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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 101.29 

§ 101.23

General operating limitations. 

(a) You must operate an amateur 

rocket in such a manner that it: 

(1) Is launched on a suborbital trajec-


(2) When launched, must not cross 

into the territory of a foreign country 
unless an agreement is in place be-
tween the United States and the coun-
try of concern; 

(3) Is unmanned; and 
(4) Does not create a hazard to per-

sons, property, or other aircraft. 

(b) The FAA may specify additional 

operating limitations necessary to en-
sure that air traffic is not adversely af-
fected, and public safety is not jeopard-

[Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 73 FR 73781, Dec. 4, 

§ 101.25

Operating limitations for 

Class 2-High Power Rockets and 
Class 3-Advanced High Power Rock-

When operating 

Class 2-High Power 

Rockets  or  Class 3-Advanced High Power 
Rockets, you must comply with the 
General Operating Limitations of 
§ 101.23. In addition, you must not oper-

Class 2-High Power Rockets or  Class 

3-Advanced High Power Rockets— 

(a) At any altitude where clouds or 

obscuring phenomena of more than 
five-tenths coverage prevails; 

(b) At any altitude where the hori-

zontal visibility is less than five miles; 

(c) Into any cloud; 
(d) Between sunset and sunrise with-

out prior authorization from the FAA; 

(e) Within 9.26 kilometers (5 nautical 

miles) of any airport boundary without 
prior authorization from the FAA; 

(f) In controlled airspace without 

prior authorization from the FAA; 

(g) Unless you observe the greater of 

the following separation distances from 
any person or property that is not asso-
ciated with the operations: 

(1) Not less than one-quarter the 

maximum expected altitude; 

(2) 457 meters (1,500 ft.); 
(h) Unless a person at least eighteen 

years old is present, is charged with en-
suring the safety of the operation, and 
has final approval authority for initi-
ating high-power rocket flight; and 

(i) Unless reasonable precautions are 

provided to report and control a fire 
caused by rocket activities. 

[74 FR 38092, July 31, 2009, as amended by 
Amdt. 101–8, 74 FR 47435, Sept. 16, 2009] 

§ 101.27

ATC notification for all 


No person may operate an unmanned 

rocket other than a Class 1—Model 
Rocket unless that person gives the 
following information to the FAA ATC 
facility nearest to the place of in-
tended operation no less than 24 hours 
before and no more than three days be-
fore beginning the operation: 

(a) The name and address of the oper-

ator; except when there are multiple 
participants at a single event, the 
name and address of the person so des-
ignated as the event launch coordi-
nator, whose duties include coordina-
tion of the required launch data esti-
mates and coordinating the launch 

(b) Date and time the activity will 


(c) Radius of the affected area on the 

ground in nautical miles; 

(d) Location of the center of the af-

fected area in latitude and longitude 

(e) Highest affected altitude; 
(f) Duration of the activity; 
(g) Any other pertinent information 

requested by the ATC facility. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 73 FR 73781, Dec. 4, 
2008, as amended at Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 
74 FR 31843, July 6, 2009] 

§ 101.29

Information requirements. 


Class 2—High-Power Rockets. When 

a Class 2—High-Power Rocket requires 
a certificate of waiver or authoriza-
tion, the person planning the operation 
must provide the information below on 
each type of rocket to the FAA at least 
45 days before the proposed operation. 
The FAA may request additional infor-
mation if necessary to ensure the pro-
posed operations can be safely con-
ducted. The information shall include 
for each type of Class 2 rocket expected 
to be flown: 

(1) Estimated number of rockets, 
(2) Type of propulsion (liquid or 

solid), fuel(s) and oxidizer(s), 

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