14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.1007
program. Those persons, however, must
be under the direct visual supervision
of someone who has successfully com-
pleted the certificate holder’s approved
initial or recurrent hazardous mate-
rials training program in accordance
with this part. This exception applies
only to those persons who load air-
§ 121.1007 Hazardous materials train-
ing records.
General requirement.
Each certifi-
cate holder must maintain a record of
all training required by this part re-
ceived within the preceding three years
for each person who performs or di-
rectly supervises a job function speci-
fied in § 121.1001(a). The record must be
maintained during the time that the
person performs or directly supervises
any of those job functions, and for 90
days thereafter. These training records
must be kept for direct employees of
the certificate holder, as well as inde-
pendent contractors, subcontractors,
and any other person who performs or
directly supervises these job functions
for or on behalf of the certificate hold-
Location of records.
The certificate
holder must retain the training records
required by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion for all initial and recurrent train-
ing received within the preceding 3
years for all persons performing or di-
rectly supervising the job functions
listed in Appendix O at a designated lo-
cation. The records must be available
upon request at the location where the
trained person performs or directly su-
pervises the job function specified in
§ 121.1001(a). Records may be main-
tained electronically and provided on
location electronically. When the per-
son ceases to perform or directly super-
vise a hazardous materials job func-
tion, the certificate holder must retain
the hazardous materials training
records for an additional 90 days and
make them available upon request at
the last location where the person
Content of records.
Each record
must contain the following:
(1) The individual’s name;
(2) The most recent training comple-
tion date;
(3) A description, copy or reference to
training materials used to meet the
training requirement;
(4) The name and address of the orga-
nization providing the training; and
(5) A copy of the certification issued
when the individual was trained, which
shows that a test has been completed
New hire or new job function.
certificate holder using a person under
the exception in § 121.1005(b) must
maintain a record for that person. The
records must be available upon request
at the location where the trained per-
son performs or directly supervises the
job function specified in § 121.1001(a).
Records may be maintained electroni-
cally and provided on location elec-
tronically. The record must include the
(1) A signed statement from an au-
thorized representative of the certifi-
cate holder authorizing the use of the
person in accordance with the excep-
(2) The date of hire or change in job
(3) The person’s name and assigned
job function;
(4) The name of the supervisor of the
job function; and
(5) The date the person is to complete
hazardous materials training in accord-
ance with appendix O of this part.
Subpart AA—Continued Airworthi-
ness and Safety Improve-
: Amdt. 121–336, 72 FR 63411, Nov. 8,
2007, unless otherwise noted.
§ 121.1101 Purpose and definition.
(a) This subpart requires persons
holding an air carrier or operating cer-
tificate under part 119 of this chapter
to support the continued airworthiness
of each airplane. These requirements
may include, but are not limited to, re-
vising the maintenance program, incor-
porating design changes, and incor-
porating revisions to Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness.
(b) [Reserved]
[Amdt. 121–336, 72 FR 63411, Nov. 8, 2007, as
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt.
121–380, 83 FR 9173, Mar. 5, 2018]