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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 119.61 

certificate holder’s certificate and op-
erations specifications. 

(f) In the case of operators con-

ducting intrastate common carriage 
operations, these inspections and tests 
include inspections and tests of finan-
cial books and records. 

§ 119.61 Duration and surrender of 

certificate and operations specifica-


(a) An Air Carrier Certificate or Op-

erating Certificate issued under this 
part is effective until— 

(1) The certificate holder surrenders 

it to the Administrator; or 

(2) The Administrator suspends, re-

vokes, or otherwise terminates the cer-

(b) Operations specifications issued 

under this part, part 121, or part 135 of 
this chapter are effective unless— 

(1) The Administrator suspends, re-

vokes, or otherwise terminates the cer-

(2) The operations specifications are 

amended as provided in § 119.51; 

(3) The certificate holder does not 

conduct a kind of operation for more 
than the time specified in § 119.63 and 
fails to follow the procedures of § 119.63 
upon resuming that kind of operation; 

(4) The Administrator suspends or re-

vokes the operations specifications for 
a kind of operation. 

(c) Within 30 days after a certificate 

holder terminates operations under 
part 135 of this chapter, the operating 
certificate and operations specifica-
tions must be surrendered by the cer-
tificate holder to the responsible 
Flight Standards office. 

[Docket No. 28154, 60 FR 65913, Dec. 20, 1995, 
as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 
119–19, 83 FR 9172, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 119.63 Recency of operation. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, no certificate holder 
may conduct a kind of operation for 
which it holds authority in its oper-
ations specifications unless the certifi-
cate holder has conducted that kind of 
operation within the preceding number 
of consecutive calendar days specified 
in this paragraph: 

(1) For domestic, flag, or commuter 

operations—30 days. 

(2) For supplemental or on-demand 

operations—90 days, except that if the 
certificate holder has authority to con-
duct domestic, flag, or commuter oper-
ations, and has conducted domestic, 
flag or commuter operations within the 
previous 30 days, this paragraph does 
not apply. 

(b) If a certificate holder does not 

conduct a kind of operation for which 
it is authorized in its operations speci-
fications within the number of cal-
endar days specified in paragraph (a) of 
this section, it shall not conduct such 
kind of operation unless— 

(1) It advises the Administrator at 

least 5 consecutive calendar days be-
fore resumption of that kind of oper-
ation; and 

(2) It makes itself available and ac-

cessible during the 5 consecutive cal-
endar day period in the event that the 
FAA decides to conduct a full inspec-
tion reexamination to determine 
whether the certificate holder remains 
properly and adequately equipped and 
able to conduct a safe operation. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 60 FR 65913, Dec. 20, 1995, as 
amended by Amdt. 119–2, 61 FR 30434, June 
14, 1996] 

§ 119.65 Management personnel re-

quired for operations conducted 

under part 121 of this chapter. 

(a) Each certificate holder must have 

sufficient qualified management and 
technical personnel to ensure the high-
est degree of safety in its operations. 
The certificate holder must have quali-
fied personnel serving full-time in the 
following or equivalent positions: 

(1) Director of Safety. 
(2) Director of Operations. 
(3) Chief Pilot for each category of 

aircraft the certificate holder uses, as 
listed in § 61.5(b)(1) of this chapter. 

(4) Director of Maintenance. 
(5) Chief Inspector. 
(b) The Administrator may approve 

positions or numbers of positions other 
than those listed in paragraph (a) of 
this section for a particular operation 
if the certificate holder shows that it 
can perform the operation with the 
highest degree of safety under the di-
rection of fewer or different categories 
of management personnel due to— 

(1) The kind of operation involved;