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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 117.23 

(ii) If the circumstances giving rise 

to the extension were within the cer-
tificate holder’s control, the corrective 
action(s) that the certificate holder in-
tends to take to minimize the need for 
future extensions. 

(5) Each certificate holder must im-

plement the corrective action(s) re-
ported in paragraph (a)(4) of this sec-
tion within 30 days from the date of the 
extended flight duty period. 

(b) For augmented and unaugmented 

operations, if unforeseen operational 
circumstances arise after takeoff: 

(1) The pilot in command and the cer-

tificate holder may extend maximum 
flight duty periods specified in Tables 
B or C of this part to the extent nec-
essary to safely land the aircraft at the 
next destination airport or alternate 
airport, as appropriate. 

(2) An extension of the flight duty pe-

riod under paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
tion of more than 30 minutes may 
occur only once prior to receiving a 
rest period described in § 117.25(b). 

(3) An extension taken under para-

graph (b) of this section may exceed 
the cumulative flight duty period lim-
its specified in 117.23(c). 

(4) Each certificate holder must re-

port to the Administrator within 10 
days any flight duty period that either 
exceeded the cumulative flight duty 
periods specified in § 117.23(c), or ex-
ceeded the maximum flight duty period 
limits permitted by Tables B or C of 
this part by more than 30 minutes. The 
report must contain a description of 
the circumstances surrounding the af-
fected flight duty period. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2009–1093, 77 FR 398, Jan. 4, 
2012; Amdt. 117–1A, 77 FR 28764, May 16, 2012; 
Amdt. 117–1, 78 FR 8362, Feb. 6, 2013; 78 FR 
69288, Nov. 19, 2013] 

§ 117.21 Reserve status. 

(a) Unless specifically designated as 

airport/standby or short-call reserve by 
the certificate holder, all reserve is 
considered long-call reserve. 

(b) Any reserve that meets the defini-

tion of airport/standby reserve must be 
designated as airport/standby reserve. 
For airport/standby reserve, all time 
spent in a reserve status is part of the 
flightcrew member’s flight duty period. 

(c) For short call reserve, 

(1) The reserve availability period 

may not exceed 14 hours. 

(2) For a flightcrew member who has 

completed a reserve availability pe-
riod, no certificate holder may sched-
ule and no flightcrew member may ac-
cept an assignment of a reserve avail-
ability period unless the flightcrew 
member receives the required rest in 
§ 117.25(e). 

(3) For an unaugmented operation, 

the total number of hours a flightcrew 
member may spend in a flight duty pe-
riod and a reserve availability period 
may not exceed the lesser of the max-
imum applicable flight duty period in 
Table B of this part plus 4 hours, or 16 
hours, as measured from the beginning 
of the reserve availability period. 

(4) For an augmented operation, the 

total number of hours a flightcrew 
member may spend in a flight duty pe-
riod and a reserve availability period 
may not exceed the flight duty period 
in Table C of this part plus 4 hours, as 
measured from the beginning of the re-
serve availability period. 

(d) For long call reserve, if a certifi-

cate holder contacts a flightcrew mem-
ber to assign him or her to a flight 
duty period that will begin before and 
operate into the flightcrew member’s 
window of circadian low, the flightcrew 
member must receive a 12 hour notice 
of report time from the certificate 

(e) A certificate holder may shift a 

reserve flightcrew member’s reserve 
status from long-call to short-call only 
if the flightcrew member receives a 
rest period as provided in § 117.25(e). 

§ 117.23 Cumulative limitations. 

(a) The limitations of this section in-

clude all flying by flightcrew members 
on behalf of any certificate holder or 
91K Program Manager during the appli-
cable periods. 

(b) No certificate holder may sched-

ule and no flightcrew member may ac-
cept an assignment if the flightcrew 
member’s total flight time will exceed 
the following: 

(1) 100 hours in any 672 consecutive 

hours or 

(2) 1,000 hours in any 365 consecutive 

calendar day period.