(1) Track to Fix. A Track to Fix (TF) leg is intercepted and acquired as the flight track to the following waypoint. Track to a Fix legs are sometimes called point-to-point legs for this reason. Narrative: "direct ALPHA, then on course to BRAVO WP." See FIG 1-2-3. (2) Direct to Fix. A Direct to Fix (DF) leg is a path described by an aircraft"s track from an initial area direct to the next waypoint. Narrative: "turn right direct BRAVO WP." See FIG 1-2-4. FIG 1-2-3 Track to Fix Leg Type FIG 1-2-4 Direct to Fix Leg Type (3) Course to Fix. A Course to Fix (CF) leg is a path that terminates at a fix with a specified course at that fix. Narrative: "on course 150 to ALPHA WP." See FIG 1-2-5. Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) and Area Navigation (RNAV) 1-2-3