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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.183 

(c) This section does not apply to 

large nontransport category airplanes 
operated under § 121.173(c). 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19198, Dec. 31, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–251, 60 FR 65928, Dec. 
20, 1995] 

§ 121.181 Airplanes: Reciprocating en-

gine-powered: En route limitations: 

One engine inoperative. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, no person operating 
a reciprocating engine powered air-
plane may take off that airplane at a 
weight, allowing for normal consump-
tion of fuel and oil, that does not allow 
a rate of climb (in feet per minute), 
with one engine inoperative, of at least 

(0.079–0.106/N) V



is the number of engines in-

stalled and 



is expressed in knots) at 

an altitude of at least 1,000 feet above 
the highest ground or obstruction 
within 10 miles of each side of the in-
tended track. However, for the pur-
poses of this paragraph the rate of 
climb for airplanes certificated under 
part 4a of the Civil Air Regulations is 
0.026 V



(b) In place of the requirements of 

paragraph (a) of this section, a person 
may, under an approved procedure, op-
erate a reciprocating engine powered 
airplane, at an all-engines-operating 
altitude that allows the airplane to 
continue, after an engine failure, to an 
alternate airport where a landing can 
be made in accordance with § 121.187, al-
lowing for normal consumption of fuel 
and oil. After the assumed failure, the 
flight path must clear the ground and 
any obstruction within five miles on 
each side of the intended track by at 
least 2,000 feet. 

(c) If an approved procedure under 

paragraph (b) of this section is used, 
the certificate holder shall comply 
with the following: 

(1) The rate of climb (as prescribed in 

the Airplane Flight Manual for the ap-
propriate weight and altitude) used in 
calculating the airplane’s flight path 
shall be diminished by an amount, in 
feet per minute, equal to 

(0.079–0.106/N) V



is the number of engines in-

stalled and 



is expressed in knots) 

for airplanes certificated under part 25 
of this chapter and by 0.026 V


2 for air-

planes certificated under part 4a of the 
Civil Air Regulations. 

(2) The all-engines-operating altitude 

shall be sufficient so that in the event 
the critical engine becomes inoperative 
at any point along the route, the flight 
will be able to proceed to a predeter-
mined alternate airport by use of this 
procedure. In determining the takeoff 
weight, the airplane is assumed to pass 
over the critical obstruction following 
engine failure at a point no closer to 
the critical obstruction than the near-
est approved radio navigational fix, un-
less the Administrator approves a pro-
cedure established on a different basis 
upon finding that adequate operational 
safeguards exist. 

(3) The airplane must meet the provi-

sions of paragraph (a) of this section at 
1,000 feet above the airport used as an 
alternate in this procedure. 

(4) The procedure must include an ap-

proved method of accounting for winds 
and temperatures that would otherwise 
adversely affect the flight path. 

(5) In complying with this procedure 

fuel jettisoning is allowed if the certifi-
cate holder shows that it has an ade-
quate training program, that proper in-
structions are given to the flight crew, 
and all other precautions are taken to 
insure a safe procedure. 

(6) The certificate holder shall speci-

fy in the dispatch or flight release an 
alternate airport that meets the re-
quirements of § 121.625. 

(d) This section does not apply to 

large nontransport category airplanes 
operated under § 121.173(c). 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19198, Dec. 31, 1964; 30 
FR 130, Jan. 7, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 
121–251, 60 FR 65928, Dec. 20, 1995] 

§ 121.183 Part 25 airplanes with four 

or more engines: Reciprocating en-

gine powered: En route limitations: 

Two engines inoperative. 

(a) No person may operate an air-

plane certificated under part 25 and 
having four or more engines unless— 

(1) There is no place along the in-

tended track that is more than 90 min-
utes (with all engines operating at 
cruising power) from an airport that 
meets the requirements of § 121.187; or 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.185 

(2) It is operated at a weight allowing 

the airplane, with the two critical en-
gines inoperative, to climb at 0.013 V


feet per minute (that is, the number of 
feet per minute is obtained by multi-
plying the number of knots squared by 
0.013) at an altitude of 1,000 feet above 
the highest ground or obstruction 
within 10 miles on each side of the in-
tended track, or at an altitude of 5,000 
feet, whichever is higher. 

(b) For the purposes of paragraph 

(a)(2) of this section, it is assumed 

(1) The two engines fail at the point 

that is most critical with respect to 
the takeoff weight: 

(2) Consumption of fuel and oil is nor-

mal with all engines operating up to 
the point where the two engines fail 
and with two engines operating beyond 
that point; 

(3) Where the engines are assumed to 

fail at an altitude above the prescribed 
minimum altitude, compliance with 
the prescribed rate of climb at the pre-
scribed minimum altitude need not be 
shown during the descent from the 
cruising altitude to the prescribed min-
imum altitude, if those requirements 
can be met once the prescribed min-
imum altitude is reached, and assum-
ing descent to be along a net flight 
path and the rate of descent to be 0.013 


2 greater than the rate in the ap-

proved performance data; and 

(4) If fuel jettisoning is provided, the 

airplane’s weight at the point where 
the two engines fail is considered to be 
not less than that which would include 
enough fuel to proceed to an airport 
meeting the requirements of § 121.187 
and to arrive at an altitude of at least 
1,000 feet directly over that airport. 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19198, Dec. 31, 1964; 30 
FR 130, Jan. 7, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 
121–251, 60 FR 65928, Dec. 20, 1995] 

§ 121.185 Airplanes: Reciprocating en-

gine-powered: Landing limitations: 

Destination airport. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section no person operating 
a reciprocating engine powered air-
plane may take off that airplane, un-
less its weight on arrival, allowing for 
normal consumption of fuel and oil in 
flight, would allow a full stop landing 
at the intended destination within 60 

percent of the effective length of each 
runway described below from a point 50 
feet directly above the intersection of 
the obstruction clearance plane and 
the runway. For the purposes of deter-
mining the allowable landing weight at 
the destination airport the following is 

(1) The airplane is landed on the most 

favorable runway and in the most fa-
vorable direction in still air. 

(2) The airplane is landed on the most 

suitable runway considering the prob-
able wind velocity and direction (fore-
cast for the expected time of arrival), 
the ground handling characteristics of 
the type of airplane, and other condi-
tions such as landing aids and terrain, 
and allowing for the effect of the land-
ing path and roll of not more than 50 
percent of the headwind component or 
not less than 150 percent of the tail-
wind component. 

(b) An airplane that would be prohib-

ited from being taken off because it 
could not meet the requirements of 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section may be 
taken off if an alternate airport is 
specified that meets all of the require-
ments of this section except that the 
airplane can accomplish a full stop 
landing within 70 percent of the effec-
tive length of the runway. 

(c) This section does not apply to 

large nontransport category airplanes 
operated under § 121.173(c). 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19198, Dec. 31, 1964; 30 
FR 130, Jan. 7, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 
121–251, 60 FR 65928, Dec. 20, 1995] 

§ 121.187 Airplanes: Reciprocating en-

gine-powered: Landing limitations: 
Alternate airport. 

(a) No person may list an airport as 

an alternate airport in a dispatch or 
flight release unless the airplane (at 
the weight anticipated at the time of 
arrival at the airport), based on the as-
sumptions in § 121.185, can be brought 
to a full stop landing, within 70 percent 
of the effective length of the runway. 

(b) This section does not apply to 

large nontransport category airplanes 
operated under § 121.173(c). 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19198, Dec. 31, 1964; 30 
FR 130, Jan. 7, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 
121–251, 60 FR 65928, Dec. 20, 1995]