14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 119.43
that safety in air commerce and the
public interest allows the amendment.
(b) When the Administrator proposes
to issue an order amending, sus-
pending, or revoking all or part of any
certificate, the procedure in § 13.19 of
this chapter applies.
(c) When the certificate holder ap-
plies for an amendment of its certifi-
cate, the following procedure applies:
(1) The certificate holder must file an
application to amend its certificate
with the responsible Flight Standards
office at least 15 days before the date
proposed by the applicant for the
amendment to become effective, unless
the administrator approves filing with-
in a shorter period; and
(2) The application must be sub-
mitted to the responsible Flight Stand-
ards office in the form and manner pre-
scribed by the Administrator.
(d) When a certificate holder seeks
reconsideration of a decision from the
responsible Flight Standards office
concerning amendments of a certifi-
cate, the following procedure applies:
(1) The petition for reconsideration
must be made within 30 days after the
certificate holder receives the notice of
denial; and
(2) The certificate holder must peti-
tion for reconsideration to the Execu-
tive Director, Flight Standards Serv-
[Docket No. 28154, 60 FR 65913, Dec. 20, 1995,
as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt.
119–19, 83 FR 9172, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 119.43 Certificate holder’s duty to
maintain operations specifications.
(a) Each certificate holder shall
maintain a complete and separate set
of its operations specifications at its
principal base of operations.
(b) Each certificate holder shall in-
sert pertinent excerpts of its oper-
ations specifications, or references
thereto, in its manual and shall—
(1) Clearly identify each such excerpt
as a part of its operations specifica-
tions; and
(2) State that compliance with each
operations specifications requirement
is mandatory.
(c) Each certificate holder shall keep
each of its employees and other persons
used in its operations informed of the
provisions of its operations specifica-
tions that apply to that employee’s or
person’s duties and responsibilities.
§ 119.45 [Reserved]
§ 119.47 Maintaining a principal base
of operations, main operations base,
and main maintenance base; change
of address.
(a) Each certificate holder must
maintain a principal base of oper-
ations. Each certificate holder may
also establish a main operations base
and a main maintenance base which
may be located at either the same loca-
tion as the principal base of operations
or at separate locations.
(b) At least 30 days before it proposes
to establish or change the location of
its principal base of operations, its
main operations base, or its main
maintenance base, a certificate holder
must provide written notification to
its responsible Flight Standards office.
[Docket No. 28154, 60 FR 65913, Dec. 20, 1995,
as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt.
119–19, 83 FR 9172, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 119.49 Contents of operations speci-
(a) Each certificate holder con-
ducting domestic, flag, or commuter
operations must obtain operations
specifications containing all of the fol-
(1) The specific location of the cer-
tificate holder’s principal base of oper-
ations and, if different, the address
that shall serve as the primary point of
contact for correspondence between the
FAA and the certificate holder and the
name and mailing address of the cer-
tificate holder’s agent for service.
(2) Other business names under which
the certificate holder may operate.
(3) Reference to the economic author-
ity issued by the Department of Trans-
portation, if required.
(4) Type of aircraft, registration
markings, and serial numbers of each
aircraft authorized for use, each reg-
ular and alternate airport to be used in
scheduled operations, and, except for
commuter operations, each provisional
and refueling airport.
(i) Subject to the approval of the Ad-
ministrator with regard to form and
content, the certificate holder may in-
corporate by reference the items listed