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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.403 

check is required, he is considered to 
have taken or completed it in the cal-
endar month in which it was required. 

(c) Each instructor, supervisor, or 

check airman who is responsible for a 
particular ground training subject, seg-
ment of flight training, course of train-
ing, flight check, or competence check 
under this part shall certify as to the 
proficiency and knowledge of the crew-
member, aircraft dispatcher, flight in-
structor, or check airman concerned 
upon completion of that training or 
check. That certification shall be made 
a part of the crewmember’s or dis-
patcher’s record. When the certifi-
cation required by this paragraph is 
made by an entry in a computerized 
recordkeeping system, the certifying 
instructor, supervisor, or check airman 
must be identified with that entry. 
However, the signature of the certi-
fying instructor, supervisor, or check 
airman is not required for computer-
ized entries. 

(d) Training subjects that are appli-

cable to more than one airplane or 
crewmember position and that have 
been satisfactorily completed in con-
nection with prior training for another 
airplane or another crewmember posi-
tion, need not be repeated during sub-
sequent training other than recurrent 

(e) A person who progresses success-

fully through flight training, is rec-
ommended by his instructor or a check 
airman, and successfully completes the 
appropriate flight check for a check 
airman or the Administrator, need not 
complete the programmed hours of 
flight training for the particular air-
plane. However, whenever the Adminis-
trator finds that 20 percent of the 
flight checks given at a particular 
training base during the previous 6 
months under this paragraph are un-
successful, this paragraph may not be 
used by the certificate holder at that 
base until the Administrator finds that 
the effectiveness of the flight training 
there has improved. 

In the case of a certificate holder using 
a course of training permitted in 
§ 121.409(c), the Administrator may re-
quire the programmed hours of inflight 
training in whole or in part, until he 
finds the effectiveness of the flight 

training has improved as provided in 
paragraph (e) of this section. 

[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 3, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–104, 38 FR 14915, June 
7, 1973; Amdt. 121–108, 38 FR 35446, Dec. 28, 
1973; Amdt. 121–143, 43 FR 22642, May 25, 1978; 
Amdt. 121–316, 70 FR 58823, Oct. 7, 2005; Amdt. 
121–382, 85 FR 10921, Feb. 25, 2020] 

§ 121.402 Training program: Special 


(a) Other than the certificate holder, 

only another certificate holder certifi-
cated under this part or a flight train-
ing center certificated under part 142 of 
this chapter is eligible under this sub-
part to provide flight training, testing, 
and checking under contract or other 
arrangement to those persons subject 
to the requirements of this subpart. 

(b) A certificate holder may contract 

with, or otherwise arrange to use the 
services of, a training center certifi-
cated under part 142 of this chapter to 
provide training, testing, and checking 
required by this part only if the train-
ing center— 

(1) Holds applicable training speci-

fications issued under part 142 of this 

(2) Has facilities, training equipment, 

and courseware meeting the applicable 
requirements of part 142 of this chap-

(3) Has approved curriculums, cur-

riculum segments, and portions of cur-
riculum segments applicable for use in 
training courses required by this sub-
part; and 

(4) Has sufficient instructor and 

check airmen qualified under the appli-
cable requirements of §§ 121.411 or 
121.413 to provide training, testing, and 
checking to persons subject to the re-
quirements of this subpart. 

[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34560, July 2, 1996, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–263, 62 FR 13791, Mar. 
21, 1997] 

§ 121.403 Training program: Cur-


(a) Each certificate holder must pre-

pare and keep current a written train-
ing program curriculum for each type 
of airplane with respect to dispatchers 
and each crewmember required for that 
type airplane. The curriculum must in-
clude ground and flight training re-
quired by this subpart. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.404 

(b) Each training program cur-

riculum must include: 

(1) A list of principal ground training 

subjects, including emergency training 
subjects, that are provided. 

(2) A list of all the training device 

mockups, systems trainers, procedures 
trainers, or other training aids that 
the certificate holder will use. No later 
than March 12, 2019, a list of all the 
training equipment approved under 
§ 121.408 as well as other training aids 
that the certificate holder will use. 

(3) Detailed descriptions or pictorial 

displays of the approved normal, abnor-
mal, and emergency maneuvers, proce-
dures and functions that will be per-
formed during each flight training 
phase or flight check, indicating those 
maneuvers, procedures and functions 
that are to be performed during the 
inflight portions of flight training and 
flight checks. 

(4) A list of FSTDs approved under 

§ 121.407, including approvals for par-
ticular maneuvers, procedures, or func-

(5) The programmed hours of training 

that will be applied to each phase of 

(6) A copy of each statement issued 

by the Administrator under § 121.405(d) 
for reduction of programmed hours of 

[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 3, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–366, 78 FR 67836, Nov. 
12, 2013; Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10921, Feb. 25, 

§ 121.404 Compliance dates: Crew and 

dispatcher resource management 


After March 19, 1998, no certificate 

holder may use a person as a flight 
crewmember, and after March 19, 1999, 
no certificate holder may use a person 
as a flight attendant or aircraft dis-
patcher unless that person has com-
pleted approved crew resource manage-
ment (CRM) or dispatcher resource 
management (DRM) initial training, as 
applicable, with that certificate holder 
or with another certificate holder. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 61 FR 30435, June 14, 1996] 

§ 121.405 Training program and revi-

sion: Initial and final approval. 

(a) To obtain initial and final ap-

proval of a training program, or a revi-

sion to an approved training program, 
each certificate holder must submit to 
the Administrator— 

(1) An outline of the proposed pro-

gram or revision, including an outline 
of the proposed or revised curriculum, 
that provides enough information for a 
preliminary evaluation of the proposed 
training program or revised training 
program; and 

(2) Additional relevant information 

as may be requested by the Adminis-

(b) If the proposed training program 

or revision complies with this subpart 
the Administrator grants initial ap-
proval in writing after which the cer-
tificate holder may conduct the train-
ing in accordance with that program. 
The Administrator then evaluates the 
effectiveness of the training program 
and advises the certificate holder of de-
ficiencies, if any, that must be cor-

(c) The Administrator grants final 

approval of the training program or re-
vision if the certificate holder shows 
that the training conducted under the 
initial approval set forth in paragraph 
(b) of this section ensures that each 
person that successfully completes the 
training is adequately trained to per-
form his assigned duties. 

(d) In granting initial and final ap-

proval of training programs or revi-
sions, including reductions in pro-
grammed hours specified in this sub-
part, the Administrator considers the 
training aids, devices, methods, and 
procedures listed in the certificate 
holder’s curriculum as set forth in 
§ 121.403 that increase the quality and 
effectiveness of the teaching-learning 

If approval of reduced programmed 
hours of training is granted, the Ad-
ministrator provides the certificate 
holder with a statement of the basis for 
the approval. 

(e) Whenever the Administrator finds 

that revisions are necessary for the 
continued adequacy of a training pro-
gram that has been granted final ap-
proval, the certificate holder shall, 
after notification by the Adminis-
trator, make any changes in the pro-
gram that are found necessary by the 
Administrator. Within 30 days after the 
certificate holder receives such notice,