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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.344 

the instant the airplane begins the 
takeoff roll until it has completed the 
landing roll at an airport. 

(h) Except as provided in paragraph 

(i) of this section, and except for re-
corded data erased as authorized in 
this paragraph, each certificate holder 
shall keep the recorded data prescribed 
in paragraph (a), (b), (c), or (d) of this 
section, as appropriate, until the air-
plane has been operated for at least 25 
hours of the operating time specified in 
§ 121.359(a). A total of 1 hour of recorded 
data may be erased for the purpose of 
testing the flight recorder or the flight 
recorder system. Any erasure made in 
accordance with this paragraph must 
be of the oldest recorded data accumu-
lated at the time of testing. Except as 
provided in paragraph (i) of this sec-
tion, no record need be kept more than 
60 days. 

(i) In the event of an accident or oc-

currence that requires immediate noti-
fication of the National Transportation 
Safety Board under part 830 of its regu-
lations and that results in termination 
of the flight, the certificate holder 
shall remove the recording media from 
the airplane and keep the recorded 
data required by paragraph (a), (b), (c), 
or (d) of this section, as appropriate, 
for at least 60 days or for a longer pe-
riod upon the request of the Board or 
the Administrator. 

(j) Each flight recorder required by 

this section must be installed in ac-
cordance with the requirements of 
§ 25.1459 of this chapter in effect on Au-
gust 31, 1977. The correlation required 
by § 25.1459(c) of this chapter need be 
established only on one airplane of any 
group of airplanes— 

(1) That are of the same type; 
(2) On which the model flight re-

corder and its installation are the 
same; and 

(3) On which there is no difference in 

the type design with respect to the in-
stallation of those first pilot’s instru-
ments associated with the flight re-
corder. The most recent instrument 
calibration, including the recording 
medium from which this calibration is 
derived, and the recorder correlation 
must be retained by the certificate 

(k) Each flight recorder required by 

this section that records the data spec-

ified in paragraph (a), (b), (c), or (d) of 
this section, as appropriate, must have 
an approved device to assist in locating 
that recorder under water. 

(l) No person may operate an airplane 

specified in paragraph (b) of this sec-
tion that meets the Stage 2 noise levels 
of part 36 of this chapter and is subject 
to § 91.801(c) of this chapter unless it is 
equipped with one or more approved 
flight data recorders that utilize a dig-
ital method of recording and storing 
data and a method of readily retrieving 
that data from the storage medium. 
The information specified in para-
graphs (c)(1) through (c)(11) of this sec-
tion must be able to be determined 
within the ranges, accuracies and re-
cording intervals specified in appendix 
B of this part. In addition— 

(1) This flight data recorder must be 

installed at the next heavy mainte-
nance check after May 26, 1994, but no 
later than May 26, 1995. A heavy main-
tenance check is considered to be any 
time an aircraft is scheduled to be out 
of service for 4 or more days. 

(2) By June 23, 1994, each carrier must 

submit to the FAA Flight Standards 
Service, Air Transportation Division 
(AFS–200), documentation listing those 
airplanes covered under this paragraph 
and evidence that it has ordered a suf-
ficient number of flight data recorders 
to meet the May 26, 1995, compliance 
date for all aircraft on that list. 

(3) After May 26, 1994, any aircraft 

that is modified to meet Stage 3 noise 
levels must have the flight data re-
corder described in paragraph (c) of 
this section installed before operating 
under this part. 

(m) After August 20, 2001, this section 

applies only to the airplane models 
listed in § 121.344(l)(2). All other air-
planes must comply with the require-
ments of § 121.344, as applicable. 

[Doc. No. 24418, 52 FR 9636, Mar. 25, 1987, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–197, 53 FR 26147, July 
11, 1988; Amdt. 121–238, 59 FR 26900, May 24, 
1994; Amdt. 121–338, 73 FR 12565, Mar. 7, 2008] 

§ 121.344 Digital flight data recorders 

for transport category airplanes. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(l) of this section, no person may oper-
ate under this part a turbine-engine- 
powered transport category airplane 
unless it is equipped with one or more 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.344 

approved flight recorders that use a 
digital method of recording and storing 
data and a method of readily retrieving 
that data from the storage medium. 
The operational parameters required to 
be recorded by digital flight data re-
corders required by this section are as 
follows: The phrase ‘‘when an informa-
tion source is installed’’ following a pa-
rameter indicates that recording of 
that parameter is not intended to re-
quire a change in installed equipment: 

(1) Time; 
(2) Pressure altitude; 
(3) Indicated airspeed; 
(4) Heading—primary flight crew ref-

erence (if selectable, record discrete, 
true or magnetic); 

(5) Normal acceleration (Vertical); 
(6) Pitch attitude; 
(7) Roll attitude; 
(8) Manual radio transmitter keying, 

or CVR/DFDR synchronization ref-

(9) Thrust/power of each engine—pri-

mary flight crew reference; 

(10) Autopilot engagement status; 
(11) Longitudinal acceleration; 
(12) Pitch control input; 
(13) Lateral control input; 
(14) Rudder pedal input; 
(15) Primary pitch control surface po-


(16) Primary lateral control surface 


(17) Primary yaw control surface po-


(18) Lateral acceleration; 
(19) Pitch trim surface position or pa-

rameters of paragraph (a)(82) of this 
section if currently recorded; 

(20) Trailing edge flap or cockpit flap 

control selection (except when param-
eters of paragraph (a)(85) of this sec-
tion apply); 

(21) Leading edge flap or cockpit flap 

control selection (except when param-
eters of paragraph (a)(86) of this sec-
tion apply); 

(22) Each Thrust reverser position (or 

equivalent for propeller airplane); 

(23) Ground spoiler position or speed 

brake selection (except when param-
eters of paragraph (a)(87) of this sec-
tion apply); 

(24) Outside or total air temperature; 
(25) Automatic Flight Control Sys-

tem (AFCS) modes and engagement 
status, including autothrottle; 

(26) Radio altitude (when an informa-

tion source is installed); 

(27) Localizer deviation, MLS Azi-


(28) Glideslope deviation, MLS Ele-


(29) Marker beacon passage; 
(30) Master warning; 
(31) Air/ground sensor (primary air-

plane system reference nose or main 

(32) Angle of attack (when informa-

tion source is installed); 

(33) Hydraulic pressure low (each sys-


(34) Ground speed (when an informa-

tion source is installed); 

(35) Ground proximity warning sys-


(36) Landing gear position or landing 

gear cockpit control selection; 

(37) Drift angle (when an information 

source is installed); 

(38) Wind speed and direction (when 

an information source is installed); 

(39) Latitude and longitude (when an 

information source is installed); 

(40) Stick shaker/pusher (when an in-

formation source is installed); 

(41) Windshear (when an information 

source is installed); 

(42) Throttle/power lever position; 
(43) Additional engine parameters (as 

designated in Appendix M of this part); 

(44) Traffic alert and collision avoid-

ance system; 

(45) DME 1 and 2 distances; 
(46) Nav 1 and 2 selected frequency; 
(47) Selected barometric setting 

(when an information source is in-

(48) Selected altitude (when an infor-

mation source is installed); 

(49) Selected speed (when an informa-

tion source is installed); 

(50) Selected mach (when an informa-

tion source is installed); 

(51) Selected vertical speed (when an 

information source is installed); 

(52) Selected heading (when an infor-

mation source is installed); 

(53) Selected flight path (when an in-

formation source is installed); 

(54) Selected decision height (when 

an information source is installed); 

(55) EFIS display format; 
(56) Multi-function/engine/alerts dis-

play format; 

(57) Thrust command (when an infor-

mation source is installed); 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.344 

(58) Thrust target (when an informa-

tion source is installed); 

(59) Fuel quantity in CG trim tank 

(when an information source is in-

(60) Primary Navigation System Ref-


(61) Icing (when an information 

source is installed); 

(62) Engine warning each engine vi-

bration (when an information source is 

(63) Engine warning each engine over 

temp. (when an information source is 

(64) Engine warning each engine oil 

pressure low (when an information 
source is installed); 

(65) Engine warning each engine over 

speed (when an information source is 

(66) Yaw trim surface position; 
(67) Roll trim surface position; 
(68) Brake pressure (selected system); 
(69) Brake pedal application (left and 


(70) Yaw or sideslip angle (when an 

information source is installed); 

(71) Engine bleed valve position 

(when an information source is in-

(72) De-icing or anti-icing system se-

lection (when an information source is 

(73) Computed center of gravity 

(when an information source is in-

(74) AC electrical bus status; 
(75) DC electrical bus status; 
(76) APU bleed valve position (when 

an information source is installed); 

(77) Hydraulic pressure (each sys-


(78) Loss of cabin pressure; 
(79) Computer failure; 
(80) Heads-up display (when an infor-

mation source is installed); 

(81) Para-visual display (when an in-

formation source is installed); 

(82) Cockpit trim control input posi-


(83) Cockpit trim control input posi-


(84) Cockpit trim control input posi-


(85) Trailing edge flap and cockpit 

flap control position; 

(86) Leading edge flap and cockpit 

flap control position; 

(87) Ground spoiler position and speed 

brake selection; 

(88) All cockpit flight control input 

forces (control wheel, control column, 
rudder pedal); 

(89) Yaw damper status; 
(90) Yaw damper command; and 
(91) Standby rudder valve status. 
(b) For all turbine-engine powered 

transport category airplanes manufac-
tured on or before October 11, 1991, by 
August 20, 2001. 

(1) For airplanes not equipped as of 

July 16, 1996, with a flight data acquisi-
tion unit (FDAU), the parameters list-
ed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(18) 
of this section must be recorded within 
the ranges and accuracies specified in 
Appendix B of this part, and— 

(i) For airplanes with more than two 

engines, the parameter described in 
paragraph (a)(18) is not required unless 
sufficient capacity is available on the 
existing recorder to record that param-

(ii) Parameters listed in paragraphs 

(a)(12) through (a)(17) each may be re-
corded from a single source. 

(2) For airplanes that were equipped 

as of July 16, 1996, with a flight data 
acquisition unit (FDAU), the param-
eters listed in paragraphs (a)(1) 
through (a)(22) of this section must be 
recorded within the ranges, accuracies, 
and recording intervals specified in Ap-
pendix M of this part. Parameters list-
ed in paragraphs (a)(12) through (a)(17) 
each may be recorded from a single 

(3) The approved flight recorder re-

quired by this section must be installed 
at the earliest time practicable, but no 
later than the next heavy maintenance 
check after August 18, 1999 and no later 
than August 20, 2001. A heavy mainte-
nance check is considered to be any 
time an airplane is scheduled to be out 
of service for 4 or more days and is 
scheduled to include access to major 
structural components. 

(c) For all turbine-engine powered 

transport category airplanes manufac-
tured on or before October 11, 1991— 

(1) That were equipped as of July 16, 

1996, with one or more digital data 
bus(es) and an ARINC 717 digital flight 
data acquisition unit (DFDAU) or 
equivalent, the parameters specified in 
paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(22) of this 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.344 

section must be recorded within the 
ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and 
sampling intervals specified in Appen-
dix M of this part by August 20, 2001. 
Parameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) 
through (a)(14) each may be recorded 
from a single source. 

(2) Commensurate with the capacity 

of the recording system (DFDAU or 
equivalent and the DFDR), all addi-
tional parameters for which informa-
tion sources are installed and which 
are connected to the recording system 
must be recorded within the ranges, ac-
curacies, resolutions, and sampling in-
tervals specified in Appendix M of this 
part by August 20, 2001. 

(3) That were subject to § 121.343(e) of 

this part, all conditions of § 121.343(e) 
must continue to be met until compli-
ance with paragraph (c)(1) of this sec-
tion is accomplished. 

(d) For all turbine-engine-powered 

transport category airplanes that were 
manufactured after October 11, 1991— 

(1) The parameters listed in para-

graph (a)(1) through (a)(34) of this sec-
tion must be recorded within the 
ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and re-
cording intervals specified in Appendix 
M of this part by August 20, 2001. Pa-
rameters listed in paragraphs (a)(12) 
through (a)(14) each may be recorded 
from a single source. 

(2) Commensurate with the capacity 

of the recording system, all additional 
parameters for which information 
sources are installed and which are 
connected to the recording system 
must be recorded within the ranges, ac-
curacies, resolutions, and sampling in-
tervals specified in Appendix M of this 
part by August 20, 2001. 

(e) For all turbine-engine-powered 

transport category airplanes that are 
manufactured after August 18, 2000— 

(1) The parameters listed in para-

graph (a)(1) through (57) of this section 
must be recorded within the ranges, ac-
curacies, resolutions, and recording in-
tervals specified in Appendix M of this 

(2) Commensurate with the capacity 

of the recording system, all additional 
parameters for which information 
sources are installed and which are 
connected to the recording system, 
must be recorded within the ranges, ac-
curacies, resolutions, and sampling in-

tervals specified in Appendix M of this 

(3) In addition to the requirements of 

paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this sec-
tion, all Boeing 737 model airplanes 
must also comply with the require-
ments of paragraph (n) of this section, 
as applicable. 

(f) For all turbine-engine-powered 

transport category airplanes manufac-
tured after August 19, 2002— 

(1) The parameters listed in para-

graphs (a)(1) through (a)(88) of this sec-
tion must be recorded within the 
ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and re-
cording intervals specified in appendix 
M to this part. 

(2) In addition to the requirements of 

paragraphs (f)(1) of this section, all 
Boeing 737 model airplanes must also 
comply with the requirements of para-
graph (n) of this section. 

(g) Whenever a flight data recorder 

required by this section is installed, it 
must be operated continuously from 
the instant the airplane begins its 
takeoff roll until it has completed its 
landing roll. 

(h) Except as provided in paragraph 

(i) of this section, and except for re-
corded data erased as authorized in 
this paragraph, each certificate holder 
shall keep the recorded data prescribed 
by this section, as appropriate, until 
the airplane has been operated for at 
least 25 hours of the operating time 
specified in § 121.359(a) of this part. A 
total of 1 hour of recorded data may be 
erased for the purpose of testing the 
flight recorder or the flight recorder 
system. Any erasure made in accord-
ance with this paragraph must be of 
the oldest recorded data accumulated 
at the time of testing. Except as pro-
vided in paragraph (i) of this section, 
no record need be kept more than 60 

(i) In the event of an accident or oc-

currence that requires immediate noti-
fication of the National Transportation 
Safety Board under 49 CFR 830 of its 
regulations and that results in termi-
nation of the flight, the certificate 
holder shall remove the recorder from 
the airplane and keep the recorder data 
prescribed by this section, as appro-
priate, for at least 60 days or for a 
longer period upon the request of the 
Board or the Administrator. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.344a 

(j) Each flight data recorder system 

required by this section must be in-
stalled in accordance with the require-
ments of § 25.1459(a) (except paragraphs 
(a)(3)(ii) and (a)(7)), (b), (d) and (e) of 
this chapter. A correlation must be es-
tablished between the values recorded 
by the flight data recorder and the cor-
responding values being measured. The 
correlation must contain a sufficient 
number of correlation points to accu-
rately establish the conversion from 
the recorded values to engineering 
units or discrete state over the full op-
erating range of the parameter. Except 
for airplanes having separate altitude 
and airspeed sensors that are an inte-
gral part of the flight data recorder 
system, a single correlation may be es-
tablished for any group of airplanes— 

(1) That are of the same type; 
(2) On which the flight recorder sys-

tem and its installation are the same; 

(3) On which there is no difference in 

the type design with respect to the in-
stallation of those sensors associated 
with the flight data recorder system. 
Documentation sufficient to convert 
recorded data into the engineering 
units and discrete values specified in 
the applicable appendix must be main-
tained by the certificate holder. 

(k) Each flight data recorder required 

by this section must have an approved 
device to assist in locating that re-
corder under water. 

(l) The following airplanes that were 

manufactured before August 18, 1997 
need not comply with this section, but 
must continue to comply with applica-
ble paragraphs of § 121.343 of this chap-
ter, as appropriate: 

(1) Airplanes that meet the State 2 

noise levels of part 36 of this chapter 
and are subject to § 91.801(c) of this 
chapter, until January 1, 2000. On and 
after January 1, 2000, any Stage 2 air-
plane otherwise allowed to be operated 
under Part 91 of this chapter must 
comply with the applicable flight data 
recorder requirements of this section 
for that airplane. 

(2) British Aerospace 1–11, General 

Dynamics Convair 580, General Dynam-
ics Convair 600, General Dynamics 
Convair 640, deHavilland Aircraft Com-
pany Ltd. DHC–7, Fairchild Industries 
FH 227, Fokker F–27 (except Mark 50), 

F–28 Mark 1000 and Mark 4000, Gulf-
stream Aerospace G–159, Jetstream 4100 
Series, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation 
Electra 10–A, Lockheed Aircraft Cor-
poration Electra 10–B, Lockheed Air-
craft Corporation Electra 10–E, Lock-
heed Aircraft Corporation Electra L– 
188, Lockheed Martin Model 382 (L–100) 
Hercules, Maryland Air Industries, Inc. 
F27, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 
YS–11, Short Bros. Limited SD3–30, 
Short Bros. Limited SD3–60. 

(m) All aircraft subject to the re-

quirements of this section that are 
manufactured on or after April 7, 2010, 
must have a digital flight data recorder 
installed that also— 

(1) Meets the requirements of 

§ 25.1459(a)(3), (a)(7), and (a)(8) of this 
chapter; and 

(2) Retains the 25 hours of recorded 

information required in paragraph (h) 
of this section using a recorder that 
meets the standards of TSO–C124a, or 
later revision. 

(n) In addition to all other applicable 

requirements of this section, all Boeing 
737 model airplanes manufactured after 
August 18, 2000 must record the param-
eters listed in paragraphs (a)(88) 
through (a)(91) of this section within 
the ranges, accuracies, resolutions, and 
recording intervals specified in Appen-
dix M to this part. Compliance with 
this paragraph is required no later 
than February 2, 2011. 

[Doc. No. 28109, 62 FR 38378, July 17, 1997; 62 
FR 48135, Sept. 12, 1997, as amended by Amdt. 
121–300, 68 FR 42936, July 18, 2003; 68 FR 50069, 
Aug. 20, 2003; Amdt. 121–338, 73 FR 12565, Mar. 
7, 2008; Amdt. 121–342, 73 FR 73178, Dec. 2, 
2008; Amdt. 121–338, 74 FR 32800, July 9, 2009] 

§ 121.344a Digital flight data recorders 

for 10–19 seat airplanes. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(f) of this section, no person may oper-
ate under this part a turbine-engine- 
powered airplane having a passenger 
seating configuration, excluding any 
required crewmember seat, of 10 to 19 
seats, that was brought onto the U.S. 
register after, or was registered outside 
the United States and added to the op-
erator’s U.S. operations specifications 
after, October 11, 1991, unless it is 
equipped with one or more approved 
flight recorders that use a digital 
method of recording and storing data