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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.485 

not segregate those operations between 
this subpart and part 117. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2009–1093, 77 FR 403, Jan. 4, 
2012, as amended by Docket No. FAA–2022– 
1563; Amdt. No. 121–390, 88 FR 48090, July 26, 

§ 121.481 Flight time limitations: One 

or two pilot crews. 

(a) A certificate holder conducting 

flag operations may schedule a pilot to 
fly in an airplane that has a crew of 
one or two pilots for eight hours or less 
during any 24 consecutive hours with-
out a rest period during these eight 

(b) If a certificate holder conducting 

flag operations schedules a pilot to fly 
more than eight hours during any 24 
consecutive hours, it shall give him an 
intervening rest period, at or before 
the end of eight scheduled hours of 
flight duty. This rest period must be at 
least twice the number of hours flown 
since the preceding rest period, but not 
less than eight hours. The certificate 
holder shall relieve that pilot of all 
duty with it during that rest period. 

(c) Each pilot who has flown more 

than eight hours during 24 consecutive 
hours must be given at least 18 hours of 
rest before being assigned to any duty 
with the certificate holder. 

(d) No pilot may fly more than 32 

hours during any seven consecutive 
days, and each pilot must be relieved 
from all duty for at least 24 consecu-
tive hours at least once during any 
seven consecutive days. 

(e) No pilot may fly as a member of 

a crew more than 100 hours during any 
one calendar month. 

(f) No pilot may fly as a member of a 

crew more than 1,000 hours during any 
12-calendar-month period. 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19217, Dec. 31, 1964; 30 
FR 3639, Mar. 19, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 
121–253, 61 FR 2612, Jan. 26, 1996] 

§ 121.483 Flight time limitations: Two 

pilots and one additional flight 


(a) No certificate holder conducting 

flag operations may schedule a pilot to 
fly, in an airplane that has a crew of 
two pilots and at least one additional 
flight crewmember, for a total of more 
than 12 hours during any 24 consecutive 

(b) If a pilot has flown 20 or more 

hours during any 48 consecutive hours 
or 24 or more hours during any 72 con-
secutive hours, he must be given at 
least 18 hours of rest before being as-
signed to any duty with the air carrier. 
In any case, he must be given at least 
24 consecutive hours of rest during any 
seven consecutive days. 

(c) No pilot may fly as a flight crew-

member more than— 

(1) 120 hours during any 30 consecu-

tive days; 

(2) 300 hours during any 90 consecu-

tive days; or 

(3) 1,000 hours during any 12-calendar- 

month period. 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19217, Dec. 31, 1964; 30 
FR 3639, Mar. 19, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 
121–253, 61 FR 2612, Jan. 26, 1996] 

§ 121.485 Flight time limitations: Three 

or more pilots and an additional 
flight crewmember. 

(a) Each certificate holder con-

ducting flag operations shall schedule 
its flight hours to provide adequate 
rest periods on the ground for each 
pilot who is away from his base and 
who is a pilot on an airplane that has 
a crew of three or more pilots and an 
additional flight crewmember. It shall 
also provide adequate sleeping quarters 
on the airplane whenever a pilot is 
scheduled to fly more than 12 hours 
during any 24 consecutive hours. 

(b) The certificate holder conducting 

flag operations shall give each pilot, 
upon return to his base from any flight 
or series of flights, a rest period that is 
at least twice the total number of 
hours he flew since the last rest period 
at his base. During the rest period re-
quired by this paragraph, the air car-
rier may not require him to perform 
any duty for it. If the required rest pe-
riod is more than seven days, that part 
of the rest period in excess of seven 
days may be given at any time before 
the pilot is again scheduled for flight 
duty on any route. 

(c) No pilot may fly as a flight crew-

member more than— 

(1) 350 hours during any 90 consecu-

tive days; or