background image Pilot/Controller Glossary AUTOMATED PROBLEM DETECTION (APD) - An Automation Processing capability that compares trajectories in order to predict conflicts. AUTOMATED PROBLEM DETECTION BOUNDARY (APB) - The adapted distance beyond a facilities boundary defining the airspace within which EDST performs conflict detection. (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL.) AUTOMATED PROBLEM DETECTION INHIBITED AREA (APDIA) - Airspace surrounding a terminal area within which APD is inhibited for all flights within that airspace. AUTOMATED SERVICES-Services delivered vin automated system (that is, without human interaction). For example, flight plans, Notices to Air Missions (NOTAM), interactive maps, computer - generated text - to - speech messages, short message service, or email. AUTOMATED TERMINAL PROXIMITY ALERT (ATPA) - Monitors the separation of aircraft on the Final Approach Course (FAC), displaying a graphical notification (cone and/or mileage) when a potential loss of separation is detected. The warning cone (Yellow) will display at 45 seconds and the alert cone (Red) will display at 24 seconds prior to predicted loss of separation. Current distance between two aircraft on final will be displayed in line 3 of the full data block of the trailing aircraft in corresponding colors. AUTOMATED WEATHER SYSTEM - Any of the automated weather sensor platforms that collect weather data at airports and disseminate the weather information via radio and/or landline. The systems currently consist of the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) and Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS). AUTOMATED UNICOM - Provides completely automated weather, radio check capability and airport advisory information on an Automated UNICOM system. These systems offer a variety of features, typically selectable by microphone clicks, on the UNICOM frequency. Availability will be published in the Chart Supplement and approach charts. AUTOMATIC ALTITUDE REPORT - (See ALTITUDE READOUT.) AUTOMATIC ALTITUDE REPORTING - That function of a transponder which responds to Mode C interrogations by transmitting the aircraft's altitude in 100-foot increments. AUTOMATIC CARRIER LANDING SYSTEM - U.S. Navy final approach equipment consisting of precision tracking radar coupled to a computer data link to provide continuous information to the aircraft, monitoring capability to the pilot, and a backup approach system. AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE (ADS) [ICAO] - A surveillance technique in which aircraft automatically provide, vi data link, data derived from on - board navigation and position fixing systems, including aircraft identification, four dimensional position and additional dats appropriate. AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE - BROADCAST (ADS-B) - A surveillance system in which an aircraft or vehicle to be detected is fitted with cooperative equipment in the form of a data link transmitter. The aircraft or vehicle periodically broadcasts its GNSS - derived position and other required information such as identity and velocity, which is then received by a ground - based or space - based receiver for processing and display at an air traffic control facility, as well as by suitably equipped aircraft. (See AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE - BROADCAST IN.) (See AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE - BROADCAST OUT.) (See COOPERATIVE SURVEILLANCE.) (See GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM.) (See SPACE - BASED ADS - B.) -