flight plan is filed, request that ATC remove the 'W' from Item 10a. (b) When requesting to operate non - RVSM in RVSM airspace, using one of the exceptions identified in AIM 4 - - 10, do not include a "W" in Item 10a. Include STS/NONRVSM in Item 18. STS/NONRVSM is used only as part of a request to operate non - RVSM in RVSM airspace. Eligibility for Reduced Oceanic Separation. Indicate eligibility for the listed reduced separation minima as indicated in the tables below. Full Operational Requirements for these services are found in the U.S. Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) ENR 7, Oceanic Operations, a vailable at [1] ml. TBL 4 - Filing for Gulf of Mexico CTA Dimension of Separa- tion Separation Minima ADS - C Surveillance Requirements Comm. Re- quirement PBN Re- quirement Flight Plan Entries ADS - C in Item 10b CPDLC in Item 10a PBN in Item 18 PBN/ (also File 'R' in Item 10a) PBN in Item 18 NAV/ Voice comm - HF or VHF as Lateral 50 NM (ADS - C not required) required to maintain con- tact over the RNP10 or RNP4 A1 or L1 entire route to be flown. NOTE - If not RNAV10/RNP10 capable and planning to operate in the Gulf of Mexico CTA, then put the notation NONRNP10 in Item 18 RMK/, preferably first. Appendix 4 - FAA Form 7233 - - International Flight Plan References 1.