Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 11.91
§ 11.81
What information must I in-
clude in my petition for an exemp-
You must include the following infor-
mation in your petition for an exemp-
tion and submit it to FAA as soon as
you know you need an exemption.
(a) Your name and mailing address
and, if you wish, other contact infor-
mation such as a fax number, tele-
phone number, or e-mail address;
(b) The specific section or sections of
14 CFR from which you seek an exemp-
(c) The extent of relief you seek, and
the reason you seek the relief;
(d) The reasons why granting your re-
quest would be in the public interest;
that is, how it would benefit the public
as a whole;
(e) The reasons why granting the ex-
emption would not adversely affect
safety, or how the exemption would
provide a level of safety at least equal
to that provided by the rule from
which you seek the exemption;
(f) A summary we can publish in the
, stating:
(1) The rule from which you seek the
exemption; and
(2) A brief description of the nature
of the exemption you seek;
(g) Any additional information, views
or arguments available to support your
request; and
(h) If you want to exercise the privi-
leges of your exemption outside the
United States, the reason why you
need to do so.
§ 11.83
How can I operate under an ex-
emption outside the United States?
If you want to be able to operate
under your exemption outside the
United States, you must request this
when you petition for relief and give us
the reason for this use. If you do not
provide your reason or we determine
that it does not justify this relief, we
will limit your exemption to use within
the United States. Before we extend
your exemption for use outside the
United States, we will verify that the
exemption would be in compliance with
the Standards of the International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). If
it would not, but we still believe it
would be in the public interest to allow
you to do so, we will file a difference
with ICAO. However, a foreign country
still may not allow you to operate in
that country without meeting the
ICAO standard.
§ 11.85
Does FAA invite public com-
ment on petitions for exemption?
Yes, FAA publishes information
about petitions for exemption in the
. The information
(a) The docket number of the peti-
(b) The citation to the rule or rules
from which the petitioner requested re-
(c) The name of the petitioner;
(d) The petitioner’s summary of the
action requested and the reasons for re-
questing it; and
(e) A request for comments to assist
FAA in evaluating the petition.
§ 11.87
Are there circumstances in
which FAA may decide not to pub-
lish a summary of my petition for
The FAA may not publish a summary
of your petition for exemption and re-
quest comments if you present or we
find good cause why we should not
delay action on your petition. The fac-
tors we consider in deciding not to re-
quest comment include:
(a) Whether granting your petition
would set a precedent.
(b) Whether the relief requested is
identical to exemptions granted pre-
(c) Whether our delaying action on
your petition would affect you ad-
(d) Whether you filed your petition in
a timely manner.
§ 11.89
How much time do I have to
submit comments to FAA on a peti-
tion for exemption?
The FAA states the specific time al-
lowed for comments in the F
notice about the petition. We
usually allow 20 days to comment on a
petition for exemption.
§ 11.91
How does FAA inform me of its
decision on my petition for exemp-
The FAA will notify you in writing
about its decision on your petition. A
copy of this decision is also placed in
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