When an approach has been loaded in the navigation system, GPS receivers will give an “arm”
annunciation 30 NM straight line distance from the airport/heliport reference point. Pilots should arm the
approach mode at this time if not already armed (some receivers arm automatically). Without arming, the
receiver will not change from en route CDI and RAIM sensitivity of
5 NM either side of centerline to
1 NM
terminal sensitivity. Where the IAWP is inside this 30 mile point, a CDI sensitivity change will occur once the
approach mode is armed and the aircraft is inside 30 NM. Where the IAWP is beyond 30 NM from the
airport/heliport reference point and the approach is armed, the CDI sensitivity will not change until the aircraft
is within 30 miles of the airport/heliport reference point. Feeder route obstacle clearance is predicated on the
receiver being in terminal (
1 NM) CDI sensitivity and RAIM within 30 NM of the airport/heliport reference
point; therefore, the receiver should always be armed (if required) not later than the 30 NM annunciation.
The pilot must be aware of what bank angle/turn rate the particular receiver uses to compute turn
anticipation, and whether wind and airspeed are included in the receiver’s calculations. This information should
be in the receiver operating manual. Over or under banking the turn onto the final approach course may
significantly delay getting on course and may result in high descent rates to achieve the next segment altitude.
When within 2 NM of the Final Approach Waypoint (FAWP) with the approach mode armed, the
approach mode will switch to active, which results in RAIM and CDI changing to approach sensitivity.
Beginning 2 NM prior to the FAWP, the full scale CDI sensitivity will smoothly change from
1 NM to
NM at the FAWP. As sensitivity changes from
1 NM to
0.3 NM approaching the FAWP, with the CDI not
centered, the corresponding increase in CDI displacement may give the impression that the aircraft is moving
further away from the intended course even though it is on an acceptable intercept heading. Referencing the
digital track displacement information (cross track error), if it is available in the approach mode, may help the
pilot remain position oriented in this situation. Being established on the final approach course prior to the
beginning of the sensitivity change at 2 NM will help prevent problems in interpreting the CDI display during
ramp down. Therefore, requesting or accepting vectors which will cause the aircraft to intercept the final
approach course within 2 NM of the FAWP is not recommended.
When receiving vectors to final, most receiver operating manuals suggest placing the receiver in
the non
sequencing mode on the FAWP and manually setting the course. This provides an extended final
approach course in cases where the aircraft is vectored onto the final approach course outside of any existing
segment which is aligned with the runway. Assigned altitudes must be maintained until established on a
published segment of the approach. Required altitudes at waypoints outside the FAWP or stepdown fixes must
be considered. Calculating the distance to the FAWP may be required in order to descend at the proper location.
Overriding an automatically selected sensitivity during an approach will cancel the approach mode
annunciation. If the approach mode is not armed by 2 NM prior to the FAWP, the approach mode will not become
active at 2 NM prior to the FAWP, and the equipment will flag. In these conditions, the RAIM and CDI sensitivity
will not ramp down, and the pilot should not descend to MDA, but fly to the MAWP and execute a missed
approach. The approach active annunciator and/or the receiver should be checked to ensure the approach mode
is active prior to the FAWP.
Do not attempt to fly an approach unless the procedure in the onboard database is current and
identified as “GPS” on the approach chart. The navigation database may contain information about
overlay approach procedures that enhances position orientation generally by providing a map, while flying
these approaches using conventional NAVAIDs. This approach information should not be confused with a GPS
overlay approach (see the receiver operating manual, AFM, or AFM Supplement for details on how to identify
these procedures in the navigation database). Flying point to point on the approach does not assure compliance
with the published approach procedure. The proper RAIM sensitivity will not be available and the CDI sensitivity
will not automatically change to
0.3 NM. Manually setting CDI sensitivity does not automatically change the
RAIM sensitivity on some receivers. Some existing non
precision approach procedures cannot be coded for
use with GPS and will not be available as overlays.
Pilots should pay particular attention to the exact operation of their GPS receivers for performing
holding patterns and in the case of overlay approaches, operations such as procedure turns. These procedures
Navigation Aids