Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.415
§ 121.415 Crewmember and dispatcher
training program requirements.
(a) Each training program must pro-
vide the following ground training as
appropriate to the particular assign-
ment of the crewmember or dispatcher:
(1) Basic indoctrination ground train-
ing for newly hired crewmembers or
dispatchers including 40 programmed
hours of instruction, unless reduced
under § 121.405 or as specified in
§ 121.401(d), in at least the following—
(i) Duties and responsibilities of
crewmembers or dispatchers, as appli-
(ii) Appropriate provisions of the
Federal Aviation Regulations;
(iii) Contents of the certificate hold-
er’s operating certificate and oper-
ations specifications (not required for
flight attendants); and
(iv) Appropriate portions of the cer-
tificate holder’s operating manual.
(2) The initial and transition ground
training specified in §§ 121.419, 121.421
and 121.422, as applicable.
(3) For crewmembers, emergency
training as specified in §§ 121.417 and
(4) After February 15, 2008, training
for crewmembers and dispatchers in
their roles and responsibilities in the
certificate holder’s passenger recovery
plan, if applicable.
(b) Each training program must pro-
vide the flight training specified in
§§ 121.424 through 121.426, as applicable.
(c) Each training program must pro-
vide recurrent ground and flight train-
ing as provided in § 121.427.
(d) Each training program must pro-
vide the differences training specified
in § 121.418(a) if the Administrator finds
that, due to differences between air-
planes of the same type operated by
the certificate holder, additional train-
ing is necessary to insure that each
crewmember and dispatcher is ade-
quately trained to perform their as-
signed duties.
(e) Upgrade training:
(1) Upgrade training as specified in
§§ 121.420 and 121.426 for a particular
type airplane may be included in the
training program for flightcrew mem-
bers who have qualified and served as
second in command pilot on that air-
plane; or
(2) Before April 27, 2022, upgrade
training as specified in §§ 121.419 and
121.424 for a particular type airplane
may be included in the training pro-
gram for flightcrew members who have
qualified and served as second in com-
mand pilot on that airplane.
(f) Conversion training as specified in
§§ 121.419 and 121.424 for a particular
type airplane may be included in the
training program for flightcrew mem-
bers who have qualified and served as
flight engineer on that airplane.
(g) Particular subjects, maneuvers,
procedures, or parts thereof specified in
§§ 121.419, 121.420, 121.421, 121.422, 121.424,
121.425, and 121.426 for transition, con-
version or upgrade training, as applica-
ble, may be omitted, or the pro-
grammed hours of ground instruction
or inflight training may be reduced, as
provided in § 121.405.
(h) In addition to initial, transition,
conversion, upgrade, recurrent and dif-
ferences training, each training pro-
gram must also provide ground and
flight training, instruction, and prac-
tice as necessary to insure that each
crewmember and aircraft dispatcher—
(1) Remains adequately trained and
currently proficient with respect to
each airplane, crewmember position,
and type of operation in which he
serves; and
(2) Qualifies in new equipment, facili-
ties, procedures, and techniques, in-
cluding modifications to airplanes.
(i) Each training program must in-
clude a process to provide for the reg-
ular analysis of individual pilot per-
formance to identify pilots with per-
formance deficiencies during training
and checking and multiple failures dur-
ing checking.
(j) Each training program must in-
clude methods for remedial training
and tracking of pilots identified in the
analysis performed in accordance with
paragraph (i) of this section.
(k) Compliance with paragraphs (i)
and (j) of this section is required no
later than March 12, 2019.
[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 3, 1970, as
amended by Amdt. 121–130, 41 FR 47229, Oct.
28, 1976; Amdt. 121–281, 66 FR 19043, Apr. 12,
2001; Amdt. 121–329, 72 FR 1881, Jan. 16, 2007;
Amdt. 121–366, 78 FR 67839, Nov. 12, 2013;
Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10922, Feb. 25, 2020]