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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.337 

period for at least 10 percent of the pas-
senger cabin occupants. 

(2) When an airplane is operated at 

flight altitudes up to and including 
flight level 250 and cannot descend 
safely to a flight altitude of 14,000 feet 
within four minutes, or when an air-
plane is operated at flight altitudes 
above flight level 250, oxygen must be 
available at the rate prescribed by this 
part for not less than 10 percent of the 
passenger cabin occupants for the en-
tire flight after cabin depressurization, 
at cabin pressure altitudes above 10,000 
feet up to and including 14,000 feet and, 
as applicable, to allow compliance with 
§ 121.329(c) (2) and (3), except that there 
must be not less than a 10-minute sup-
ply for the passenger cabin occupants. 

(3) For first-aid treatment of occu-

pants who for physiological reasons 
might require undiluted oxygen fol-
lowing descent from cabin pressure al-
titudes above flight level 250, a supply 
of oxygen in accordance with the re-
quirements of § 25.1443(d) must be pro-
vided for two percent of the occupants 
for the entire flight after cabin depres-
surization at cabin pressure altitudes 
above 8,000 feet, but in no case to less 
than one person. An appropriate num-
ber of acceptable dispensing units, but 
in no case less than two, must be pro-
vided, with a means for the cabin at-
tendants to use this supply. 


Passenger briefing. 

Before flight is 

conducted above flight level 250, a 
crewmember shall instruct the pas-
sengers on the necessity of using oxy-
gen in the event of cabin depressuriza-
tion and shall point out to them the lo-
cation and demonstrate the use of the 
oxygen-dispensing equipment. 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19205, Dec. 31, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–11, 30 FR 12466, Sept. 
30, 1965; Amdt. 121–132, 41 FR 55475, Dec. 20, 
1976; Amdt. 121–262, 62 FR 13256, Mar. 19, 1997; 
62 FR 15570, Apr. 1, 1997; Amdt. 121–306, 69 FR 
62789, Oct. 27, 2004; Amdt. 121–383, 85 FR 16900, 
Mar. 25, 2020] 

§ 121.335 Equipment standards. 


Reciprocating engine powered air-


The oxygen apparatus, the min-

imum rates of oxygen flow, and the 
supply of oxygen necessary to comply 
with § 121.327 must meet the standards 
established in section 4b.651 of the Civil 
Air Regulations as in effect on July 20, 

1950, except that if the certificate hold-
er shows full compliance with those 
standards to be impracticable, the Ad-
ministrator may authorize any change 
in those standards that he finds will 
provide an equivalent level of safety. 


Turbine engine powered airplanes. 

The oxygen apparatus, the minimum 
rate of oxygen flow, and the supply of 
oxygen necessary to comply with 
§§ 121.329 and 121.333 must meet the 
standards established in section 4b.651 
of the Civil Air Regulations as in effect 
on September 1, 1958, except that if the 
certificate holder shows full compli-
ance with those standards to be im-
practicable, the Administrator may au-
thorize any changes in those standards 
that he finds will provide an equivalent 
level of safety. 

§ 121.337 Protective breathing equip-


(a) The certificate holder shall fur-

nish approved protective breathing 
equipment (PBE) meeting the equip-
ment, breathing gas, and communica-
tion requirements contained in para-
graph (b) of this section. 


Pressurized and nonpressurized 

cabin airplanes. 

Except as provided in 

paragraph (f) of this section, no person 
may operate an airplane unless protec-
tive breathing equipment meeting the 
requirements of this section is provided 
as follows: 



The equipment must pro-

tect the flightcrew from the effects of 
smoke, carbon dioxide or other harmful 
gases or an oxygen deficient environ-
ment caused by other than an airplane 
depressurization while on flight deck 
duty and must protect crewmembers 
from the above effects while combat-
ting fires on board the airplane. 

(2) The equipment must be inspected 

regularly in accordance with inspec-
tion guidelines and the inspection peri-
ods established by the equipment man-
ufacturer to ensure its condition for 
continued serviceability and imme-
diate readiness to perform its intended 
emergency purposes. The inspection pe-
riods may be changed upon a showing 
by the certificate holder that the 
changes would provide an equivalent 
level of safety. 

(3) That part of the equipment pro-

tecting the eyes must not impair the 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.337 

wearer’s vision to the extent that a 
crewmember’s duties cannot be accom-
plished and must allow corrective 
glasses to be worn without impairment 
of vision or loss of the protection re-
quired by paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-

(4) The equipment, while in use, must 

allow the flightcrew to communicate 
using the airplane radio equipment and 
to communicate by interphone with 
each other while at their assigned duty 
stations. The equipment, while in use, 
must also allow crewmember inter-
phone communications between each of 
two flight crewmember stations in the 
pilot compartment and at least one 
normal flight attendant station in each 
passenger compartment. 

(5) The equipment, while in use, must 

allow any crewmember to use the air-
plane interphone system at any of the 
flight attendant stations referred to in 
paragraph (b)(4) of this section. 

(6) The equipment may also be used 

to meet the supplemental oxygen re-
quirements of this part provided it 
meets the oxygen equipment standards 
of § 121.335 of this part. 

(7) Protective breathing gas duration 

and supply system equipment require-
ments are as follows: 

(i) The equipment must supply 

breathing gas for 15 minutes at a pres-
sure altitude of 8,000 feet for the fol-

(A) Flight crewmembers while per-

forming flight deck duties; and 

(B) Crewmembers while combatting 

an in-flight fire. 

(ii) The breathing gas system must 

be free from hazards in itself, in its 
method of operation, and in its effect 
upon other components. 

(iii) For breathing gas systems other 

than chemical oxygen generators, 
there must be a means to allow the 
crew to readily determine, during the 
equipment preflight described in para-
graph (c) of this section, that the gas 
supply is fully charged. 

(iv) For each chemical oxygen gener-

ator, the supply system equipment 
must meet the requirements of § 25.1450 
(b) and (c) of this chapter. 


Smoke and fume protection. 


tive breathing equipment with a fixed 
or portable breathing gas supply meet-
ing the requirements of this section 

must be conveniently located on the 
flight deck and be easily accessible for 
immediate use by each required flight 
crewmember at his or her assigned 
duty station. 


Fire combatting. 

Except for non-

transport category airplanes type cer-
tificated after December 31, 1964, pro-
tective breathing equipment with a 
portable breathing gas supply meeting 
the requirements of this section must 
be easily accessible and conveniently 
located for immediate use by crew-
members in combatting fires as fol-

(i) One PBE is required for each hand 

fire extinguisher located for use in a 
galley other than a galley located in a 
passenger, cargo, or crew compart-

(ii) One on the flight deck, except 

that the Administrator may authorize 
another location for this PBE if special 
circumstances exist that make compli-
ance impractical and the proposed de-
viation would provide an equivalent 
level of safety. 

(iii) In each passenger compartment, 

one for each hand fire extinguisher re-
quired by § 121.309 of this part, to be lo-
cated within 3 feet of each required 
hand fire extinguisher, except that the 
Administrator may authorize a devi-
ation allowing locations of PBE more 
than 3 feet from required hand fire ex-
tinguisher locations if special cir-
cumstances exist that make compli-
ance impractical and if the proposed 
deviation provides an equivalent level 
of safety. 


Equipment preflight. 

(1) Before 

each flight, each item of PBE at flight 
crewmember duty stations must be 
checked by the flight crewmember who 
will use the equipment to ensure that 
the equipment— 

(i) For other than chemical oxygen 

generator systems, is functioning, is 
serviceable, fits properly (unless a uni-
versal-fit type), and is connected to 
supply terminals and that the breath-
ing gas supply and pressure are ade-
quate for use; and 

(ii) For chemical oxygen generator 

systems, is serviceable and fits prop-
erly (unless a universal-fit type). 

(2) Each item of PBE located at other 

than a flight crewmember duty station 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.340 

must be checked by a designated crew-
member to ensure that each is properly 
stowed and serviceable, and, for other 
than chemical oxygen generator sys-
tems, the breathing gas supply is fully 
charged. Each certificate holder, in its 
operations manual, must designate at 
least one crewmember to perform those 
checks before he or she takes off in 
that airplane for his or her first flight 
of the day. 

[Doc. No. 24792, 52 FR 20957, June 3, 1987, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–204, 54 FR 22271, May 
22, 1989; Amdt. 121–212, 55 FR 5551, Feb. 15, 
1990; Amdt. 121–218, 55 FR 31565, Aug. 2, 1990; 
Amdt. 121–230, 57 FR 42674, Sept. 15, 1992; 
Amdt. 121–251, 60 FR 65932, Dec. 20, 1995; 
Amdt. 121–261, 61 FR 43921, Aug. 26, 1996] 

§ 121.339 Emergency equipment for ex-

tended over-water operations. 

(a) Except where the Administrator, 

by amending the operations specifica-
tions of the certificate holder, requires 
the carriage of all or any specific items 
of the equipment listed below for any 
overwater operation, or upon applica-
tion of the certificate holder, the Ad-
ministrator allows deviation for a par-
ticular extended overwater operation, 
no person may operate an airplane in 
extended overwater operations without 
having on the airplane the following 

(1) A life preserver equipped with an 

approved survivor locator light, for 
each occupant of the airplane. 

(2) Enough life rafts (each equipped 

with an approved survivor locator 
light) of a rated capacity and buoyancy 
to accommodate the occupants of the 
airplane. Unless excess rafts of enough 
capacity are provided, the buoyancy 
and seating capacity beyond the rated 
capacity of the rafts must accommo-
date all occupants of the airplane in 
the event of a loss of one raft of the 
largest rated capacity. 

(3) At least one pyrotechnic signaling 

device for each life raft. 

(4) An approved survival type emer-

gency locator transmitter. Batteries 
used in this transmitter must be re-
placed (or recharged, if the battery is 
rechargeable) when the transmitter has 
been in use for more than 1 cumulative 
hour, or when 50 percent of their useful 
life (or for rechargeable batteries, 50 
percent of their useful life of charge) 

has expired, as established by the 
transmitter manufacturer under its ap-
proval. The new expiration date for re-
placing (or recharging) the battery 
must be legibly marked on the outside 
of the transmitter. The battery useful 
life (or useful life of charge) require-
ments of this paragraph do not apply 
to batteries (such as water-activated 
batteries) that are essentially unaf-
fected during probable storage inter-

(b) The required life rafts, life pre-

servers, and survival type emergency 
locator transmitter must be easily ac-
cessible in the event of a ditching with-
out appreciable time for preparatory 
procedures. This equipment must be in-
stalled in conspicuously marked, ap-
proved locations. 

(c) A survival kit, appropriately 

equipped for the route to be flown, 
must be attached to each required life 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19205, Dec. 31, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–53, 34 FR 15244, Sept. 
30, 1969; Amdt. 121–79, 36 FR 18724, Sept. 21, 
1971; Amdt. 121–93, 37 FR 14294, June 19, 1972 
Amdt. 121–106, 38 FR 22378, Aug. 20, 1973; 
Amdt. 121–149, 43 FR 50603, Oct. 30, 1978; 
Amdt. 121–158, 45 FR 38348, June 9, 1980; 
Amdt. 121–239, 59 FR 32057, June 21, 1994] 

§ 121.340 Emergency flotation means. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, no person may oper-
ate an airplane in any overwater oper-
ation unless it is equipped with life 
preservers in accordance with 
§ 121.339(a)(1) or with an approved flota-
tion means for each occupant. This 
means must be within easy reach of 
each seated occupant and must be read-
ily removable from the airplane. 

(b) Upon application by the air car-

rier or commercial operator, the Ad-
ministrator may approve the operation 
of an airplane over water without the 
life preservers or flotation means re-
quired by paragraph (a) of this section, 
if the air carrier or commercial oper-
ator shows that the water over which 
the airplane is to be operated is not of 
such size and depth that life preservers 
or flotation means would be required 
for the survival of its occupants in the