Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.505
Subpart S—Flight Time Limitations:
Supplemental Operations
: Docket No. 6258, 29 FR 19218, Dec.
31, 1964; 30 FR 3639, Mar. 19, 1965, unless oth-
erwise noted.
§ 121.500 Applicability.
This subpart prescribes flight time
limitations and rest requirements for
supplemental all-cargo operations, ex-
cept that:
(a) Certificate holders conducting op-
erations with aircraft having a pas-
senger seat configuration of 30 seats or
fewer, excluding each crewmember
seat, and a payload capacity of 7,500
pound or less, may comply with the ap-
plicable requirements of §§ 135.261
through 135.273 of this chapter.
(b) A certificate holder may apply
the flightcrew member flight time and
duty limitations and requirements of
part 117 of this chapter. A certificate
holder may choose to apply part 117 to
(1) All-cargo operations conducted
under contract to a U.S. Government
(2) All-cargo operations not con-
ducted under contract to a U.S. Gov-
ernment agency,
(3) A certificate holder may elect to
treat operations in paragraphs (b)(1)
and (b)(2) of this section differently
but, once having decided to conduct
those operations under part 117, may
not segregate those operations between
this subpart and part 117.
[Doc. No. FAA–2009–1093, 77 FR 403, Jan. 4,
2012, as amended by Docket No. FAA–2022–
1563; Amdt. No. 121–390, 88 FR 48090, July 26,
§ 121.503 Flight time limitations: Pi-
lots: airplanes.
(a) A certificate holder conducting
supplemental operations may schedule
a pilot to fly in an airplane for eight
hours or less during any 24 consecutive
hours without a rest period during
those eight hours.
(b) Each pilot who has flown more
than eight hours during any 24 con-
secutive hours must be given at least
16 hours of rest before being assigned
to any duty with the certificate holder.
(c) Each certificate holder con-
ducting supplemental operations shall
relieve each pilot from all duty for at
least 24 consecutive hours at least once
during any seven consecutive days.
(d) No pilot may fly as a crewmember
in air transportation more than 100
hours during any 30 consecutive days.
(e) No pilot may fly as a crewmember
in air transportation more than 1,000
hours during any calendar year.
(f) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of
this section, the certificate holder
may, in conducting a transcontinental
nonstop flight, schedule a flight crew-
member for more than eight but not
more than 10 hours of continuous duty
aloft without an intervening rest pe-
riod, if—
(1) The flight is in an airplane with a
pressurization system that is operative
at the beginning of the flight;
(2) The flight crew consists of at least
two pilots and a flight engineer; and
(3) The certificate holder uses, in
conducting the operation, an air/
ground communication service that is
independent of systems operated by the
United States, and a dispatch organiza-
tion, both of which are approved by the
Administrator as adequate to serve the
terminal points concerned.
[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19218, Dec. 31, 1964; 30
FR 3639, Mar. 19, 1965, as amended by Amdt.
121–253, 61 FR 2613, Jan. 26, 1996]
§ 121.505 Flight time limitations: Two
pilot crews: airplanes.
(a) If a certificate holder conducting
supplemental operations schedules a
pilot to fly more than eight hours dur-
ing any 24 consecutive hours, it shall
give him an intervening rest period at
or before the end of eight scheduled
hours of flight duty. This rest period
must be at least twice the number of
hours flown since the preceding rest pe-
riod, but not less than eight hours. The
certificate holder conducting supple-
mental operations shall relieve that
pilot of all duty with it during that
rest period.
(b) No pilot of an airplane that has a
crew of two pilots may be on duty for
more than 16 hours during any 24 con-
secutive hours.
[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19218, Dec. 31, 1964; 30
FR 3639, Mar. 19, 1965, as amended by Amdt.
121–253, 61 FR 2613, Jan. 26, 1996]