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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.125 

suitable navigation aids are available 
to navigate the airplane along the 
route within the degree of accuracy re-
quired for ATC. Navigation aids re-
quired for routes outside of controlled 
airspace are listed in the certificate 
holder’s operations specifications ex-
cept for those aids required for routes 
to alternate airports. 

(b) Navigation aids are not required 

for any of the following operations— 

(1) Day VFR operations that the cer-

tificate holder shows can be conducted 
safely by pilotage because of the char-
acteristics of the terrain; 

(2) Night VFR operations on routes 

that the certificate holder shows have 
reliably lighted landmarks adequate 
for safe operation; and 

(3) Other operations approved by the 

responsible Flight Standards office. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2002–14002, 72 FR 31681, June 7, 
2007, as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, 
Amdt. 121–380, 83 FR 9173, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 121.122 Communications facilities— 

supplemental operations. 

(a) Each certificate holder con-

ducting supplemental operations other 
than all-cargo operations in an air-
plane with more than two engines must 
show that a two-way radio communica-
tion system or other means of commu-
nication approved by the FAA is avail-
able. It must ensure reliable and rapid 
communications under normal oper-
ating conditions over the entire route 
(either direct or via approved point-to- 
point circuits) between each airplane 
and the certificate holder, and between 
each airplane and the appropriate air 
traffic services, except as specified in 
§ 121.351(c). 

(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(d) of this section, each certificate 
holder conducting supplemental oper-
ations other than all-cargo operations 
in an airplane with more than two en-
gines must provide voice communica-
tions for ETOPS where voice commu-
nication facilities are available. In de-
termining whether facilities are avail-
able, the certificate holder must con-
sider potential routes and altitudes 
needed for diversion to ETOPS Alter-
nate Airports. Where facilities are not 
available or are of such poor quality 
that voice communication is not pos-

sible, another communication system 
must be substituted. 

(c) Except as provided in paragraph 

(d) of this section, for ETOPS beyond 
180 minutes each certificate holder 
conducting supplemental operations 
other than all-cargo operations in an 
airplane with more than two engines 
must have a second communication 
system in addition to that required by 
paragraph (b) of this section. That sys-
tem must be able to provide immediate 
satellite-based voice communications 
of landline telephone-fidelity. The sys-
tem must provide communication ca-
pabilities between the flight crew and 
air traffic services and the flight crew 
and the certificate holder. In deter-
mining whether such communications 
are available, the certificate holder 
must consider potential routes and al-
titudes needed for diversion to ETOPS 
Alternate Airports. Where immediate, 
satellite-based voice communications 
are not available, or are of such poor 
quality that voice communication is 
not possible, another communication 
system must be substituted. 

(d) Operators of turbine engine pow-

ered airplanes do not need to meet the 
requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) 
of this section until February 15, 2008. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2002–6717, 72 FR 1879, Jan. 16, 

§ 121.123 Servicing maintenance facili-


Each certificate holder conducting 

supplemental operations must show 
that competent personnel and adequate 
facilities and equipment (including 
spare parts, supplies, and materials) 
are available for the proper servicing, 
maintenance, and preventive mainte-
nance of aircraft and auxiliary equip-

[Doc. No. 28154, 61 FR 2611, Jan. 26, 1996] 

§ 121.125 Flight following system. 

(a) Each certificate holder con-

ducting supplemental operations must 
show that it has— 

(1) An approved flight following sys-

tem established in accordance with 
subpart U of this part and adequate for 
the proper monitoring of each flight, 
considering the operations to be con-
ducted; and