14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.507
§ 121.507 Flight time limitations: Three
pilot crews: airplanes.
(a) No certificate holder conducting
supplemental operations may schedule
a pilot—
(1) For flight deck duty in an air-
plane that has a crew of three pilots for
more than eight hours in any 24 con-
secutive hours; or
(2) To be aloft in an airplane that has
a crew of three pilot for more than 12
hours in any 24 consecutive hours.
(b) No pilot of an airplane that has a
crew of three pilots may be on duty for
more than 18 hours in any 24 consecu-
tive hours.
[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19218, Dec. 31, 1964; 30
FR 3639, Mar. 19, 1965, as amended by Amdt.
121–253, 61 FR 2613, Jan. 26, 1996]
§ 121.509 Flight time limitations: Four
pilot crews: airplanes.
(a) No certificate holder conducting
supplemental operations may schedule
a pilot—
(1) For flight deck duty in an air-
plane that has a crew of four pilots for
more than eight hours in any 24 con-
secutive hours; or
(2) To be aloft in an airplane that has
a crew of four pilots for more than 16
hours in any 24 consecutive hours.
(b) No pilot of an airplane that has a
crew of four pilots may be on duty for
more than 20 hours in any 24 consecu-
tive hours.
[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19218, Dec. 31, 1964; 30
FR 3639, Mar. 19, 1965, as amended by Amdt.
121–253, 61 FR 2613, Jan. 26, 1996]
§ 121.511 Flight time limitations:
Flight engineers: airplanes.
(a) In any operation in which one
flight engineer is serving the flight
time limitations in §§ 121.503 and 121.505
apply to that flight engineer.
(b) In any operation in which more
than one flight engineer is serving and
the flight crew contains more than two
pilots the flight time limitations in
§ 121.509 apply in place of those in
§ 121.505.
§ 121.513 Flight time limitations: Over-
seas and international operations:
In place of the flight time limita-
tions in §§ 121.503 through 121.511, a cer-
tificate holder conducting supple-
mental operations may elect to comply
with the flight time limitations of
§§ 121.515 and 121.521 through 121.525 for
operations conducted—
(a) Between a place in the 48 contig-
uous States and the District of Colum-
bia, or Alaska, and any place outside
(b) Between any two places outside
the 48 contiguous States, the District
of Columbia, and Alaska; or
(c) Between two places within the
State of Alaska or the State of Hawaii.
[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19218, Dec. 31, 1964; 30
FR 3639, Mar. 19, 1965, as amended by Amdt.
121–253, 61 FR 2613, Jan. 26, 1996]
§ 121.515 Flight time limitations: All
airmen: airplanes.
No airman may be aloft as a flight
crewmember more than 1,000 hours in
any 12-calendar-month period.
§ 121.517 Flight time limitations: Other
commercial flying: airplanes.
No airman who is employed by a cer-
tificate holder conducting supple-
mental operations may do any other
commercial flying, if that commercial
flying plus his flying in operations
under this part will exceed any flight
time limitation in this part.
[Doc. No. 28154, 61 FR 2613, Jan. 26, 1996]
§ 121.519 Flight time limitations:
Deadhead transportation: airplanes.
Time spent by an airman in deadhead
transportation to or from a duty as-
signment is not considered to be part
of any rest period.
§ 121.521 Flight time limitations: Crew
of two pilots and one additional air-
man as required.
(a) No certificate holder conducting
supplemental operations may schedule
an airman to be aloft as a member of
the flight crew in an airplane that has
a crew of two pilots and at least one
additional flight crewmember for more
than 12 hours during any 24 consecutive
(b) If an airman has been aloft as a
member of a flight crew for 20 or more
hours during any 48 consecutive hours
or 24 or more hours during any 72 con-
secutive hours, he must be given at
least 18 hours of rest before being as-
signed to any duty with the certificate