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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 117.13 

§ 117.7 Fatigue risk management sys-


(a) No certificate holder may exceed 

any provision of this part unless ap-
proved by the FAA under a Fatigue 
Risk Management System that pro-
vides at least an equivalent level of 
safety against fatigue-related acci-
dents or incidents as the other provi-
sions of this part. 

(b) The Fatigue Risk Management 

System must include: 

(1) A fatigue risk management pol-


(2) An education and awareness train-

ing program. 

(3) A fatigue reporting system. 
(4) A system for monitoring 

flightcrew fatigue. 

(5) An incident reporting process. 
(6) A performance evaluation. 

§ 117.9 Fatigue education and aware-

ness training program. 

(a) Each certificate holder must de-

velop and implement an education and 
awareness training program, approved 
by the Administrator. This program 
must provide annual education and 
awareness training to all employees of 
the certificate holder responsible for 
administering the provisions of this 
rule including flightcrew members, dis-
patchers, individuals directly involved 
in the scheduling of flightcrew mem-
bers, individuals directly involved in 
operational control, and any employee 
providing direct management oversight 
of those areas. 

(b) The fatigue education and aware-

ness training program must be de-
signed to increase awareness of: 

(1) Fatigue; 
(2) The effects of fatigue on pilots; 


(3) Fatigue countermeasures 
(c) (1) Each certificate holder must 

update its fatigue education and aware-
ness training program every two years 
and submit the update to the Adminis-
trator for review and acceptance. 

(2) Not later than 12 months after the 

date of submission of the fatigue edu-
cation and awareness training program 
required by (c)(1) of this section, the 
Administrator shall review and accept 
or reject the update. If the Adminis-
trator rejects an update, the Adminis-
trator shall provide suggested modi-

fications for resubmission of the up-

§ 117.11 Flight time limitation. 

(a) No certificate holder may sched-

ule and no flightcrew member may ac-
cept an assignment or continue an as-
signed flight duty period if the total 
flight time: 

(1) Will exceed the limits specified in 

Table A of this part if the operation is 
conducted with the minimum required 

(2) Will exceed 13 hours if the oper-

ation is conducted with a 3-pilot 

(3) Will exceed 17 hours if the oper-

ation is conducted with a 4-pilot 

(b) If unforeseen operational cir-

cumstances arise after takeoff that are 
beyond the certificate holder’s control, 
a flightcrew member may exceed the 
maximum flight time specified in para-
graph (a) of this section and the cumu-
lative flight time limits in 117.23(b) to 
the extent necessary to safely land the 
aircraft at the next destination airport 
or alternate, as appropriate. 

(c) Each certificate holder must re-

port to the Administrator within 10 
days any flight time that exceeded the 
maximum flight time limits permitted 
by this section or § 117.23(b). The report 
must contain a description of the ex-
tended flight time limitation and the 
circumstances surrounding the need for 
the extension. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2009–1093, 77 FR 398, Jan. 4, 
2012; Amdt. 117–1, 78 FR 8362, Feb. 6, 2013; 78 
FR 69288, Nov. 19, 2013] 

§ 117.13 Flight duty period: Unaug-

mented operations. 

(a) Except as provided for in § 117.15, 

no certificate holder may assign and no 
flightcrew member may accept an as-
signment for an unaugmented flight 
operation if the scheduled flight duty 
period will exceed the limits in Table B 
of this part. 

(b) If the flightcrew member is not 


(1) The maximum flight duty period 

in Table B of this part is reduced by 30 