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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.407 

it may file a petition to reconsider the 
notice with the responsible Flight 
Standards office. The filing of a peti-
tion to reconsider stays the notice 
pending a decision by the Adminis-
trator. However, if the Administrator 
finds that there is an emergency that 
requires immediate action in the inter-
est of safety in air transportation, he 
may, upon a statement of the reasons, 
require a change effective without 

(f) Each certificate holder described 

in § 135.3 (b) and (c) of this chapter 
must include the material required by 
§ 121.403 in the manual required by 
§ 135.21 of this chapter. 

(g) The Administrator may grant a 

deviation to certificate holders de-
scribed in § 135.3 (b) and (c) of this chap-
ter to allow reduced programmed hours 
of ground training required by § 121.419 
if it is found that a reduction is war-
ranted based on the certificate holder’s 
operations and the complexity of the 
make, model, and series of the aircraft 

[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 3, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–207, 54 FR 39293, Sept. 
25, 1989; Amdt. 121–250, 60 FR 65948, Dec. 20, 
1995; Amdt. 121–253, 61 FR 2612, Jan. 26, 1996; 
Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 121–380, 83 FR 
9172, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 121.406 Credit for previous CRM/ 

DRM training. 

(a) For flightcrew members, the Ad-

ministrator may credit CRM training 
received before March 19, 1998 toward 
all or part of the initial ground CRM 
training required by § 121.419. 

(b) For flight attendants, the Admin-

istrator may credit CRM training re-
ceived before March 19, 1999 toward all 
or part of the initial ground CRM 
training required by § 121.421. 

(c) For aircraft dispatchers, the Ad-

ministrator may credit CRM training 
received before March 19, 1999 toward 
all or part of the initial ground CRM 
training required by § 121.422. 

(d) In granting credit for initial 

ground CRM or DRM training, the Ad-
ministrator considers training aids, de-
vices, methods, and procedures used by 
the certificate holder in a voluntary 
CRM or DRM program or in an AQP 
program that effectively meets the 
quality of an approved CRM or DRM 

initial ground training program under 
section 121.419, 121.421, or 121.422 as ap-

[Doc. No. 27993, 60 FR 65949, Dec. 20, 1995] 

§ 121.407 Training program: Approval 

of flight simulation training de-


(a) Each FSTD used to satisfy a 

training requirement of this part in an 
approved training program, must meet 
all of the following requirements: 

(1) Be specifically approved by the 

Administrator for— 

(i) Use in the certificate holder’s ap-

proved training program; 

(ii) The type airplane and, if applica-

ble, the particular variation within 
type, for which the training or check is 
being conducted; and 

(iii) The particular maneuver, proce-

dure, or flightcrew member function 

(2) Maintain the performance, func-

tion, and other characteristics that are 
required for qualification in accord-
ance with part 60 of this chapter or a 
previously qualified device, as per-
mitted in accordance with § 60.17 of this 

(3) Be modified in accordance with 

part 60 of this chapter to conform with 
any modification to the airplane being 
simulated that results in changes to 
performance, function, or other charac-
teristics required for qualification. 

(4) Be given a daily functional pre-

flight check before being used. 

(5) Have a daily discrepancy log kept 

with each discrepancy entered in that 
log by the appropriate instructor or 
check airman at the end of each train-
ing or check flight. 

(b) A particular FSTD may be ap-

proved for use by more than one cer-
tificate holder. 

(c) A Level B or higher FFS may be 

used instead of the airplane to satisfy 
the inflight requirements of §§ 121.439 
and 121.441 and appendices E and F of 
this part, if the FFS— 

(1) Is approved under this section and 

meets the appropriate FFS require-
ments of appendix H of this part; and 

(2) Is used as part of an approved pro-

gram that meets the training require-
ments of §§ 121.424 (a) and (c), 121.426, 
and appendix H of this part. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.408 

(d) An FFS approved under this sec-

tion must be used instead of the air-
plane to satisfy the pilot flight train-
ing requirements prescribed in the cer-
tificate holder’s approved low-altitude 
windshear flight training program set 
forth in § 121.409(d) of this part. 

(e) An FFS approved under this sec-

tion must be used instead of the air-
plane to satisfy the pilot flight train-
ing requirements prescribed in the ex-
tended envelope training set forth in 
§ 121.423 of this part. Compliance with 
this paragraph is required no later 
than March 12, 2019. 

[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 3, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–161, 45 FR 44183, June 
30, 1980; Amdt. 121–199, 53 FR 37696, Sept. 27, 
1988; Amdt. 121–366, 78 FR 67836, Nov. 12, 2013; 
Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10921, Feb. 25, 2020] 

§ 121.408 Training equipment other 

than flight simulation training de-


(a) The Administrator must approve 

training equipment used in a training 
program approved under this part and 
that functionally replicates aircraft 
equipment for the certificate holder 
and the crewmember duty or proce-
dure. Training equipment does not in-
clude FSTDs qualified under part 60 of 
this chapter. 

(b) The certificate holder must dem-

onstrate that the training equipment 
described in paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion, used to meet the training require-
ments of this subpart, meets all of the 

(1) The form, fit, function, and 

weight, as appropriate, of the aircraft 

(2) Replicates the normal operation 

(and abnormal and emergency oper-
ation, if appropriate) of the aircraft 
equipment including the following: 

(i) The required force, actions and 

travel of the aircraft equipment. 

(ii) Variations in aircraft equipment 

operated by the certificate holder, if 

(3) Replicates the operation of the 

aircraft equipment under adverse con-
ditions, if appropriate. 

(c) Training equipment must be 

modified to ensure that it maintains 
the performance and function of the 
aircraft type or aircraft equipment rep-

(d) All training equipment must have 

a record of discrepancies. The docu-
menting system must be readily avail-
able for review by each instructor, 
check airman or supervisor, prior to 
conducting training or checking with 
that equipment. 

(1) Each instructor, check airman or 

supervisor conducting training or 
checking, and each person conducting 
an inspection of the equipment who 
discovers a discrepancy, including any 
missing, malfunctioning or inoperative 
components, must record a description 
of that discrepancy and the date that 
the discrepancy was identified. 

(2) All corrections to discrepancies 

must be recorded when the corrections 
are made. This record must include the 
date of the correction. 

(3) A record of a discrepancy must be 

maintained for at least 60 days. 

(e) No person may use, allow the use 

of, or offer the use of training equip-
ment with a missing, malfunctioning, 
or inoperative component to meet the 
crewmember training or checking re-
quirements of this chapter for tasks 
that require the use of the correctly 
operating component. 

(f) Compliance with this section is re-

quired no later than March 12, 2019. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2008–0677, 78 FR 67837, Nov. 12, 

§ 121.409 Training courses using flight 

simulation training devices. 

(a) Training courses utilizing FSTDs 

may be included in the certificate hold-
er’s approved training program for use 
as provided in this section. 

(b) Except for the airline transport 

pilot certification training program ap-
proved to satisfy the requirements of 
§ 61.156 of this chapter, a course of 
training in an FFS may be included for 
use as provided in § 121.441 if that 

(1) Provides at least 4 hours of train-

ing at the pilot controls of an FFS as 
well as a proper briefing before and 
after the training. 

(2) Provides training in at least the 


(i) The procedures and maneuvers set 

forth in appendix F to this part; or 

(ii) Line-oriented flight training 

(LOFT) that— 

(A) Before March 12, 2019,