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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 120.39 

or to continue to perform safety-sen-
sitive functions. 


Use following an accident. 

No cov-

ered employee who has actual knowl-
edge of an accident involving an air-
craft for which he or she performed a 
safety-sensitive function at or near the 
time of the accident shall use alcohol 
for 8 hours following the accident, un-
less he or she has been given a post-ac-
cident test under subpart F of this 
part, or the employer has determined 
that the employee’s performance could 
not have contributed to the accident. 


Refusal to submit to a required alco-

hol test. 

A covered employee must not 

refuse to submit to any alcohol test re-
quired under subpart F of this part. A 
certificate holder must not permit an 
employee who refuses to submit to 
such a test to perform or continue to 
perform safety-sensitive functions. 

§ 120.39 Testing for alcohol. 

(a) Each certificate holder must es-

tablish an alcohol testing program in 
accordance with the provisions of sub-
part F of this part. 

(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, no certificate holder 
or operator may use any individual 
who meets the definition of covered 
employee in subpart A of this part to 
perform a safety-sensitive function 
listed in that subpart F of this part un-
less that individual is subject to test-
ing for alcohol misuse in accordance 
with the provisions of that subpart. 

(c) If a certificate holder conducts an 

on-demand operation into an airport at 
which no maintenance providers are 
available that are subject to the re-
quirements of subpart F of this part 
and emergency maintenance is re-
quired, the certificate holder may use 
individuals not meeting the require-
ments of paragraph (b) of this section 
to provide such emergency mainte-
nance under both of the following con-

(1) The certificate holder must give 

written notification of the emergency 
maintenance to the Drug Abatement 
Program Division, AAM–800, 800 Inde-
pendence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 
20591, within 10 days after being pro-
vided same in accordance with this 
paragraph. A certificate holder must 

retain copies of all such written notifi-
cations for two years. 

(2) The aircraft must be reinspected 

by maintenance personnel who meet 
the requirements of paragraph (b) of 
this section when the aircraft is next 
at an airport where such maintenance 
personnel are available. 

(d) For purposes of this section, 

emergency maintenance means main-
tenance that— 

(1) Is not scheduled and 
(2) Is made necessary by an aircraft 

condition not discovered prior to the 
departure for that location. 

Subpart E—Drug Testing Program 


§ 120.101 Scope. 

This subpart contains the standards 

and components that must be included 
in a drug testing program required by 
this part. 

§ 120.103 General. 



The purpose of this sub-

part is to establish a program designed 
to help prevent accidents and injuries 
resulting from the use of prohibited 
drugs by employees who perform safe-
ty-sensitive functions. 


DOT procedures. 

(1) Each employer 

shall ensure that drug testing pro-
grams conducted pursuant to 14 CFR 
parts 65, 91, 121, and 135 comply with 
the requirements of this subpart and 
the ‘‘Procedures for Transportation 
Workplace Drug Testing Programs’’ 
published by the Department of Trans-
portation (DOT) (49 CFR part 40). 

(2) An employer may not use or con-

tract with any drug testing laboratory 
that is not certified by the Department 
of Health and Human Services (HHS) 
under the National Laboratory Certifi-
cation Program. 


Employer responsibility. 

As an em-

ployer, you are responsible for all ac-
tions of your officials, representatives, 
and service agents in carrying out the 
requirements of this subpart and 49 
CFR part 40. 


Applicable Federal Regulations. 


following applicable regulations appear 
in 49 CFR or 14 CFR: 

(1) 49 CFR Part 40—Procedures for 

Transportation Workplace Drug Test-
ing Programs