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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.420 

§ 121.420 Pilots: Upgrade ground train-


(a) Upgrade ground training must in-

clude instruction in at least the fol-
lowing subjects as applicable to the du-
ties assigned to the pilot in command: 

(1) Seat dependent procedures, as ap-


(2) Duty position procedures, as ap-

plicable; and 

(3) Crew resource management, in-

cluding decision making, authority and 
responsibility, and conflict resolution. 

(b) In addition to the requirements in 

paragraph (a) of this section, upgrade 
ground training must include instruc-
tion and facilitated discussion on the 

(1) Leadership and command, includ-

ing flightcrew member duties under 
§ 121.542; and 

(2) Mentoring, including techniques 

for reinforcing the highest standards of 
technical performance, airmanship, 
and professional development in newly 
hired pilots. 

(c) Compliance date: Beginning on 

April 27, 2022, upgrade ground training 
must satisfy the requirements of this 

[Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10923, Feb. 25, 2020] 

§ 121.421 Flight attendants: Initial and 

transition ground training. 

(a) Initial and transition ground 

training for flight attendants must in-
clude instruction in at least the fol-

(1) General subjects— 
(i) The authority of the pilot in com-


(ii) Passenger handling, including the 

procedures to be followed in the case of 
deranged persons or other persons 
whose conduct might jeopardize safety; 

(iii) Approved crew resource manage-

ment initial training. 

(2) For each airplane type— 
(i) A general description of the air-

plane emphasizing physical character-
istics that may have a bearing on 
ditching, evacuation, and inflight 
emergency procedures and on other re-
lated duties; 

(ii) The use of both the public address 

system and the means of commu-
nicating with other flight crew-
members, including emergency means 

in the case of attempted hijacking or 
other unusual situations; and 

(iii) Proper use of electrical galley 

equipment and the controls for cabin 
heat and ventilation. 

(b) Initial and transition ground 

training for flight attendants must in-
clude a competence check to determine 
ability to perform assigned duties and 

(c) Initial ground training for flight 

attendants must consist of at least the 
following programmed hours of in-
struction in the subjects specified in 
paragraph (a) of this section and in 
§ 121.415(a) unless reduced under 
§ 121.405. 

(1) Group I airplanes— 
(i) Reciprocating powered, 8 hours; 


(ii) Turbopropeller powered, 8 hours. 
(2) Group II airplanes, 16 hours. 

[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 3, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–250, 60 FR 65949, Dec. 
20, 1995] 

§ 121.422 Aircraft dispatchers: Initial 

and transition ground training. 

(a) Initial and transition ground 

training for aircraft dispatchers must 
include instruction in at least the fol-

(1) General subjects— 
(i) Use of communications systems 

including the characteristics of those 
systems and the appropriate normal 
and emergency procedures; 

(ii) Meteorology, including various 

types of meteorological information 
and forecasts, interpretation of weath-
er data (including forecasting of en 
route and terminal temperatures and 
other weather conditions), frontal sys-
tems, wind conditions, and use of ac-
tual and prognostic weather charts for 
various altitudes; 

(iii) The NOTAM system; 
(iv) Navigational aids and publica-


(v) Joint dispatcher-pilot responsibil-


(vi) Characteristics of appropriate 


(vii) Prevailing weather phenomena 

and the available sources of weather 

(viii) Air traffic control and instru-

ment approach procedures; and