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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 107.79 

under this subpart must be accom-
panied by the applicant’s: 

(1) Remote pilot certificate with 

small UAS rating; and 

(2) A copy of the marriage license, 

court order, or other document 
verifying the name change. 

(b) The documents in paragraph (a) of 

this section will be returned to the ap-
plicant after inspection. 


Change of address. The holder of a 

remote pilot certificate with small 
UAS rating issued under this subpart 
who has made a change in permanent 
mailing address may not, after 30 days 
from that date, exercise the privileges 
of the certificate unless the holder has 
notified the FAA of the change in ad-
dress using one of the following meth-

(1) By letter to the FAA Airman Cer-

tification Branch, P.O. Box 25082, Okla-
homa City, OK 73125 providing the new 
permanent mailing address, or if the 
permanent mailing address includes a 
post office box number, then the hold-
er’s current residential address; or 

(2) By using the FAA Web site portal 

at  providing the new per-

manent mailing address, or if the per-
manent mailing address includes a post 
office box number, then the holder’s 
current residential address. 

§ 107.79

Voluntary surrender of certifi-


(a) The holder of a certificate issued 

under this subpart may voluntarily 
surrender it for cancellation. 

(b) Any request made under para-

graph (a) of this section must include 
the following signed statement or its 
equivalent: ‘‘I voluntarily surrender 
my remote pilot certificate with a 
small UAS rating for cancellation. This 
request is made for my own reasons, 
with full knowledge that my certifi-
cate will not be reissued to me unless I 
again complete the requirements speci-
fied in §§ 107.61 and 107.63.’’ 

Subpart D—Operations Over 

Human Beings 



: Amdt. No. 107–8, 86 FR 4382, Jan. 

15, 2021 

§ 107.100


This subpart prescribes the eligi-

bility and operating requirements for 
civil small unmanned aircraft to oper-
ate over human beings or over moving 
vehicles in the United States, in addi-
tion to those operations permitted by 
§ 107.39(a) and (b). 

§ 107.105

Limitations on operations 

over human beings. 

Except as provided in §§ 107.39(a) and 

(b) and 107.145, a remote pilot in com-
mand may conduct operations over 
human beings only in accordance with 
the following, as applicable: § 107.110 for 
Category 1 operations; §§ 107.115 and 
107.120 for Category 2 operations; 
§§ 107.125 and 107.130 for Category 3 op-
erations; or § 107.140 for Category 4 op-

§ 107.110

Category 1 operations. 

To conduct Category 1 operations— 
(a) A remote pilot in command must 

use a small unmanned aircraft that— 

(1) Weighs 0.55 pounds or less on 

takeoff and throughout the duration of 
each operation under Category 1, in-
cluding everything that is on board or 
otherwise attached to the aircraft; and 

(2) Does not contain any exposed ro-

tating parts that would lacerate 
human skin upon impact with a human 

(b) No remote pilot in command may 

operate a small unmanned aircraft in 
sustained flight over open-air assem-
blies of human beings unless the oper-
ation meets the requirements of either 
§ 89.110 or § 89.115(a) of this chapter. 

[Amdt. No. 107–8, 86 FR 4382, Jan. 15, 2021, as 
amended by 86 FR 62473, Nov. 10, 2021] 

§ 107.115

Category 2 operations: Oper-

ating requirements. 

To conduct Category 2 operations— 
(a) A remote pilot in command must 

use a small unmanned aircraft that— 

(1) Is eligible for Category 2 oper-

ations pursuant to § 107.120(a); 

(2) Is listed on an FAA-accepted dec-

laration of compliance as eligible for 
Category 2 operations in accordance 
with § 107.160; and 

(3) Is labeled as eligible to conduct 

Category 2 operations in accordance 
with § 107.120(b)(1). 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 107.125 

(b) No remote pilot in command may 

operate a small unmanned aircraft in 
sustained flight over open-air assem-
blies of human beings unless the oper-
ation meets the requirements of either 
§ 89.110 or § 89.115(a) of this chapter. 

§ 107.120

Category 2 operations: Eligi-

bility of small unmanned aircraft 
and other applicant requirements. 

(a) To be eligible for use in Category 

2 operations, the small unmanned air-
craft must be designed, produced, or 
modified such that it— 

(1) Will not cause injury to a human 

being that is equivalent to or greater 
than the severity of injury caused by a 
transfer of 11 foot-pounds of kinetic en-
ergy upon impact from a rigid object; 

(2) Does not contain any exposed ro-

tating parts that would lacerate 
human skin upon impact with a human 
being; and 

(3) Does not contain any safety de-


(b) The applicant for a declaration of 

compliance for a small unmanned air-
craft that is eligible for use in Cat-
egory 2 operations in accordance with 
paragraph (a) of this section, must 
meet all of the following requirements 
for the applicant’s unmanned aircraft 
to be used in Category 2 operations: 

(1) Display a label on the small un-

manned aircraft indicating eligibility 
to conduct Category 2 operations. The 
label must be in English and be legible, 
prominent, and permanently affixed to 
the small unmanned aircraft. 

(2) Have remote pilot operating in-

structions that apply to the operation 
of the small unmanned aircraft system. 
The applicant for a declaration of com-
pliance must make available these in-
structions upon sale or transfer of the 
aircraft or use of the aircraft by some-
one other than the applicant who sub-
mitted a declaration of compliance 
pursuant to § 107.160. Such instructions 
must address, at a minimum— 

(i) A system description that includes 

the required small unmanned aircraft 
system components, any system limi-
tations, and the declared category or 
categories of operation; 

(ii) Modifications that will not 

change the ability of the small un-
manned aircraft system to meet the re-
quirements for the category or cat-

egories of operation the small un-
manned aircraft system is eligible to 
conduct; and 

(iii) Instructions for how to verify 

and change the mode or configuration 
of the small unmanned aircraft system, 
if they are variable. 

(3) Maintain a product support and 

notification process. The applicant for 
a declaration of compliance must 
maintain product support and notifica-
tion procedures to notify the public 
and the FAA of— 

(i) Any defect or condition that 

causes the small unmanned aircraft to 
no longer meet the requirements of 
this subpart; and 

(ii) Any identified safety defect that 

causes the small unmanned aircraft to 
exceed a low probability of casualty. 

§ 107.125

Category 3 operations: Oper-

ating requirements. 

To conduct Category 3 operations, a 

remote pilot in command— 

(a) Must use a small unmanned air-

craft that— 

(1) Is eligible for Category 3 oper-

ations pursuant to § 107.130(a); 

(2) Is listed on an FAA-accepted dec-

laration of compliance as eligible for 
Category 3 operations in accordance 
with § 107.160; and 

(3) Is labeled as eligible for Category 

3 operations in accordance with 
§ 107.130(b)(1); 

(b) Must not operate the small un-

manned aircraft over open-air assem-
blies of human beings; and 

(c) May only operate the small un-

manned aircraft above any human 
being if operation meets one of the fol-
lowing conditions: 

(1) The operation is within or over a 

closed- or restricted-access site and all 
human beings located within the 
closed- or restricted-access site must 
be on notice that a small unmanned 
aircraft may fly over them; or 

(2) The small unmanned aircraft does 

not maintain sustained flight over any 
human being unless that human being 

(i) Directly participating in the oper-

ation of the small unmanned aircraft; 

(ii) Located under a covered struc-

ture or inside a stationary vehicle that 

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