Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.313
requirements pertaining to seat cush-
ions in § 25.853(c) effective on November
26, 1984, on each airplane as follows:
(1) Each transport category airplane
type certificated after January 1, 1958;
(2) On or after December 20, 2010,
each nontransport category airplane
type certificated after December 31,
All interior materials; airplanes type
certificated in accordance with SFAR No.
41 of 14 CFR part 21.
No person may op-
erate an airplane that conforms to an
amended or supplemental type certifi-
cate issued in accordance with SFAR
No. 41 of 14 CFR part 21 for a maximum
certificated takeoff weight in excess of
12,500 pounds unless the airplane meets
the compartment interior require-
ments set forth in § 25.853(a) in effect
March 6, 1995 (formerly § 25.853(a), (b),
(b–1), (b–2), and (b–3) of this chapter in
effect on September 26, 1978)(see app. L
of this part).
All interior materials; other air-
For each material or seat cush-
ion to which a requirement in para-
graphs (a), (b), or (c) of this section
does not apply, the material and seat
cushion in each compartment used by
the crewmembers and passengers must
meet the applicable requirement under
which the airplane was type certifi-
(e) Thermal/acoustic insulation ma-
terials. For transport category air-
planes type certificated after January
1, 1958:
(1) For airplanes manufactured before
September 2, 2005, when thermal/acous-
tic insulation is installed in the fuse-
lage as replacements after September
2, 2005, the insulation must meet the
flame propagation requirements of
§ 25.856 of this chapter, effective Sep-
tember 2, 2003, if it is:
(i) Of a blanket construction or
(ii) Installed around air ducting.
(2) For airplanes manufactured after
September 2, 2005, thermal/acoustic in-
sulation materials installed in the fu-
selage must meet the flame propaga-
tion requirements of § 25.856 of this
chapter, effective September 2, 2003.
(3) For airplanes with a passenger ca-
pacity of 20 or greater, manufactured
after September 2, 2009, thermal/acous-
tic insulation materials installed in
the lower half of the fuselage must
meet the flame penetration resistance
requirements of § 25.856 of this chapter,
effective September 2, 2003.
[Doc. No. 28154, 60 FR 65930, Dec. 20, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 121–301, 68 FR 45083, July
31, 2003; Amdt. 121–320, 70 FR 77752, Dec. 30,
2005; Amdt. 121–330, 72 FR 1442, Jan. 12, 2007;
Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 121–380, 83 FR
9173, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 121.313 Miscellaneous equipment.
No person may conduct any oper-
ation unless the following equipment is
installed in the airplane:
(a) If protective fuses are installed on
an airplane, the number of spare fuses
approved for that airplane and appro-
priately described in the certificate
holder’s manual.
(b) A windshield wiper or equivalent
for each pilot station.
(c) A power supply and distribution
system that meets the requirements of
§§ 25.1309, 25.1331, 25.1351(a) and (b)(1)
through (4), 25.1353, 25.1355, and
25.1431(b) or that is able to produce and
distribute the load for the required in-
struments and equipment, with use of
an external power supply if any one
power source or component of the
power distribution system fails. The
use of common elements in the system
may be approved if the Administrator
finds that they are designed to be rea-
sonably protected against malfunc-
tioning. Engine-driven sources of en-
ergy, when used, must be on separate
(d) A means for indicating the ade-
quacy of the power being supplied to
required flight instruments.
(e) Two independent static pressure
systems, vented to the outside atmos-
pheric pressure so that they will be
least affected by air flow variation or
moisture or other foreign matter, and
installed so as to be airtight except for
the vent. When a means is provided for
transferring an instrument from its
primary operating system to an alter-
nate system, the means must include a
positive positioning control and must
be marked to indicate clearly which
system is being used.
(f) A door between the passenger and
pilot compartments (
, flightdeck
door), with a locking means to prevent
passengers from opening it without the
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.314
pilot’s permission, except that non-
transport category airplanes certifi-
cated after December 31, 1964, are not
required to comply with this para-
graph. For airplanes equipped with a
crew rest area having separate entries
from the flightdeck and the passenger
compartment, a door with such a lock-
ing means must be provided between
the crew rest area and the passenger
(g) A key for each door that sepa-
rates a passenger compartment from
another compartment that has emer-
gency exit provisions. Except for
flightdeck doors, a key must be readily
available for each crewmember. Except
as provided below, no person other
than a person who is assigned to per-
form duty on the flightdeck may have
a key to the flightdeck door. Before
April 22, 2003, any crewmember may
have a key to the flightdeck door but
only if the flightdeck door has an in-
ternal flightdeck locking device in-
stalled, operative, and in use. Such
‘‘internal flightdeck locking device’’
has to be designed so that it can only
be unlocked from inside the flightdeck.
(h) A placard on each door that is the
means of access to a required passenger
emergency exit, to indicate that it
must be open during takeoff and land-
(i) A means for the crew, in an emer-
gency to unlock each door that leads to
a compartment that is normally acces-
sible to passengers and that can be
locked by passengers.
(j) After April 9, 2003, for airplanes
required by paragraph (f) of this sec-
tion to have a door between the pas-
senger and pilot or crew rest compart-
ments, and for transport category, all-
cargo airplanes that have a door in-
stalled between the pilot compartment
and any other occupied compartment
on January 15, 2002;
(1) After April 9, 2003, for airplanes
required by paragraph (f) of this sec-
tion to have a door between the pas-
senger and pilot or crew rest compart-
(i) Each such door must meet the re-
quirements of § 25.795(a)(1) and (2) in ef-
fect on January 15, 2002; and
(ii) Each operator must establish
methods to enable a flight attendant to
enter the pilot compartment in the
event that a flightcrew member be-
comes incapacitated. Any associated
signal or confirmation system must be
operable by each flightcrew member
from that flightcrew member’s duty
(2) After October 1, 2003, for transport
category, all-cargo airplanes that had a
door installed between the pilot com-
partment and any other occupied com-
partment on or after January 15, 2002,
each such door must meet the require-
ments of § 25.795(a)(1) and (2) in effect
on January 15, 2002; or the operator
must implement a security program
approved by the Transportation Secu-
rity Administration (TSA) for the oper-
ation of all airplanes in that operator’s
(k) Except for all-cargo operations as
defined in § 110.2 of this chapter, for all
passenger-carrying airplanes that re-
quire a lockable flightdeck door in ac-
cordance with paragraph (f) of this sec-
tion, a means to monitor from the
flightdeck side of the door the area
outside the flightdeck door to identify
persons requesting entry and to detect
suspicious behavior and potential
(l) For airplanes required by para-
graph (f) of this section to have a door
between the passenger and pilot or
crew rest compartments, and for pas-
senger-carrying transport category air-
planes that have a door installed be-
tween the pilot compartment and any
other occupied compartment, that were
manufactured after August 25, 2025, an
installed physical secondary barrier
(IPSB) that meets the requirements of
§ 25.795(a)(4) of this chapter in effect on
August 25, 2023.
[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19205, Dec. 31, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 121–5, 30 FR 6113, Apr. 30,
1965; Amdt. 121–251, 60 FR 65931, Dec. 20, 1995;
Amdt. 121–288, 67 FR 2127, Jan. 15, 2002; Amdt.
121–299, 68 FR 42881, July 18, 2003; Amdt. 121–
334, 72 FR 45635, Aug. 15, 2007; Amdt. 121–353,
76 FR 7488, Feb. 10, 2011; Amdt. No. 121–389, 88
FR 41308, June 26, 2023]
§ 121.314 Cargo and baggage compart-
For each transport category airplane
type certificated after January 1, 1958:
(a) Each Class C or Class D compart-
ment, as defined in § 25.857 of this Chap-
ter in effect on June 16, 1986 (see Ap-
pendix L to this part), that is greater