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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.423 

(ix) Approved dispatcher resource 

management (DRM) initial training. 

(2) For each airplane— 
(i) A general description of the air-

plane emphasizing operating and per-
formance characteristics, navigation 
equipment, instrument approach and 
communication equipment, emergency 
equipment and procedures, and other 
subjects having a bearing on dispatcher 
duties and responsibilities; 

(ii) Flight operation procedures in-

cluding procedures specified in 
§ 121.419(a)(2)(vi); 

(iii) Weight and balance computa-


(iv) Basic airplane performance dis-

patch requirements and procedures; 

(v) Flight planning including track 

selection, flight time analysis, and fuel 
requirements; and 

(vi) Emergency procedures. 
(3) Emergency procedures must be 

emphasized, including the alerting of 
proper governmental, company, and 
private agencies during emergencies to 
give maximum help to an airplane in 

(b) Initial and transition ground 

training for aircraft dispatchers must 
include a competence check given by 
an appropriate supervisor or ground in-
structor that demonstrates knowledge 
and ability with the subjects set forth 
in paragraph (a) of this section. 

(c) Initial ground training for air-

craft dispatchers must consist of at 
least the following programmed hours 
of instruction in the subjects specified 
in paragraph (a) of this section and in 
§ 121.415(a) unless reduced under 
§ 121.405: 

(1) Group I airplanes— 
(i) Reciprocating powered, 30 hours; 


(ii) Turbopropeller powered, 40 hours. 
(2) Group II airplanes, 40 hours. 

[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 3, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–250, 60 FR 65949, Dec. 
20, 1995] 

§ 121.423 Pilots: Extended Envelope 


(a) Each certificate holder must in-

clude in its approved training program, 
the extended envelope training set 
forth in this section with respect to 
each airplane type for each pilot. The 
extended envelope training required by 

this section must be performed in a 
Level C or higher full flight simulator, 
approved by the Administrator in ac-
cordance with § 121.407 of this part. 

(b) Extended envelope training must 

include the following maneuvers and 

(1) Manually controlled slow flight; 
(2) Manually controlled loss of reli-

able airspeed; 

(3) Manually controlled instrument 

departure and arrival; 

(4) Upset recovery maneuvers; and 
(5) Recovery from bounced landing. 
(c) Extended envelope training must 

include instructor-guided hands on ex-
perience of recovery from full stall and 
stick pusher activation, if equipped. 

(d) Recurrent training: Within 24 cal-

endar months preceding service as a 
pilot, each person must satisfactorily 
complete the extended envelope train-
ing described in paragraphs (b)(1) 
through (4) and (c) of this section. 
Within 36 calendar months preceding 
service as a pilot, each person must 
satisfactorily complete the extended 
envelope training described in para-
graph (b)(5) of this section. 

(e) Deviation from use of Level C or 

higher full flight simulator: 

(1) A certificate holder may submit a 

request to the Administrator for ap-
proval of a deviation from the require-
ments of paragraph (a) of this section 
to conduct the extended envelope 
training using an alternative method 
to meet the learning objectives of this 

(2) A request for deviation from para-

graph (a) of this section must include 
the following information: 

(i) A simulator availability assess-

ment, including hours by specific simu-
lator and location of the simulator, 
and a simulator shortfall analysis that 
includes the training that cannot be 
completed in a Level C or higher full 
flight simulator; and 

(ii) Alternative methods for achiev-

ing the learning objectives of this sec-

(3) A certificate holder may request 

an extension of a deviation issued 
under this section. 

(4) Deviations or extensions to devi-

ations will be issued for a period not to 
exceed 12 months. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.424 

(f) Compliance with this section is re-

quired no later than March 12, 2019. For 
the recurrent training required in para-
graph (d) of this section, each pilot 
qualified to serve as second in com-
mand or pilot in command in oper-
ations under this part on March 12, 2019 
must complete the recurrent extended 
envelope training within 12 calendar 
months after March 12, 2019. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2008–0677, 78 FR 67839, Nov. 12, 
2013; Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10923, Feb. 25, 2020] 

§ 121.424 Pilots: Initial, transition, con-

version, and upgrade flight train-


(a) Initial, transition, and conversion 

flight training for pilots must include 
the following: 

(1) Flight training and practice in the 

maneuvers and procedures set forth in 
the certificate holder’s approved low- 
altitude windshear flight training pro-
gram and in appendix E to this part, as 
applicable; and 

(2) Extended envelope training set 

forth in § 121.423. 

(b) Beginning on April 27, 2022, in ad-

dition to the requirements in para-
graph (a) of this section, initial flight 
training for pilots in command must 
include sufficient scenario-based train-
ing incorporating CRM and leadership 
and command skills, to ensure the pi-
lot’s proficiency as pilot in command. 
The training required by this para-
graph may be completed inflight or in 
an FSTD. 

(c) The training required by para-

graph (a) of this section must be per-
formed inflight except— 

(1) That windshear maneuvers and 

procedures must be performed in an 
FFS in which the maneuvers and pro-
cedures are specifically authorized to 
be accomplished; 

(2) That the extended envelope train-

ing required by § 121.423 must be per-
formed in a Level C or higher full 
flight simulator unless the Adminis-
trator has issued to the certificate 
holder a deviation in accordance with 
§ 121.423(e); and 

(3) To the extent that certain other 

maneuvers and procedures may be per-
formed in an FFS, an FTD, or a static 
airplane as permitted in appendix E to 
this part. 

(d) Except as permitted in paragraph 

(e) of this section, the initial flight 
training required by paragraph (a)(1) of 
this section must include at least the 
following programmed hours of inflight 
training and practice unless reduced 
under § 121.405; 

(1) Group I airplanes— 

Reciprocating powered. 

Pilot in 

command, 10 hours; second in com-
mand, 6 hours; and 


Turbopropeller powered. 

Pilot in 

command, 15 hours; second in com-
mand, 7 hours. 


Group II airplanes. 

Pilot in com-

mand, 20 hours; second in command, 10 

(e) If the certificate holder’s ap-

proved training program includes a 
course of training utilizing an FFS 
under § 121.409 (c) and (d) of this part, 
each pilot must successfully com-

(1) With respect to § 121.409(c) of this 


(i) Training and practice in the FFS 

in at least all of the maneuvers and 
procedures set forth in appendix E of 
this part for initial flight training that 
are capable of being performed in an 
FFS; and 

(ii) A proficiency check in the FFS or 

the airplane to the level of proficiency 
of a pilot in command or second in 
command, as applicable, in at least the 
maneuvers and procedures set forth in 
appendix F of this part that are capa-
ble of being performed in an FFS. 

(2) With respect to § 121.409(d) of this 

part, training and practice in at least 
the maneuvers and procedures set forth 
in the certificate holder’s approved 
low-altitude windshear flight training 
program that are capable of being per-
formed in an FFS in which the maneu-
vers and procedures are specifically au-

(f) Compliance with paragraphs (a)(2) 

and (c)(2) of this section is required no 
later than March 12, 2019. 

(g) Before April 27, 2022, upgrade 

flight training must be provided in ac-
cordance with paragraphs (a), (c), (e), 
and (f), of this section or § 121.426. Be-
ginning on April 27, 2022, upgrade flight