14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 107.145
§ 107.145
Operations over moving vehi-
No person may operate a small un-
manned aircraft over a human being lo-
cated inside a moving vehicle unless
the following conditions are met:
(a) The operation occurs in accord-
ance with § 107.110 for Category 1 oper-
ations; § 107.115 for Category 2 oper-
ations; § 107.125 for Category 3 oper-
ations; or § 107.140 for Category 4 oper-
(b) For an operation under Category
1, Category 2, or Category 3, the small
unmanned aircraft, throughout the op-
(1) Must remain within or over a
closed- or restricted-access site, and all
human beings located inside a moving
vehicle within the closed- or restricted-
access site must be on notice that a
small unmanned aircraft may fly over
them; or
(2) Must not maintain sustained
flight over moving vehicles.
(c) For a Category 4 operation, the
small unmanned aircraft must—
(1) Have an airworthiness certificate
issued under part 21 of this chapter.
(2) Be operated in accordance with
the operating limitations specified in
the approved Flight Manual or as oth-
erwise specified by the Administrator.
The operating limitations must not
prohibit operations over human beings
located inside moving vehicles.
§ 107.150
Variable mode and variable
configuration of small unmanned
aircraft systems.
A small unmanned aircraft system
may be eligible for one or more cat-
egories of operation over human beings
under this subpart, as long as a remote
pilot in command cannot inadvertently
switch between modes or configura-
§ 107.155
Means of compliance.
Establishment of compliance. To
meet the requirements of § 107.120(a) for
operations in Category 2, or the re-
quirements of § 107.130(a) for operations
in Category 3, the means of compliance
must consist of test, analysis, or in-
Required information. An applicant
requesting FAA acceptance of a means
of compliance must submit the fol-
lowing information to the FAA in a
manner specified by the Administrator:
Procedures. Detailed description of
the means of compliance, including ap-
plicable test, analysis, or inspection
procedures to demonstrate how the
small unmanned aircraft meets the re-
quirements of § 107.120(a) for operations
in Category 2 or the requirements of
§ 107.130(a) for operations in Category 3.
The description should include condi-
tions, environments, and methods, as
Compliance explanation. Expla-
nation of how application of the means
of compliance fulfills the requirements
of § 107.120(a) for operations in Category
2 or the requirements of § 107.130(a) for
operations in Category 3.
FAA acceptance. If the FAA deter-
mines the applicant has demonstrated
compliance with paragraphs (a) and (b)
of this section, it will notify the appli-
cant that it has accepted the means of
Rescission. (1) A means of compli-
ance is subject to ongoing review by
the Administrator. The Administrator
may rescind its acceptance of a means
of compliance if the Administrator de-
termines that a means of compliance
does not meet any or all of the require-
ments of this subpart.
(2) The Administrator will publish a
notice of rescission in the F
Inapplicability of part 13, subpart D,
of this chapter. Part 13, subpart D, of
this chapter does not apply to the pro-
cedures of paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 107.160
Declaration of compliance.
Required information. In order for
an applicant to declare a small un-
manned aircraft is compliant with the
requirements of this subpart for Cat-
egory 2 or Category 3 operations, an
applicant must submit a declaration of
compliance for acceptance by the FAA,
in a manner specified by the Adminis-
trator, that includes the following in-
(1) Applicant’s name;
(2) Applicant’s physical address;
(3) Applicant’s email address;
(4) The small unmanned aircraft
make and model name, and series, if
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