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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 119.36 

Subpart C—Certification, Oper-

ations Specifications, and 
Certain Other Requirements 
for Operations Conducted 
Under Part 121 or Part 135 of 
This Chapter 

§ 119.31 Applicability. 

This subpart sets out certification re-

quirements and prescribes the content 
of operations specifications and certain 
other requirements for operations con-
ducted under part 121 or part 135 of this 

§ 119.33 General requirements. 

(a) A person may not operate as a di-

rect air carrier unless that person— 

(1) Is a citizen of the United States; 
(2) Obtains an Air Carrier Certificate; 


(3) Obtains operations specifications 

that prescribe the authorizations, limi-
tations, and procedures under which 
each kind of operation must be con-

(b) A person other than a direct air 

carrier may not conduct any commer-
cial passenger or cargo aircraft oper-
ation for compensation or hire under 
part 121 or part 135 of this chapter un-
less that person— 

(1) Is a citizen of the United States; 
(2) Obtains an Operating Certificate; 


(3) Obtains operations specifications 

that prescribe the authorizations, limi-
tations, and procedures under which 
each kind of operation must be con-

(c) Each applicant for a certificate 

under this part and each applicant for 
operations specifications authorizing a 
new kind of operation that is subject to 
§ 121.163 or § 135.145 of this chapter shall 
conduct proving tests as authorized by 
the Administrator during the applica-
tion process for authority to conduct 
operations under part 121 or part 135 of 
this chapter. All proving tests must be 
conducted in a manner acceptable to 
the Administrator. All proving tests 
must be conducted under the appro-
priate operating and maintenance re-
quirements of part 121 or 135 of this 
chapter that would apply if the appli-
cant were fully certificated. The Ad-
ministrator will issue a letter of au-

thorization to each person stating the 
various authorities under which the 
proving tests shall be conducted. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 60 FR 65913, Dec. 20, 1995, as 
amended by Amdt. 119–2, 61 FR 30434, June 
14, 1996] 

§ 119.35 Certificate application re-

quirements for all operators. 

(a) A person applying to the Adminis-

trator for an Air Carrier Certificate or 
Operating Certificate under this part 
(applicant) must submit an applica-

(1) In a form and manner prescribed 

by the Administrator; and 

(2) Containing any information the 

Administrator requires the applicant 
to submit. 

(b) Each applicant must submit the 

application to the Administrator at 
least 90 days before the date of in-
tended operation. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 62 FR 13254, Mar. 19, 1997; 62 
FR 15570, Apr. 1, 1997] 

§ 119.36 Additional certificate applica-

tion requirements for commercial 


(a) Each applicant for the original 

issue of an operating certificate for the 
purpose of conducting intrastate com-
mon carriage operations under part 121 
or part 135 of this chapter must submit 
an application in a form and manner 
prescribed by the Administrator to the 
responsible Flight Standards office. 

(b) Each application submitted under 

paragraph (a) of this section must con-
tain a signed statement showing the 

(1) For corporate applicants: 
(i) The name and address of each 

stockholder who owns 5 percent or 
more of the total voting stock of the 
corporation, and if that stockholder is 
not the sole beneficial owner of the 
stock, the name and address of each 
beneficial owner. An individual is con-
sidered to own the stock owned, di-
rectly or indirectly, by or for his or her 
spouse, children, grandchildren, or par-

(ii) The name and address of each di-

rector and each officer and each person 
employed or who will be employed in a 
management position described in 
§§ 119.65 and 119.69, as applicable. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 119.36 

(iii) The name and address of each 

person directly or indirectly control-
ling or controlled by the applicant and 
each person under direct or indirect 
control with the applicant. 

(2) For non-corporate applicants: 
(i) The name and address of each per-

son having a financial interest therein 
and the nature and extent of that in-

(ii) The name and address of each 

person employed or who will be em-
ployed in a management position de-
scribed in §§ 119.65 and 119.69, as appli-

(c) In addition, each applicant for the 

original issue of an operating certifi-
cate under paragraph (a) of this section 
must submit with the application a 
signed statement showing— 

(1) The nature and scope of its in-

tended operation, including the name 
and address of each person, if any, with 
whom the applicant has a contract to 
provide services as a commercial oper-
ator and the scope, nature, date, and 
duration of each of those contracts; 

(2) For applicants intending to con-

duct operations under part 121 of this 
chapter, the financial information list-
ed in paragraph (e) of this section. 

(d) Each applicant for, or holder of, a 

certificate issued under paragraph (a) 
of this section, shall notify the Admin-
istrator within 10 days after— 

(1) A change in any of the persons, or 

the names and addresses of any of the 
persons, submitted to the Adminis-
trator under paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) 
of this section; or 

(2) For applicants intending to con-

duct operations under part 121 of this 
chapter, a change in the financial in-
formation submitted to the Adminis-
trator under paragraph (e) of this sec-
tion that occurs while the application 
for the issue is pending before the FAA 
and that would make the applicant’s fi-
nancial situation substantially less fa-
vorable than originally reported. 

(e) Each applicant for the original 

issue of an operating certificate under 
paragraph (a) of this section who in-
tends to conduct operations under part 
121 of this chapter must submit the fol-
lowing financial information: 

(1) A balance sheet that shows assets, 

liabilities, and net worth, as of a date 

not more than 60 days before the date 
of application. 

(2) An itemization of liabilities more 

than 60 days past due on the balance 
sheet date, if any, showing each credi-
tor’s name and address, a description of 
the liability, and the amount and due 
date of the liability. 

(3) An itemization of claims in litiga-

tion, if any, against the applicant as of 
the date of application showing each 
claimant’s name and address and a de-
scription and the amount of the claim. 

(4) A detailed projection of the pro-

posed operation covering 6 complete 
months after the month in which the 
certificate is expected to be issued in-

(i) Estimated amount and source of 

both operating and nonoperating rev-
enue, including identification of its ex-
isting and anticipated income pro-
ducing contracts and estimated rev-
enue per mile or hour of operation by 
aircraft type; 

(ii) Estimated amount of operating 

and nonoperating expenses by expense 
objective classification; and 

(iii) Estimated net profit or loss for 

the period. 

(5) An estimate of the cash that will 

be needed for the proposed operations 
during the first 6 months after the 
month in which the certificate is ex-
pected to be issued, including— 

(i) Acquisition of property and equip-

ment (explain); 

(ii) Retirement of debt (explain); 
(iii) Additional working capital (ex-


(iv) Operating losses other than de-

preciation and amortization (explain); 

(v) Other (explain). 
(6) An estimate of the cash that will 

be available during the first 6 months 
after the month in which the certifi-
cate is expected to be issued, from— 

(i) Sale of property or flight equip-

ment (explain); 

(ii) New debt (explain); 
(iii) New equity (explain); 
(iv) Working capital reduction (ex-


(v) Operations (profits) (explain); 
(vi) Depreciation and amortization 

(explain); and 

(vii) Other (explain). 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 119.41 

(7) A schedule of insurance coverage 

in effect on the balance sheet date 
showing insurance companies; policy 
numbers; types, amounts, and period of 
coverage; and special conditions, exclu-
sions, and limitations. 

(8) Any other financial information 

that the Administrator requires to en-
able him or her to determine that the 
applicant has sufficient financial re-
sources to conduct his or her oper-
ations with the degree of safety re-
quired in the public interest. 

(f) Each financial statement con-

taining financial information required 
by paragraph (e) of this section must 
be based on accounts prepared and 
maintained on an accrual basis in ac-
cordance with generally accepted ac-
counting principles applied on a con-
sistent basis, and must contain the 
name and address of the applicant’s 
public accounting firm, if any. Infor-
mation submitted must be signed by an 
officer, owner, or partner of the appli-
cant or certificate holder. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 62 FR 13254, Mar. 19, 1997; 62 
FR 15570, Apr. 1, 1997, as amended by Docket 
FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 119–19, 83 FR 9172, Mar. 
5, 2018] 

§ 119.37 Contents of an Air Carrier 

Certificate or Operating Certificate. 

The Air Carrier Certificate or Oper-

ating Certificate includes— 

(a) The certificate holder’s name; 
(b) The location of the certificate 

holder’s principal base of operations; 

(c) The certificate number; 
(d) The certificate’s effective date; 


(e) The name or the designator of the 

responsible Flight Standards office. 

[Docket No. 28154, 60 FR 65913, Dec. 20, 1995, 
as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 
119–19, 83 FR 9172, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 119.39 Issuing or denying a certifi-


(a) An applicant may be issued an Air 

Carrier Certificate or Operating Cer-
tificate if, after investigation, the Ad-
ministrator finds that the applicant— 

(1) Meets the applicable requirements 

of this part; 

(2) Holds the economic authority ap-

plicable to the kinds of operations to 
be conducted, issued by the Depart-

ment of Transportation, if required; 

(3) Is properly and adequately 

equipped in accordance with the re-
quirements of this chapter and is able 
to conduct a safe operation under ap-
propriate provisions of part 121 or part 
135 of this chapter and operations spec-
ifications issued under this part. 

(b) An application for a certificate 

may be denied if the Administrator 
finds that— 

(1) The applicant is not properly or 

adequately equipped or is not able to 
conduct safe operations under this sub-

(2) The applicant previously held an 

Air Carrier Certificate or Operating 
Certificate which was revoked; 

(3) The applicant intends to or fills a 

key management position listed in 
§ 119.65(a) or § 119.69(a), as applicable, 
with an individual who exercised con-
trol over or who held the same or a 
similar position with a certificate 
holder whose certificate was revoked, 
or is in the process of being revoked, 
and that individual materially contrib-
uted to the circumstances causing rev-
ocation or causing the revocation proc-

(4) An individual who will have con-

trol over or have a substantial owner-
ship interest in the applicant had the 
same or similar control or interest in a 
certificate holder whose certificate was 
revoked, or is in the process of being 
revoked, and that individual materi-
ally contributed to the circumstances 
causing revocation or causing the rev-
ocation process; or 

(5) In the case of an applicant for an 

Operating Certificate for intrastate 
common carriage, that for financial 
reasons the applicant is not able to 
conduct a safe operation. 

§ 119.41 Amending a certificate. 

(a) The Administrator may amend 

any certificate issued under this part 

(1) The Administrator determines, 

under 49 U.S.C. 44709 and part 13 of this 
chapter, that safety in air commerce 
and the public interest requires the 
amendment; or 

(2) The certificate holder applies for 

the amendment and the responsible 
Flight Standards office determines