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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 11.40 

about DOT’s—including FAA’s—regu-
latory activities. DOT assigns a regula-
tion identifier number (RIN) to each 
individual rulemaking proceeding in 
the semiannual agenda. This number 
appears on all rulemaking documents 
published in the F





and makes it easy for you to track 
those rulemaking proceedings in both 
the F




and the semi-

annual regulatory agenda. 

[Doc. No. 1999–6622, 65 FR 50863, Aug. 21, 2000, 
as amended at 72 FR 68474, Dec. 5, 2007] 

§ 11.35

Does FAA include sensitive se-

curity information and proprietary 
information in the Federal Docket 
Management System (FDMS)? 


Sensitive security information. You 

should not submit sensitive security 
information to the rulemaking docket, 
unless you are invited to do so in our 
request for comments. If we ask for 
this information, we will tell you in 
the specific document how to submit 
this information, and we will provide a 
separate non-public docket for it. For 
all proposed rule changes involving 
civil aviation security, we review com-
ments as we receive them, before they 
are placed in the docket. If we find that 
a comment contains sensitive security 
information, we remove that informa-
tion before placing the comment in the 
general docket. 


Proprietary information. When we 

are aware of proprietary information 
filed with a comment, we do not place 
it in the docket. We hold it in a sepa-
rate file to which the public does not 
have access, and place a note in the 
docket that we have received it. If we 
receive a request to examine or copy 
this information, we treat it as any 
other request under the Freedom of In-
formation Act (5 U.S.C. 552). We proc-
ess such a request under the DOT pro-
cedures found in 49 CFR part 7. 

[Doc. No. 1999–6622, 65 FR 50863, Aug. 21, 2000, 
as amended at 72 FR 68474, Dec. 5, 2007] 

§ 11.37

Where can I find information 

about an Airworthiness Directive, 
an airspace designation, or a peti-
tion handled in a region? 

The FAA includes most documents 

concerning Airworthiness Directives, 
airspace designations, or petitions han-
dled in a region in the electronic dock-

et. If the information isn’t in the dock-
et, contact the person listed under 



in the F





about the action. 

§ 11.38

What public comment proce-

dures does the FAA follow for Spe-
cial Conditions? 

Even though the Administrative Pro-

cedure Act does not require notice and 
comment for rules of particular appli-
cability, FAA does publish proposed 
special conditions for comment. In the 
following circumstances we may not 
invite comment before we issue a spe-
cial condition. If we don’t, we will in-
vite comment when we publish the 
final special condition. 

(a) The FAA considers prior notice to 

be impracticable if issuing a design ap-
proval would significantly delay deliv-
ery of the affected aircraft. We con-
sider such a delay to be contrary to the 
public interest. 

(b) The FAA considers prior notice to 

be unnecessary if we have provided pre-
vious opportunities to comment on 
substantially identical proposed spe-
cial conditions, and we are satisfied 
that new comments are unlikely. 

§ 11.39

How may I participate in FAA’s 

rulemaking process? 

You may participate in FAA’s rule-

making process by doing any of the fol-

(a) File written comments on any 

rulemaking document that asks for 
comments, including an ANPRM, 
NPRM, SNPRM, a final rule with re-
quest for comments, or a direct final 
rule. Follow the directions for com-
menting found in each rulemaking doc-

(b) Ask that we hold a public meeting 

on any rulemaking, and participate in 
any public meeting that we hold. 

(c) File a petition for rulemaking 

that asks us to adopt, amend, or repeal 
a regulation. 

§ 11.40

Can I get more information 

about a rulemaking? 

You can contact the person listed 




in the preamble of a rule. 

That person can explain the meaning 

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