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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.137 

passenger recovery plan for each diver-
sion airport used in those operations. 

(25)(i) Procedures and information, as 

described in paragraph (b)(25)(ii) of this 
section, to assist each crewmember and 
person performing or directly super-
vising the following job functions in-
volving items for transport on an air-

(A) Acceptance; 
(B) Rejection; 
(C) Handling; 
(D) Storage incidental to transport; 
(E) Packaging of company material; 


(F) Loading. 
(ii) Ensure that the procedures and 

information described in this para-
graph are sufficient to assist the per-
son in identifying packages that are 
marked or labeled as containing haz-
ardous materials or that show signs of 
containing undeclared hazardous mate-
rials. The procedures and information 
must include: 

(A) Procedures for rejecting packages 

that do not conform to the Hazardous 
Materials Regulations in 49 CFR parts 
171 through 180 or that appear to con-
tain undeclared hazardous materials; 

(B) Procedures for complying with 

the hazardous materials incident re-
porting requirements of 49 CFR 171.15 
and 171.16 and discrepancy reporting re-
quirements of 49 CFR 175.31 

(C) The certificate holder’s hazmat 

policies and whether the certificate 
holder is authorized to carry, or is pro-
hibited from carrying, hazardous mate-
rials; and 

(D) If the certificate holder’s oper-

ations specifications permit the trans-
port of hazardous materials, procedures 
and information to ensure the fol-



) That packages containing haz-

ardous materials are properly offered 
and accepted in compliance with 49 
CFR parts 171 through 180; 



) That packages containing haz-

ardous materials are properly handled, 
stored, packaged, loaded, and carried 
on board an aircraft in compliance 
with 49 CFR parts 171 through 180; 



) That the requirements for Notice 

to the Pilot in Command (49 CFR 
175.33) are complied with; and 



) That aircraft replacement parts, 

consumable materials or other items 

regulated by 49 CFR parts 171 through 
180 are properly handled, packaged, and 

(26) Other information or instruc-

tions relating to safety. 

(c) Each certificate holder shall 

maintain at least one complete copy of 
the manual at its principal base of op-

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19196, Dec. 31, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–104, 38 FR 14915, June 
7, 1973; Amdt. 121–106, 38 FR 22377, Aug. 20, 
1973; Amdt. 121–143, 43 FR 22641, May 25, 1978; 
Amdt. 121–162, 45 FR 46739, July 10, 1980; 
Amdt. 121–251, 60 FR 65926, Dec. 20, 1995; 
Amdt. 121–250, 60 FR 65948, Dec. 20, 1995; 
Amdt. 121–316, 70 FR 58823, Oct. 7, 2005; Amdt. 
121–329, 72 FR 1879, Jan. 16, 2007; Docket No. 
FAA–2022–0912; Amdt. No. 121–388, 88 FR 
34443, May 30, 2023] 

§ 121.137 Distribution and availability. 

(a) Each certificate holder shall fur-

nish copies of the manual required by 
§ 121.133 (and the changes and additions 
thereto) or appropriate parts of the 
manual to— 

(1) Its appropriate ground operations 

and maintenance personnel; 

(2) Crewmembers; and 
(3) Representatives of the Adminis-

trator assigned to it. 

(b) Each person to whom a manual or 

appropriate parts of it are furnished 
under paragraph (a) of this section 
shall keep it up-to-date with the 
changes and additions furnished to 
that person and shall have the manual 
or appropriate parts of it accessible 
when performing assigned duties. 

(c) For the purpose of complying with 

paragraph (a) of this section, a certifi-
cate holder may furnish the persons 
listed therein the maintenance part of 
the manual in printed form or other 
form, acceptable to the Administrator, 
that is retrievable in the English lan-

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19196, Dec. 31, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–71, 35 FR 17176, Nov. 7, 
1970; Amdt. 121–162, 45 FR 46739, July 10, 1980; 
Amdt. 121–262, 62 FR 13256, Mar. 19, 1997] 

§ 121.139 Manual accessibility: Supple-

mental operations. 

Each certificate holder conducting 

supplemental operations must ensure 
the appropriate parts of the manual are 
accessible to flight, ground, and main-
tenance personnel at all times when 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.153 

such personnel are performing their as-
signed duties. The information and in-
structions contained in the manual 
must be displayed clearly and be re-
trievable in the English language. 

[Docket No. FAA–2022–0912; Amdt. No. 121– 
388, 88 FR 34443, May 30, 2023] 

§ 121.141 Airplane flight manual. 

(a) Each certificate holder shall keep 

a current approved airplane flight man-
ual for each type of airplane that it op-
erates except for nontransport cat-
egory airplanes certificated before Jan-
uary 1, 1965. 

(b) In each airplane required to have 

an airplane flight manual in paragraph 
(a) of this section, the certificate hold-
er shall carry either the manual re-
quired by § 121.133, if it contains the in-
formation required for the applicable 
flight manual and this information is 
clearly identified as flight manual re-
quirements, or an approved Airplane 
Manual. If the certificate holder elects 
to carry the manual required by 
§ 121.133, the certificate holder may re-
vise the operating procedures sections 
and modify the presentation of per-
formance data from the applicable 
flight manual if the revised operating 
procedures and modified performance 
date presentation are— 

(1) Approved by the Administrator; 


(2) Clearly identified as airplane 

flight manual requirements. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 60 FR 65927, Dec. 20, 1995] 

Subpart H—Aircraft Requirements 



: Docket No. 6258, 29 FR 19197, Dec. 

31, 1964, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 121.151 Applicability. 

This subpart prescribes aircraft re-

quirements for all certificate holders. 

§ 121.153 Aircraft requirements: Gen-


(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, no certificate holder 
may operate an aircraft unless that 

(1) Is registered as a civil aircraft of 

the United States and carries an appro-
priate current airworthiness certificate 
issued under this chapter; and 

(2) Is in an airworthy condition and 

meets the applicable airworthiness re-
quirements of this chapter, including 
those relating to identification and 

(b) A certificate holder may use an 

approved weight and balance control 
system based on average, assumed, or 
estimated weight to comply with appli-
cable airworthiness requirements and 
operating limitations. 

(c) A certificate holder may operate 

in common carriage, and for the car-
riage of mail, a civil aircraft which is 
leased or chartered to it without crew 
and is registered in a country which is 
a party to the Convention on Inter-
national Civil Aviation if— 

(1) The aircraft carries an appro-

priate airworthiness certificate issued 
by the country of registration and 
meets the registration and identifica-
tion requirements of that country; 

(2) The aircraft is of a type design 

which is approved under a U.S. type 
certificate and complies with all of the 
requirements of this chapter (14 CFR 
Chapter 1) that would be applicable to 
that aircraft were it registered in the 
United States, including the require-
ments which must be met for issuance 
of a U.S. standard airworthiness cer-
tificate (including type design con-
formity, condition for safe operation, 
and the noise, fuel venting, and engine 
emission requirements of this chapter), 
except that a U.S. registration certifi-
cate and a U.S. standard airworthiness 
certificate will not be issued for the 

(3) The aircraft is operated by U.S.- 

certificated airmen employed by the 
certificate holder; and 

(4) The certificate holder files a copy 

of the aircraft lease or charter agree-
ment with the FAA Aircraft Registry, 
Department of Transportation, 6400 
South MacArthur Boulevard, Okla-
homa City, OK (Mailing address: P.O. 
Box 25504, Oklahoma City, OK 73125). 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19197, Dec. 31, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–165, 45 FR 68649, Oct. 
16, 1980]