Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.426
training must be provided as specified
in § 121.426.
[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 3, 1970, as
amended by Amdt. 121–199, 53 FR 37697, Sept.
27, 1988; Amdt. 121–366, 78 FR 67840, Nov. 12,
2013; Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10923, Feb. 25, 2020;
Amdt. 121–384, 85 FR 39070, June 30, 2020]
§ 121.425 Flight engineers: Initial and
transition flight training.
(a) Initial and transition flight train-
ing for flight engineers must include at
least the following:
(1) Training and practice in proce-
dures related to the carrying out of
flight engineer duties and functions.
This training and practice may be ac-
complished either inflight or in an
(2) A flight check that includes—
(i) Preflight inspection;
(ii) Inflight performance of assigned
duties accomplished from the flight en-
gineer station during taxi, runup, take-
off, climb, cruise, descent, approach,
and landing;
(iii) Accomplishment of other func-
tions, such as fuel management and
preparation of fuel consumption
records, and normal and emergency or
alternate operation of all airplane
flight systems, performed either
inflight or in an FSTD.
(b) Flight engineers possessing a
commercial pilot certificate with an
instrument, category and class rating,
or pilots already qualified as second in
command and reverting to flight engi-
neer, may complete the entire flight
check, required by paragraph (a)(2) of
this section, in an approved FFS.
(c) Except as permitted in paragraph
(d) of this section, the initial flight
training required by paragraph (a) of
this section must include at least the
same number of programmed hours of
flight training and practice that are
specified for a second in command pilot
under § 121.424(c) unless reduced under
§ 121.405.
(d) If the certificate holder’s ap-
proved training program includes a
course of training utilizing an FSTD
under § 121.409(c), each flight engineer
must successfully complete in the
(1) Training and practice in at least
all of the assigned duties, procedures,
and functions required by paragraph (a)
of this section; and
(2) A flight check to a flight engineer
level of proficiency in the assigned du-
ties, procedures, and functions.
[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 3, 1970, as
amended by Amdt. 121–144, 43 FR 22647, May
25, 1978; Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10923, Feb. 25,
§ 121.426 Pilots: Upgrade flight train-
(a) Upgrade flight training for pilots
must include the following:
(1) Seat dependent maneuvers and
procedures, as applicable;
(2) Duty position maneuvers and pro-
cedures, as applicable;
(3) Extended envelope training set
forth in § 121.423;
(4) Maneuvers and procedures set
forth in the certificate holder’s low al-
titude windshear flight training pro-
(5) Sufficient scenario-based training
incorporating CRM and leadership and
command skills, to ensure the pilot’s
proficiency as pilot in command; and
(6) Sufficient training to ensure the
pilot’s knowledge and skill with re-
spect to the following:
(i) The airplane, its systems and com-
(ii) Proper control of airspeed, con-
figuration, direction, altitude, and at-
titude in accordance with the Airplane
Flight Manual, the certificate holder’s
operations manual, checklists, or other
approved material appropriate to the
airplane type; and
(iii) Compliance with ATC, instru-
ment procedures, or other applicable
(b) The training required by para-
graph (a) of this section must be per-
formed inflight except—
(1) That windshear maneuvers and
procedures must be performed in an
FFS in which the maneuvers and pro-
cedures are specifically authorized to
be accomplished;
(2) That the extended envelope train-
ing required by § 121.423 must be per-
formed in a Level C or higher FFS un-
less the Administrator has issued to
the certificate holder a deviation in ac-
cordance with § 121.423(e); and
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.427
(3) To the extent that certain other
maneuvers and procedures may be per-
formed in an FFS, an FTD, or a static
airplane as permitted in Appendix E of
this part.
(c) If the certificate holder’s ap-
proved training program includes a
course of training utilizing an FFS
under § 121.409(c) and (d), each pilot
must successfully complete—
(1) With respect to § 121.409(c)—A pro-
ficiency check in the FFS or the air-
plane to the level of proficiency of a
pilot in command in at least the ma-
neuvers and procedures set forth in Ap-
pendix F of this part that are capable
of being performed in an FFS.
(2) With respect to § 121.409(d), train-
ing and practice in at least the maneu-
vers and procedures set forth in the
certificate holder’s approved low-alti-
tude windshear flight training program
that are capable of being performed in
an FFS in which the maneuvers and
procedures are specifically authorized.
(d) Compliance dates: Beginning on
April 27, 2022, upgrade flight training
must satisfy the requirements of this
[Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10924, Feb. 25, 2020]
§ 121.427 Recurrent training.
(a) Recurrent training must ensure
that each crewmember or aircraft dis-
patcher is adequately trained and cur-
rently proficient with respect to the
type airplane (including differences
training, if applicable) and crew-
member position involved.
(b) Recurrent ground training for
crewmembers and dispatchers must in-
clude at least the following:
(1) A quiz or other review to deter-
mine the state of the crewmember’s or
dispatcher’s knowledge with respect to
the airplane and position involved.
(2) Instruction as necessary in the
(i) For pilots, the subjects required
for ground training by §§ 121.415(a)(1),
(3), and (4) and 121.419(b);
(ii) For flight engineers, the subjects
required for ground training by
§§ 121.415(a)(1), (3), and (4) and 121.419(a);
(iii) For flight attendants, the sub-
jects required for ground training by
§§ 121.415(a)(1), (3), and (4) and 121.421(a);
(iv) For aircraft dispatchers, the sub-
jects required for ground training by
§§ 121.415(a)(1) and (4) and 121.422(a).
(3) For flight attendants and dis-
patchers, a competence check as re-
quired by §§ 121.421(b) and 121.422(b), re-
(4) For crewmembers, CRM training
and for aircraft dispatchers, DRM
training. For flightcrew members, CRM
training or portions thereof may be ac-
complished during an approved FFS
line-oriented flight training (LOFT)
(c) Recurrent ground training for
crewmembers and aircraft dispatchers
must consist of at least the following
programmed hours of instruction in
the required subjects specified in para-
graph (b) of this section unless reduced
under § 121.405:
(1) For pilots—
(i) Group I reciprocating powered air-
planes, 15 hours;
(ii) Group I turbopropeller powered
airplanes, 19 hours; and
(iii) Group II airplanes, 24 hours.
(2) For flight engineers—
(i) Group I, reciprocating powered
airplanes, 16 hours;
(ii) Group I turbopropeller powered
airplanes, 20 hours; and
(iii) Group II airplanes, 25 hours.
(3) For flight attendants—
(i) Group I reciprocating powered air-
planes, 4 hours;
(ii) Group I turbopropeller powered
airplanes, 5 hours; and
(iii) Group II airplanes, 12 hours.
(4) For aircraft dispatchers—
(i) Group I reciprocating powered air-
planes, 8 hours;
(ii) Group I turbopropeller powered
airplanes, 10 hours; and
(iii) Group II airplanes, 20 hours.
(d) Recurrent ground training for pi-
lots serving as pilot in command:
(1) Within 36 months preceding serv-
ice as pilot in command, each person
must complete recurrent ground train-
ing on leadership and command and
mentoring. This training is in addition
to the ground training required in
paragraph (b) of this section and the
programmed hours required in para-
graph (c) of this section. This training
must include instruction and facili-
tated discussion on the following: