background image Appendix 5. FAA Form 7233 - - Flight Plan Throughout this document where references are made to FAA Form 7233 - 1, Flight Plan, and FAA Form 7233 - International Flight Plan, DoD use of the equivalent DoD Forms 175 and 1801 respectively, are implied and acceptable. Within U.S. controlled air space, FAA Form 7233 - 1, Flight Plan, may be used by filers of DoD/military flight plans and civilian stereo route flight plans. Use of the international format flight plan format is mandatory for: a. Any flight plan filed through a FSS or FAA contracted flight plan filing service; with the exception of Department of Defense flight plans and civilian stereo route flight plans, which can still be filed using the format prescribed in FAA Form 7233 - NOTE - DoD Form DD - 175 and FAA Form 7233 - 1 are considered to follow the same format. b. Any flight that will depart U.S. domestic airspace. For DoD flight plan purposes, offshore Warning Areas may use FAA Form 7233 - 1 or military equivalent. c. Any flight requesting routing that requires Performance Based Navigation. d. Any flight requesting services that require filing of capabilities only supported in the international flight plan format. NOTE - The order of flight plan elements in FAA Form 7233 - 1 is equivalent to the DD - e. Explanation of IFR/VFR Flight Plan Items. (1) Block 1. Check the type of flight plan. (2) Block 2. Enter your complete aircraft identification. (3) Block 3. Enter the aircraft type. (4) Block 4. Enter the true airspeed (TAS). (5) Block 5. Enter the departure airport identifier. (6) Block 6. Enter the proposed departure time in Zulu (Z). If airborne, specify the actual or proposed departure time as appropriate. (7) Block 7. Enter the appropriate altitude. (8) Block 8. Define the route of flight by using NAVAID identifier codes and airways. (9) Block 9. Enter the destination airport identifier code. (10) Block 10. Enter the estimated time en route in hours and minutes. (11) Block 11. Enter remarks, if necessary. (12) Block 12. Specify the fuel on board in hours and minutes. (13) Block 13. Specify an alternate airport if desired. (14) Block 14. Enter name and contact information for pilot in command. NOTE - This information is essential in the event of search and rescue operations. (15) Block 15. Enter total number of persons on board (POB) including crew. (16) Block 16. Enter the aircraft color. FAA Form 7233 - - Flight Plan Appendix 5 -