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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 119.55 

certificate holder under this part au-
thorized to conduct common carriage 
operations under this subchapter shall 
provide the Administrator with a copy 
of the wet lease to be executed which 
would lease the aircraft to any other 
person engaged in common carriage op-
erations under this subchapter, includ-
ing foreign air carriers, or to any other 
foreign person engaged in common car-
riage wholly outside the United States. 

(b) No certificate holder under this 

part may wet lease from a foreign air 
carrier or any other foreign person or 
any person not authorized to engage in 
common carriage. 

(c) Upon receiving a copy of a wet 

lease, the Administrator determines 
which party to the agreement has oper-
ational control of the aircraft and 
issues amendments to the operations 
specifications of each party to the 
agreement, as needed. The lessor must 
provide the following information to be 
incorporated into the operations speci-
fications of both parties, as needed. 

(1) The names of the parties to the 

agreement and the duration thereof. 

(2) The nationality and registration 

markings of each aircraft involved in 
the agreement. 

(3) The kind of operation (e.g., do-

mestic, flag, supplemental, commuter, 
or on-demand). 

(4) The airports or areas of operation. 
(5) A statement specifying the party 

deemed to have operational control and 
the times, airports, or areas under 
which such operational control is exer-

(d) In making the determination of 

paragraph (c) of this section, the Ad-
ministrator will consider the following: 

(1) Crewmembers and training. 
(2) Airworthiness and performance of 


(3) Dispatch. 
(4) Servicing the aircraft. 
(5) Scheduling. 
(6) Any other factor the Adminis-

trator considers relevant. 

(e) Other arrangements for transpor-

tation by air: Except as provided in 
paragraph (f) of this section, a certifi-
cate holder under this part operating 
under part 121 or 135 of this chapter 
may not conduct any operation for an-
other certificate holder under this part 
or a foreign air carrier under part 129 

of this chapter or a foreign person en-
gaged in common carriage wholly out-
side the United States unless it holds 
applicable Department of Transpor-
tation economic authority, if required, 
and is authorized under its operations 
specifications to conduct the same 
kinds of operations (as defined in 
§ 110.2). The certificate holder con-
ducting the substitute operation must 
conduct that operation in accordance 
with the same operations authority 
held by the certificate holder arranging 
for the substitute operation. These sub-
stitute operations must be conducted 
between airports for which the sub-
stitute certificate holder holds author-
ity for scheduled operations or within 
areas of operations for which the sub-
stitute certificate holder has authority 
for supplemental or on-demand oper-

(f) A certificate holder under this 

part may, if authorized by the Depart-
ment of Transportation under § 380.3 of 
this title and the Administrator in the 
case of interstate commuter, interstate 
domestic, and flag operations, or the 
Administrator in the case of scheduled 
intrastate common carriage oper-
ations, conduct one or more flights for 
passengers who are stranded because of 
the cancellation of their scheduled 
flights. These flights must be con-
ducted under the rules of part 121 or 
part 135 of this chapter applicable to 
supplemental or on-demand operations. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 60 FR 65913, Dec. 20, 1995, as 
amended by Amdt. 119–14, 76 FR 7488, Feb. 10, 

§ 119.55 Obtaining deviation authority 

to perform operations under a U.S. 

military contract. 

(a) The Administrator may authorize 

a certificate holder that is authorized 
to conduct supplemental or on-demand 
operations to deviate from the applica-
ble requirements of this part, part 117, 
part 121, or part 135 of this chapter in 
order to perform operations under a 
U.S. military contract. 

(b) A certificate holder that has a 

contract with the U.S. Department of 
Defense’s Air Mobility Command 
(AMC) must submit a request for devi-
ation authority to AMC. AMC will re-
view the requests, then forward the 
carriers’ consolidated requests, along 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 119.59 

with AMC’s recommendations, to the 
FAA for review and action. 

(c) The Administrator may authorize 

a deviation to perform operations 
under a U.S. military contract under 
the following conditions— 

(1) The Department of Defense cer-

tifies to the Administrator that the op-
eration is essential to the national de-

(2) The Department of Defense fur-

ther certifies that the certificate hold-
er cannot perform the operation with-
out deviation authority; 

(3) The certificate holder will per-

form the operation under a contract or 
subcontract for the benefit of a U.S. 
armed service; and 

(4) The Administrator finds that the 

deviation is based on grounds other 
than economic advantage either to the 
certificate holder or to the United 

(d) In the case where the Adminis-

trator authorizes a deviation under 
this section, the Administrator will 
issue an appropriate amendment to the 
certificate holder’s operations speci-

(e) The Administrator may, at any 

time, terminate any grant of deviation 
authority issued under this section. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 60 FR 65913, Dec. 20, 1995, as 
amended by Amdt. 119–16, 77 FR 402, Jan. 4, 

§ 119.57 Obtaining deviation authority 

to perform an emergency operation. 

(a) In emergency conditions, the Ad-

ministrator may authorize deviations 

(1) Those conditions necessitate the 

transportation of persons or supplies 
for the protection of life or property; 

(2) The Administrator finds that a de-

viation is necessary for the expeditious 
conduct of the operations. 

(b) When the Administrator author-

izes deviations for operations under 
emergency conditions— 

(1) The Administrator will issue an 

appropriate amendment to the certifi-
cate holder’s operations specifications; 

(2) If the nature of the emergency 

does not permit timely amendment of 
the operations specifications— 

(i) The Administrator may authorize 

the deviation orally; and 

(ii) The certificate holder shall pro-

vide documentation describing the na-
ture of the emergency to the respon-
sible Flight Standards office within 24 
hours after completing the operation. 

[Docket No. 28154, 60 FR 65913, Dec. 20, 1995, 
as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 
119–19, 83 FR 9172, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 119.59 Conducting tests and inspec-


(a) At any time or place, the Admin-

istrator may conduct an inspection or 
test to determine whether a certificate 
holder under this part is complying 
with title 49 of the United States Code, 
applicable regulations, the certificate, 
or the certificate holder’s operations 

(b) The certificate holder must— 
(1) Make available to the Adminis-

trator at the certificate holder’s prin-
cipal base of operations— 

(i) The certificate holder’s Air Car-

rier Certificate or the certificate hold-
er’s Operating Certificate and the cer-
tificate holder’s operations specifica-
tions; and 

(ii) A current listing that will include 

the location and persons responsible 
for each record, document, and report 
required to be kept by the certificate 
holder under title 49 of the United 
States Code applicable to the operation 
of the certificate holder. 

(2) Allow the Administrator to make 

any test or inspection to determine 
compliance respecting any matter stat-
ed in paragraph (a) of this section. 

(c) Each employee of, or person used 

by, the certificate holder who is re-
sponsible for maintaining the certifi-
cate holder’s records must make those 
records available to the Administrator. 

(d) The Administrator may deter-

mine a certificate holder’s continued 
eligibility to hold its certificate and/or 
operations specifications on any 
grounds listed in paragraph (a) of this 
section, or any other appropriate 

(e) Failure by any certificate holder 

to make available to the Administrator 
upon request, the certificate, oper-
ations specifications, or any required 
record, document, or report is grounds 
for suspension of all or any part of the