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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.431 

(i) Leadership and command, includ-

ing instruction on flightcrew member 
duties under § 121.542; and 

(ii) Mentoring, including techniques 

for instilling and reinforcing the high-
est standards of technical performance, 
airmanship, and professionalism in 
newly hired pilots. 

(2) The requirements of paragraph 

(d)(1) do not apply until after a pilot 
has completed ground training on lead-
ership and command and mentoring, as 
required by §§ 121.419, 121.420 and 121.429, 
as applicable. 

(e) Recurrent flight training for 

flightcrew members must include at 
least the following: 

(1) For pilots— 
(i) Extended envelope training as re-

quired by § 121.423 of this part; and 

(ii) Flight training in an approved 

FFS in maneuvers and procedures set 
forth in the certificate holder’s ap-
proved low-altitude windshear flight 
training program and flight training in 
maneuvers and procedures set forth in 
Appendix F of this part, or in a flight 
training program approved by the Ad-
ministrator, except as follows— 

(A) The number of programmed 

inflight hours is not specified; and 

(B) Satisfactory completion of a pro-

ficiency check may be substituted for 
recurrent flight training as permitted 
in § 121.433(c) and (e) of this part. 

(2) For flight engineers, flight train-

ing as provided by § 121.425(a) except as 

(i) The specified number of inflight 

hours is not required; and 

(ii) The flight check, other than the 

preflight inspection, may be conducted 
in an FSTD. The preflight inspection 
may be conducted in an airplane, or by 
using an approved pictorial means that 
realistically portrays the location and 
detail of preflight inspection items and 
provides for the portrayal of abnormal 
conditions. Satisfactory completion of 
an approved line-oriented flight train-
ing may be substituted for the flight 

(f) Compliance and pilot programmed 


(1) Compliance with the requirements 

identified in paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this 
section is required no later than March 
12, 2019. 

(2) After March 12, 2019, recurrent 

programmed hours applicable to pilots 
as specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this 
section must include 30 additional min-

[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 90, Jan. 30, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–80, 36 FR 19362, Oct. 5, 
1971; Amdt. 121–144, 43 FR 22647, May 25, 1978; 
Amdt.121–199, 53 FR 37697, Sept. 27, 1988; 
Amdt. 121–250, 60 FR 65949, Dec. 20, 1995; 
Amdt. 121–281, 66 FR 19043, Apr. 12, 2001; 
Amdt. 121–366, 78 FR 67840, Nov. 12, 2013; 
Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10924, Feb. 25, 2020] 

§ 121.429 Pilots in command: Leader-

ship and command and mentoring 

(a) Beginning on April 27, 2023, no 

certificate holder may use a pilot as 
pilot in command in an operation 
under this part unless the pilot has 
completed the following ground train-
ing in accordance with the certificate 
holder’s approved training program: 

(1) Leadership and command training 

in § 121.419(c)(1) and mentoring training 
in § 121.419(c)(2); or 

(2) Leadership and command training 

in § 121.420(b)(1) and mentoring training 
in § 121.420(b)(2). 

(b) Credit for training provided by 

the certificate holder: 

(1) The Administrator may credit 

leadership and command training and 
mentoring training completed by the 
pilot, with that certificate holder, after 
April 27, 2017, and prior to April 27, 
2020, toward all or part of the training 
required by paragraph (a) of this sec-

(2) In granting credit for the training 

required by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion, the Administrator may consider 
training aids, devices, methods, and 
procedures used by the certificate hold-
er in voluntary leadership and com-
mand and mentoring instruction. 

[Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10925, Feb. 25, 2020] 

Subpart O—Crewmember 


§ 121.431 Applicability. 

(a) This subpart: 
(1) Prescribes crewmember qualifica-

tions for all certificate holders except 
where otherwise specified; and 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.432 

(2) Permits training center personnel 

authorized under part 142 of this chap-
ter who meet the requirements of 
§§ 121.411 through 121.414 to provide 
training, testing, and checking under 
contract or other arrangement to those 
persons subject to the requirements of 
this subpart. 

(b) For the purpose of this subpart, 

the airplane groups and terms and defi-
nitions prescribed in § 121.400 and the 
following definitions apply: 


is the process by which 

a person through practice and practical 
experience increases proficiency in 
newly acquired knowledge and skills. 

Line operating flight time 

is flight time 

performed in operations under this 

Operating cycle 

is a complete flight 

segment consisting of a takeoff, climb, 
enroute portion, descent, and a land-

[Doc. No. 10171, 36 FR 12284, June 30, 1971, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–250, 60 FR 65949, Dec. 
20, 1995; Amdt. 121–248, 60 FR 20869, Apr. 27, 
1995; Amdt. 121–250, 60 FR 65949, Dec. 20, 1995; 
Amdt. 121–259, 61 FR 34561, July 2, 1996; 
Amdt. 121–263, 62 FR 13791, Mar. 21, 1997; 
Docket FAA–2010–0100, Amdt. 121–365B, 81 FR 
2, Jan. 4, 2016; Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10925, 
Feb. 25, 2020] 

§ 121.432 General. 

(a) Except in the case of operating 

experience under § 121.434 and ground 
training for mentoring required by 
§§ 121.419, 121.420, 121.427, and 121.429, as 
applicable, a pilot who serves as second 
in command of an operation that re-
quires three or more pilots must be 
fully qualified to act as pilot in com-
mand of that operation. 

(b) No certificate holder may conduct 

a check or any training in operations 
under this part, except for the fol-
lowing checks and training required by 
this part or the certificate holder: 

(1) Line checks for pilots. 
(2) Flight engineer checks (except for 

emergency procedures), if the person 
being checked is qualified and current 
in accordance with § 121.453(a). 

(3) Flight attendant training and 

competence checks. 

(c) Except for pilot line checks and 
flight engineer flight checks, the per-

son being trained or checked may not 
be used as a required crewmember. 

[Doc. No. 9509, 35 FR 95, Jan. 3, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–130, 41 FR 47229, Oct. 
28, 1976; Amdt. 121–366, 78 FR 67840, Nov. 12, 
2013; Amdt. 121–382, 85 FR 10925, Feb. 25, 2020] 

§ 121.433 Training required. 


Initial training. 

No certificate 

holder may use any person nor may 
any person serve as a required crew-
member on an airplane unless that per-
son has satisfactorily completed, in a 
training program approved under sub-
part N of this part, initial ground and 
flight training for that type airplane 
and for the particular crewmember po-
sition, except as follows: 

(1) Crewmembers who have qualified 

and served as a crewmember on an-
other type airplane of the same group 
may serve in the same crewmember ca-
pacity upon completion of transition 
training as provided in § 121.415. 

(2) Crewmembers who have qualified 

and served as second in command or 
flight engineer on a particular type air-
plane may serve as pilot in command 
or second in command, respectively, 
upon completion of upgrade or conver-
sion training, as applicable, for that 
airplane as provided in § 121.415. 


Differences training. 

No certificate 

holder may use any person nor may 
any person serve as a required crew-
member on an airplane of a type for 
which differences training is included 
in the certificate holder’s approved 
training program unless that person 
has satisfactorily completed, with re-
spect to both the crewmember position 
and the particular variation of the air-
plane in which the person serves, either 
initial or transition ground and flight 
training, or differences training, as 
provided in § 121.415. 


Recurrent training. 

(1) No certifi-

cate holder may use any person nor 
may any person serve as a required 
crewmember on an airplane unless, 
within the preceding 12 calendar 

(i) For flight crewmembers, the per-

son has satisfactorily completed recur-
rent ground and flight training for that 
airplane and crewmember position and 
a flight check as applicable; 

(ii) For flight attendants and dis-

patchers, the person has satisfactorily