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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 105.5 

§ 105.5


No person may conduct a parachute 

operation, and no pilot in command of 
an aircraft may allow a parachute op-
eration to be conducted from an air-
craft, if that operation creates a hazard 
to air traffic or to persons or property 
on the surface. 

§ 105.7

Use of alcohol and drugs. 

No person may conduct a parachute 

operation, and no pilot in command of 
an aircraft may allow a person to con-
duct a parachute operation from that 
aircraft, if that person is or appears to 
be under the influence of— 

(a) Alcohol, or 
(b) Any drug that affects that per-

son’s faculties in any way contrary to 

§ 105.9


The Administrator may inspect any 

parachute operation to which this part 
applies (including inspections at the 
site where the parachute operation is 
being conducted) to determine compli-
ance with the regulations of this part. 

Subpart B—Operating Rules 

§ 105.13

Radio equipment and use re-


(a) Except when otherwise authorized 

by air traffic control— 

(1) No person may conduct a para-

chute operation, and no pilot in com-
mand of an aircraft may allow a para-
chute operation to be conducted from 
that aircraft, in or into controlled air-
space unless, during that flight— 

(i) The aircraft is equipped with a 

functioning two-way radio communica-
tion system appropriate to the air traf-
fic control facilities being used; and 

(ii) Radio communications have been 

established between the aircraft and 
the air traffic control facility having 
jurisdiction over the affected airspace 
of the first intended exit altitude at 
least 5 minutes before the parachute 
operation begins. The pilot in com-
mand must establish radio communica-
tions to receive information regarding 
air traffic activity in the vicinity of 
the parachute operation. 

(2) The pilot in command of an air-

craft used for any parachute operation 

in or into controlled airspace must, 
during each flight— 

(i) Continuously monitor the appro-

priate frequency of the aircraft’s radio 
communications system from the time 
radio communications are first estab-
lished between the aircraft and air 
traffic control, until the pilot advises 
air traffic control that the parachute 
operation has ended for that flight. 

(ii) Advise air traffic control when 

the last parachutist or object leaves 
the aircraft. 

(b) Parachute operations must be 

aborted if, prior to receipt of a required 
air traffic control authorization, or 
during any parachute operation in or 
into controlled airspace, the required 
radio communications system is or be-
comes inoperative. 

§ 105.15

Information required and no-

tice of cancellation or postpone-
ment of a parachute operation. 

(a) Each person requesting an author-

ization under §§ 105.21(b) and 105.25(a)(2) 
of this part and each person submitting 
a notification under § 105.25(a)(3) of this 
part must provide the following infor-
mation (on an individual or group 

(1) The date and time the parachute 

operation will begin. 

(2) The radius of the drop zone 

around the target expressed in nautical 

(3) The location of the center of the 

drop zone in relation to— 

(i) The nearest VOR facility in terms 

of the VOR radial on which it is lo-
cated and its distance in nautical miles 
from the VOR facility when that facil-
ity is 30 nautical miles or less from the 
drop zone target; or 

(ii) the nearest airport, town, or city 

depicted on the appropriate Coast and 
Geodetic Survey World Aeronautical 
Chart or Sectional Aeronautical Chart, 
when the nearest VOR facility is more 
than 30 nautical miles from the drop 
zone target. 

(4) Each altitude above mean sea 

level at which the aircraft will be oper-
ated when parachutists or objects exist 
the aircraft. 

(5) The duration of the intended para-

chute operation. 

(6) The name, address, and telephone 

number of the person who requests the 

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