14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 11.41
and intent of a proposed rule, the tech-
nical aspects of a document, the termi-
nology in a document, and can tell you
our published schedule for the rule-
making process. We cannot give you in-
formation that is not already available
to other members of the public. The
Department of Transportation policy
regarding public contacts during rule-
making appears at 49 CFR 5.19.
[Docket No. FAA–1999–6622, 65 FR 50863, Aug.
21, 2000, as amended at 84 FR 71717, Dec. 27,
§ 11.41
Who may file comments?
Anyone may file written comments
about proposals and final rules that re-
quest public comments.
§ 11.43
What information must I put in
my written comments?
(a) Your written comments must be
in English and must contain the fol-
(1) The docket number of the rule-
making document you are commenting
on, clearly set out at the beginning of
your comments.
(2) Your name and mailing address,
and, if you wish, other contact infor-
mation, such as a fax number, tele-
phone number, or e-mail address.
(3) Your information, views, or argu-
ments, following the instructions for
participation in the rulemaking docu-
ment on which you are commenting.
(b) You should also include all mate-
rial relevant to any statement of fact
or argument in your comments, to the
extent that the material is available to
you and reasonable for you to submit.
Include a copy of the title page of the
document. Whether or not you submit
a copy of the material to which you
refer, you should indicate specific
places in the material that support
your position.
§ 11.45
Where and when do I file my
(a) Send your comments to the loca-
tion specified in the rulemaking docu-
ment on which you are commenting. If
you are asked to send your comments
to the Federal Document Management
System, you may send them in either
of the following ways:
(1) By mail to: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations,
West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590.
(2) Through the Internet to
(3) In any other manner designated
by FAA.
(b) Make sure that your comments
reach us by the deadline set out in the
rulemaking document on which you
are commenting. We will consider late-
filed comments to the extent possible
only if they do not significantly delay
the rulemaking process.
(c) We may reject your paper or elec-
tronic comments if they are frivolous,
abusive, or repetitious. We may reject
comments you file electronically if you
do not follow the electronic filing in-
structions at the Federal Docket Man-
agement System Web site.
[Doc. No. 1999–6622, 65 FR 50863, Aug. 21, 2000,
as amended at 72 FR 68474, Dec. 5, 2007]
§ 11.47
May I ask for more time to file
my comments?
Yes, if FAA grants your request for
more time to file comments, we grant
all persons the same amount of time.
We will notify the public of the exten-
sion by a document in the F
. If FAA denies your request,
we will notify you of the denial. To ask
for more time, you must file a written
or electronic request for extension at
least 10 days before the end of the com-
ment period. Your letter or message
(a) Show the docket number of the
rule at the top of the first page;
(b) State, at the beginning, that you
are requesting an extension of the com-
ment period;
(c) Show that you have good cause
for the extension and that an extension
is in the public interest;
(d) Be sent to the address specified
for comments in the rulemaking docu-
ment on which you are commenting.
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