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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.355 

warning system audio and visual warn-

[Doc. No. 29312, 65 FR 16755, Mar. 29, 2000] 

§ 121.355 Equipment for operations on 

which specialized means of naviga-
tion are used. 

(a) No certificate holder may conduct 

an operation— 

(1) Using Doppler Radar or an Iner-

tial Navigation System outside the 48 
contiguous States and the District of 
Columbia, unless such systems have 
been approved in accordance with ap-
pendix G to this part; or 

(2) Using Doppler Radar or an Iner-

tial Navigation System within the 48 
contiguous States and the District of 
Columbia, or any other specialized 
means of navigation, unless it shows 
that an adequate airborne system is 
provided for the specialized navigation 
authorized for the particular operation. 

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of 

this section, Doppler Radar and Iner-
tial Navigation Systems, and the train-
ing programs, maintenance programs, 
relevant operations manual material, 
and minimum equipment lists prepared 
in accordance therewith, approved be-
fore April 29, 1972, are not required to 
be approved in accordance with that 

[Doc. No. 10204, 37 FR 6464, Mar. 30, 1972] 

§ 121.356 Collision avoidance system. 

Effective January 1, 2005, any air-

plane you operate under this part must 
be equipped and operated according to 
the following table: 








If you operate any— 

Then you must operate that airplane 


(a) Turbine-powered 

airplane of more 
than 33,000 
pounds maximum 
certificated take-
off weight.

(1) An appropriate class of Mode S 

transponder that meets Technical 
Standard Order (TSO) C–112, or a 
later version, and one of the fol-
lowing approved units: 

(i) TCAS II that meets TSO C–119b 

(version 7.0), or takeoff weight a 
later version. 








If you operate any— 

Then you must operate that airplane 


(ii) TCAS II that meets TSO C–119a 

(version 6.04A Enhanced) that was 
installed in that airplane before May 
1, 2003. If that TCAS II version 
6.04A Enhanced no longer can be 
repaired to TSO C–119a standards, 
it must be replaced with a TCAS II 
that meets TSO C–119b (version 
7.0), or a later version. 

(iii) A collision avoidance system equiv-

alent to TSO C–119b (version 7.0), 
or a later version, capable of coordi-
nating with units that meet TSO C– 
119a (version 6.04A Enhanced), or a 
later version. 

(b) Passenger or 

(combi) airplane 
that has a pas-
senger seat con-
figuration of 10– 
30 seats.

(1) TCAS I that meets TSO C–118, or 

a later version, or 

(2) A collision avoidance system equiv-

alent to has a TSO C–118, or a later 
version, or 

(3) A collision avoidance system and 

Mode S transponder that meet para-
graph (a)(1) of this section. 

(c) Piston-powered 

airplane of more 
than 33,000 
pounds maximum 
certificated take-
off weight.

(1) TCAS I that meets TSO C–118, or 

a later version, or 

(2) A collision avoidance system equiv-

alent to maximum TSO C–118, or a 
later version, or 

(3) A collision avoidance system and 

Mode S transponder that meet para-
graph (a)(1) of this section. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2001–10910, 68 FR 15902, Apr. 1, 

§ 121.357 Airborne weather radar 

equipment requirements. 

(a) No person may operate any trans-

port category airplane (except C–46 
type airplanes) or a nontransport cat-
egory airplane certificated after De-
cember 31, 1964, unless approved air-
borne weather radar equipment has 
been installed in the airplane. 

(b) [Reserved] 
(c) Each person operating an airplane 

required to have approved airborne 
weather radar equipment installed 
shall, when using it under this part, op-
erate it in accordance with the fol-



No person may dispatch 

an airplane (or begin the flight of an 
airplane in the case of a certificate 
holder, that does not use a dispatch 
system) under IFR or night VFR condi-
tions when current weather reports in-
dicate that thunderstorms, or other po-
tentially hazardous weather conditions 
that can be detected with airborne 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.358 

weather radar, may reasonably be ex-
pected along the route to be flown, un-
less the airborne weather radar equip-
ment is in satisfactory operating con-

(2) If the airborne weather radar be-

comes inoperative en route, the air-
plane must be operated in accordance 
with the approved instructions and 
procedures specified in the operations 
manual for such an event. 

(d) This section does not apply to air-

planes used solely within the State of 
Hawaii or within the State of Alaska 
and that part of Canada west of lon-
gitude 130 degrees W, between latitude 
70 degrees N, and latitude 53 degrees N, 
or during any training, test, or ferry 

(e) Notwithstanding any other provi-

sion of this chapter, an alternate elec-
trical power supply is not required for 
airborne weather radar equipment. 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19205, Dec. 31, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–18, 31 FR 5825, Apr. 15, 
1966; Amdt. 121–130, 41 FR 47229, Oct. 28, 1976; 
Amdt. 121–251, 60 FR 65932, Dec. 20, 1995] 

§ 121.358 Low-altitude windshear sys-

tem equipment requirements. 


Airplanes manufactured after Janu-

ary 2, 1991. 

No person may operate a 

turbine-powered airplane manufac-
tured after January 2, 1991, unless it is 
equipped with either an approved air-
borne windshear warning and flight 
guidance system, an approved airborne 
detection and avoidance system, or an 
approved combination of these sys-


Airplanes manufactured before Jan-

uary 3, 1991. 

Except as provided in para-

graph (c) of this section, after January 
2, 1991, no person may operate a tur-
bine-powered airplane manufactured 
before January 3, 1991 unless it meets 
one of the following requirements as 

(1) The makes/models/series listed 

below must be equipped with either an 
approved airborne windshear warning 
and flight guidance system, an ap-
proved airborne detection and avoid-
ance system, or an approved combina-
tion of these systems: 

(i) A–300–600; 
(ii) A–310—all series; 
(iii) A–320—all series; 
(iv) B–737–300, 400, and 500 series; 

(v) B–747–400; 
(vi) B–757—all series; 
(vii) B–767—all series; 
(viii) F–100—all series; 
(ix) MD–11—all series; and 
(x) MD–80 series equipped with an 

EFIS and Honeywell-970 digital flight 
guidance computer. 

(2) All other turbine-powered air-

planes not listed above must be 
equipped with as a minimum require-
ment, an approved airborne windshear 
warning system. These airplanes may 
be equipped with an approved airborne 
windshear detection and avoidance sys-
tem, or an approved combination of 
these systems. 


Extension of the compliance date. 

certificate holder may obtain an exten-
sion of the compliance date in para-
graph (b) of this section if it obtains 
FAA approval of a retrofit schedule. To 
obtain approval of a retrofit schedule 
and show continued compliance with 
that schedule, a certificate holder must 
do the following: 

(1) Submit a request for approval of a 

retrofit schedule by June 1, 1990, to the 
appropriate Flight Standards division 
manager in the responsible Flight 
Standards office. 

(2) Show that all of the certificate 

holder’s airplanes required to be 
equipped in accordance with this sec-
tion will be equipped by the final com-
pliance date established for TCAS II 

(3) Comply with its retrofit schedule 

and submit status reports containing 
information acceptable to the Adminis-
trator. The initial report must be sub-
mitted by January 2, 1991, and subse-
quent reports must be submitted every 
six months thereafter until completion 
of the schedule. The reports must be 
submitted to the certificate holder’s 
assigned Principal Avionics Inspector. 



For the purposes of 

this section the following definitions 


Turbine-powered airplane 


e.g., turbofan-, turbojet-, propfan-, and 
ultra-high bypass fan-powered air-
planes. The definition specifically ex-
cludes turbopropeller-powered air-